Alex, keep up the good work you are doing. One day Americans will wake up and appreciate the truth you bring (and are being punished for it). You are a brave man. They cannot shut your voice forever. There is always another way.

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He tells the truth you don't want to hear.

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Coming to comment on this 1 year later. I hadn't listened to Alex Berenson before but the recent Joe Rogan show he was very clear and articulate. He believes that vaccines have helped elderly but had very little effect on younger people. He believes that vaccine side-effects were not properly investigated. And he asks the important question – why all cause mortality in Europe is 10% above the norm? All very important questions for a journalist.

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It says right in your link that vaccines have killed over 7,000 people according to VAERS (CDC). Your headline reads: vaccines have not conclusively killed anybody.

And yet you complain about incomplete, cherry picked data to make his points.

Hello Pot, kettle here...

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How is that myocarditis from your "vaccine" aka experimental genetic therapy treating you? Imbecile Leftist buffoon.

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That you equate being pro vaccine with being Left wing is a telling sign of your extremely limited intellectual capacity:


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Derek Thompson was the one who wrote that Georgia was about to conduct an experiment in human sacrifice. How did that turn out? Yet you quote him as an expert? Let’s not forget all those people a year ago fawning over New York Andrew Cuomo. Berenson wasn’t one of them. How much money did Cuomo make?

I would think liberals would be a little suspicious about vaccines rushed through considering how many medications that last few decades have proven to have nasty side effects that turn up years later. Maybe these won’t. But instead they are taking the lead in suppressing an exchange of information about them and the effectiveness of masks

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Lots of highly educated, well-off people--some liberals, some conservatives--I know have become the staunchest anti-vaxxers and related consipiracy theorists. One is a prominent attorney. They revel in a false world of naturopathic, homeopathic, and chiropractic pseudo-science. Of course, they're comfortably protected from any harsh realities--and as soon as they have a problem, they run to conventional doctors.

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Not unusual! An interesting paper concluded that rather than leading to a common frame for public debate on complex issues, the internet had helped create polarization. One example - the most ardent climate change skeptics were well-educated people with internet access and time to use it. Turns out that there is science out there for everyone, if you cherry-pick hard enough.

It makes me think the explanation for Berenson's grifting is incomplete. Yes, he gets paid through his book deals, but your acquaintances are anti-vax for free.

Berenson's claim to fame came as a fierce contrarian journalist (from the surprisingly sympathetic Ben Smith profile linked in this piece.) There is clearly appeal to believing to have pierced the official lies for the *real* truth. In my lifetime that goes as far back as "Who killed JFK", the Vietnam War and Watergate. And the skeptics were right on two of those three. At least!

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Hilarious article and comments on it that have not aged well! Its Sept and Israel is already planning their 4th bonus shot and Pfizer is coming up with a daily pill... At what point are you COVID vaccine cultists (who I have noticed are getting angrier and more cultistly devoted to your vaccines!) going to realize and admit:

1) Your sacred COVID vaccines don't work any better than a rabbit's foot or Virgin Mary statue?

2) You have been completely fooled/gaslighted by big pharma/media etc?

Good luck with ALL of your bonus shots and your daily COVID pills :)

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Great work Alex! Unlike the rest of the journalists that don't have balls to report the truth, and instead want to keep fear mongering, you have courage to do what's right.

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When you only get one side of the story by the media and social media and the failed Biden Administration then your lost. No alternative medicines and zero Doctors and researchers that have a different opinion and or even facts than what the socialists are pushing they are censored and not allowed to speak. Which is B.S. we are losing our rights and you haters have no clue except what you have been fed are lies by the LEFT! Biden is a piece of crap and everyone knows it. God Bless America and may he strike down this corrupt anti America administration quickly.

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Please!!!! Biden and his entire administration are nowhere near being Leftist or Socialists. They are fascist corporate warmongers just like the Republicans. Both Democrats and Republicans are totally controlled by the Military Industrial Complex, and both hate leftists and socialists who have never ever had any power in the U.S. government. But the MIC sure likes to use social issues and falsely paint people & groups as sinister just to divide the us and keep everyone from noticing the real evil in America and the world, the Military Industrial Complex. The same MIC that Republican President Eisenhower warned the people about in 1960.

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Author should be ashamed of themselves

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"Pat" and "Chris" participated in the Pfizer Comirnaty trial. Pat got the vaccine while Chris got the placebo (until Pfizer stopped the trial)

Which person is more likely to be alive today?

