This is brilliant.

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I’m changing my 6 figure tech job to become an overworked mental health counselor. I’m childless and will always stay that way. Instead I will be working diligently to help heal those kids from all those abusive parents that really didn’t want any kids, just got them because they thought god wanted them to procreate. As well as those kids that are abused because they aren’t what their parents think their god wants them to be (cis). As well as kids from other people, that are abused, bullied and oppressed by those same “god fearing” wypipo simply because of the color of their skin. But go ahead Jelly Dick Vance, tell me again how I’m worthless trash because I don’t have kids of my own… really makes me want to vote for you (fucking not, oh hell no not in a million years, it’s bad enough I simply know of you, let alone vote for you)

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You ignorant leftist, you know nothing outside of your tech bubble. No, you stay in your tech job where all you can fuck up is some AI programming or something; what a fucking bigoted atheist you are. The world is blessed that you never procreated. Your pejorative stereotypes of people who have had children is way beyond and off base from JD’s unfortunate childless cat lady comment ( which definitely applies at times, my sister being one, and I think speaks to women who chased career and belatedly either recognized they waited too long or were barking (or meowing) up the wrong tree as their biologic clock timed out.

You do know that in your dotage you are going to have to depend on the children of those you so mercilessly disparage. I hope for your sake they are kinder hearted than you are.

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Looks like you’re definitely one of those toxic and abusive people I was referring to. Or you wouldn’t have responded, definitely not this triggered and immediately swearing and name calling. Good job exposing yourself right away 👍🏼

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Boy, did he ever. 😏😎

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Yeah, he’s been flying his freak flag quite a bit on this piece.

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Eff you both

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I guess I hit a nerve & right on target. I still pray that you are cared for by people who are more caring than your bigoted cold heart.

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Nice, projection there doc. How are you even a doctor? You go around hating on people and wanting to hurt others so badly, what happened to the code of ethics? This asinine and bordering insane behavior can only mean one of three things: you’re either a malignant narcissist, you have a tumor that’s pushing up to the “be an out of control jerk” part of your brain, or you’ve been an adderall or coke user for a tad bit too long. Doesn’t matter which of the three; you need help, desperately.

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Eff You both

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You natalists trot out the same cliches every time. In the real world children don’t always take care of their parents.

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Yeah, and in the real world most childless by choice people don’t give a rip either and die lonely and miserable. Natalists? What the hell is that a synonym for the homosexual pejorative ‘breeders’ for normal people doing the necessary hard work of raising families to carry on the culture and the human race? Speak of useless eaters, while I don’t consider anyone a useless eater, those two pejoratives certainly betray those attitudes towards people procreating.

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I was once childless and I voted. Then I had children and I still voted. My kids are childless at the moment and they vote. If they have kids, they’ll still vote. Vance thinks having children is a barometer of how you’ll vote? Hahahaha. I’ve voted Blue pretty much my whole life. Having kids didn’t change a thing. Idiot.

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Well if you have voted blue your whole life, then I guess you’re incapable of learning; either that or you are a government employee.

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You again, Dr. Roger Kimber, MD? Felicitations.

I guess you have interests other than sports physiology and women supposedly masquerading as men at the Olympics.

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Yup. I am into exposing the whole corrupt leftist woke enterprise as I have time and interest. Felicitations to you as well, 6 more literature characters, I am guessing, not confessing to multiple personality disorder syndrome or whatever we are calling it these days (dissociative identity disorder),

And it is men who think they are women, really think they are women because they looked like girls and now women on the outside, aka androgen insensitivity syndrome (which was discovered fortuitously by the IWBA strict protocols which embarrassed the WOKE and sloppy IOC, who has now gone after them on unrelated accusations (essentially ad hominem) which whether true or not does not invalidate what they found.) is my best guess absent better information. and though I haven't kept up it seemed like the 2 finalists seem to have the same syndrome whether I am correct in the diagnostic guess or not, making it more likely, but I have been busy with other stuff.

Yes, one of my current project is to expose the non-democratic Democrat party for the liars and frauds that they are.

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I said pretty much. That means I checked other parties out and voted differently. Lack of comprehension isn’t what I look for in an MD.

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You’re a furry? No judgment.

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What’s to comprehend?You said a lot of words, so does Kamala: sound and furry signifying nothing.

I speak as a former Democrat, btw, which one reason I am so hard on them.

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are you a former furry too?

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My apologies, I see that you are well lettered.

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Hasn’t given you a lick of sense, or maybe it is just that you’ve been California Dreaming for too long.

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Spelling: fury, as in Shakespeare (or don’t they teach that in government schools anymore?) sound and fury signifying nothing.

Not sure I know what a furry is, but since I went through puberty, I do have a pretty hairy torso.

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google is your enemy...if you are allergic to the internet. If not, don't bother me. Sheesh

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Thank you as always, kind readers. My longtime friend saw the article and wants to go public!


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Childless cat lady/children’s MH specialist here: thank you for this epic takedown.

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Brilliant. But if you look on Twitter you can see just how so many misogynist young men took JD at his word. They say that women who aren’t mothers are “less valuable”. A lot of people see a childless woman and think that they are failures, no matter what else they have done. Jordan Peterson is one example.

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Why aren't they less valuable all things created equal?

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“No matter what else they have done” - there are always opportunity costs.

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I like that!


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I am very fond of the "bull in a china shop with a firecracker up its ass" description. I was reading this at the barber's and very nearly scream laughed out loud. Brilliant takedown.

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A very entertaining and brilliant takedown of a loser by the name of Vance who has kissed the ring of Donald Trump a little too many times and will say anything to endear him to MAGAts, but he will take Trump down in November and the Orange Turd will have him to thank. The election will be determined by millions of "childless cat ladies" who will vote for Kamala.

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Your lips to God's ears, my dear friend. And another thing that hit me three seconds after I sent in the essay--Jesus of Nazareth was "childless."

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This is really funny to read now. You made my day. Thanks!

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So did Kamala blow you as well, or are you just looking for the 4th term of Barry the magic Negro with the nice crease in his pants?

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I just knew you were an asshole!

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I am taking that as a yes to both.

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Just wow! Nailed it!

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A pleasure to read.

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The “Hillbilly Eulogy” joke was kind of obvious. 🤔😉😊

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PS your friend sounds like an incredible person!

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Thank You Rich

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Strange and creepy guy!

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Ol' JD sure hit a nerve, didn't he? After all these decades of listening to comfortable, upper middle class liberals with no children saying what's best for children when they don't have the faintest idea of what they are talking about, it's no surprise someone with kids would say something like that.

BTW, it was said as a joke, not something to be taken literally, but I know you won't care about that.

You Democults(and I used to be a Democrat before Bill Clinton turned the party into one Ronald Reagan would have approved of, so I goddamned well have the RIGHT to say that) just parrot what you're told by your high priests in the Party and the media now, couched with a lot of polysyllabic words to show off your education and make you appear more intelligent than you really are.

The truth is that all of you are as gullible as a bunch of fundamentalist Christians at a televangelists' megachurch. Perhaps that is the price for having nothing to do with religion, for now you don't even realize it when the same tricks of that old con are played on you.

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