To the people who are mad at this writer, methinks it was written in jest. Because it is so utterly and completely ridiculous and over the top. Looks like obvious humor writing to me. No?

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Yes, it's satire :)

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You’re a good man. I plan on giving too. My middle finger and a loud “told you so”.

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Protecting the unfit is how we got here. Let them suffer, hope they die.

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Silliest thing I read in years. It’s a political war. You don’t win by saving your opponent. If you think that progressive ideas are helpful why would you shield these low information voters from their actions. You are not a serious thinker.

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What a fantastic column. Love your style!

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Rolling stone protest songs

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I just don’t understand what on earth anyone could possibly have against Social Security and membership in the World Health Organization.

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I shall give them my tears, and keep my cash.

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I truly hope it doesn’t come to this. But in case it does, and even though my means are infinitely less than yours, I’ll be right there with you till the end.

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Oh yeah, thank you! You voted for AOC?

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I am so touched by your sacrificial spirit, I am emptying my bank of “thoughts and prayers” for all MagaDonians.

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Oh I get it! Sarcasm!

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That was fun and tragic for me to read. I resemble much of the struggle: having integrity while watching the world lose theirs. Either enjoy the show or join the circus

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This man has a career as a Democratic politician awaiting him.

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Why? There are three types of people.

1. The ones who learn from someone else’s mistakes. 2. The ones who learn from their own. 3. The ones who never learn.

No 2 types need to realize what cage they put themselves into. No 3 are hopeless.

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