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Pfizer stopped their vaccine trial when some adverse problems were noticed. They abruptly notified those in the placebo group which ended any value in the trials continuing! Then they ignored follow-up of the vaccinated! So, there were never any real trials to demonstrate that the vaccines were safe. Pharma, CDC and the Corporate have deliberately ignored the 1000% increase Vaers covid-19 vaccine injuries compared to all other vaccines of the past 20+years. But the government gave Pharma liability immunity from the experimental vaccines. Eventually, the "approved" vaccines had no liability immunity! So, guess which vaccine Pfizer continued to use during all the mandates! They used their preplanned large experimental vaccine stockpile! https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data and https://progressiveissuesblog.com/2021/08/12/coronavirus-covid-19-research-history-index/

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Its pretty sad how people don't want to know the truth and or run from the truth because it does not fit their agenda. We are watching a President of the US. lie to us every day and who has no clue as to what the hell he is saying, thinking or doing. Everything this clown touches is a total disaster, failure, total disarray and chaos. He is owned by China, Russia, and he and his son and family are dirtier than hell. The media is not reporting the truth and the Democrats are lying worthless pieces of garbage. Whatever they say Trump is doing or the Republicans, you can be assured you can spin that 180 degrees and that is what they the corrupt and failed socialistic communists are doing. Period. Wake up people this has been going on for a long time. They were colluding with Russia, not Trump and that has been proven but you haters don't want to know that. The investigation from Durham has proven this. Wake the hell up cause our county is being destroyed by the Democrats. Wide open borders, yes, they are. Hypocrites and liars the democrats are.

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The tweet thread you refer to whereby Berenson "He has blamed the vaccines for suppressing our immune systems, by misrepresenting normal immune-system behavior" has this bit included:

"Would love immunologists or virologists to chime in on whether these changes may be in any way clinically meaningful (feel free to email me at alexberensonauthor at protonmail if you're shy)"

...so not sure where you get the conclusion that he's stating definitively that the vaccines are causing *meaningful* immune system suppression.

If Berenson is a 'covid denying' individual, why did he predict 600k deaths from it, as you state in the article?

Astra Zeneca and JnJ have been pulled from the market while they study adverse effects; that wasn't Berenson's doing. I have no idea whether those actions were necessary but it does make Berenson's caution more sound, not less.

It is possible he has talked himself into a corner regarding the efficacy of the mRNA vaccines-- but he is not anti-vax, not in general and not even with regard to the covid vaccines. He's said that on balance, someone over the age of 70 should probably get the vaccine based on the risk from covid vs adverse effects. But for those under, say, 50 who are in good health then the risk / reward isn't a slam dunk. Given the Astra Zeneca and JnJ news, is it possible he's onto something?

The article states "When lockdowns and masks work to curb the spread of covid"-- but is this shown to be correct at all? Sweden has very low mask usage and never locked down in a meaningful way, and their death rate is below that of the US and UK.

Before someone points out Norway and Finland, please note that Stockholm is larger than any city in those countries, and indeed, Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest city, is nearly as large as Oslo.

As for the US, Florida schools have been universally open since September and the lockdowns lifted then as well. How has 'open' FL done vs, say New York or California since then?

Regarding lockdowns and masks: In the early days of the Pandemic Germany was held out as a model 'lockdown' state. That ended in November when cases spiked, and they're now just behind the rest of Europe in deaths per million. In fact, they started requiring N95 masks this past January and it made no difference whatsoever to the case load.

Finally, regarding the efficacy of masks I'll point out the Danish mask study published (belatedly) this past November, an RCT of 5000 people which showed no statistical significance in wearing masks vs not.

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Re: "If Berenson is a 'covid denying' individual, why did he predict 600k deaths from it, as you state in the article?"

I'm stuck and just can't find that in the article. I do find a link to a an article noting that last October Berenson got 'dragged' on Twitter for mocking an IHME forecast of 500,000 deaths by spring.


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The 600,000 number came from one of his pamphlets; can't recall which offhand at the moment.

I believe at the time of the October 'dragging' he had said 250k was a decent approximation of the 'with' vs 'from' deaths from Covid (still an open debate.) My guess is he probably thinks that of the 600k, half of that is directly from Covid, so 300k 'primary cause' deaths from Covid.

An awful number, but the 1969 Hong Kong flu is estimated to have killed ~100k U.S. citizens, which would be about twice that today.

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Fair enough, thanks.

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no conscience! i do not understand this type

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