by Rich Herschlag
Now that former and somewhat defiant Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has publicly compared Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler, it’s open season for führer
discussions. For many years in the U.S. following World War II frank discussion of the Holocaust was taboo, and school children were largely shielded from the topic. A couple of decades down the road—thanks to Eli Wiesel, the Anti-Defamation League, countless survivors speaking out, and even to a degree Mel Brooks’ dark comedy The Producers—
we moved beyond the “too soon” stage and into an era of much closer scrutiny of Hitler, Nazism, and anti-Semitism in general.
The byproduct of this more enlightened era was the rise of Holocaust deniers, who gradually penetrated deep into the toxic cluster of right wing movements most conveniently identified over the past several years as MAGA. Today, however, we have entered a new post-World War II phase, one where the time is finally ripe to ask without a trace of sarcasm, How would Hitler poll in the U.S. today?
The answer: 46 percent for Hitler; 46 percent against Hitler; 8 percent undecided, unsure, don’t know, I’m in the middle of playing Candy Crush Saga right now. This poll was performed scientifically by calling random numbers from my cell phone while high as a kite on CBD+THC oil. I kept track of the results using paper and pencil and that thing where you make a diagonal line through four chicken scratches every time you reach five, and by ignoring respondents with a burner phone who asked how much meth I was looking to buy.
But the most informative result of the survey was not the statistical outcome but rather the variety of comments, opinions, and explanations given by respondents, ultimately providing a great deal of depth and nuance otherwise possibly lost in the translation that is modern number crunching. Here are just a few of those comments.
I agree with Hitler’s positions on the issues but I wish he’d tone down some of the rhetoric. We may need someone more electable.
Hitler is a good man but I wonder if at this point he’s too old. At 134 his age may be a factor. There are plenty of young Nazis coming up in the ranks who deserve a fair shot.
Is he the guy who made the trains run on time?
The more they accuse him of these horrible things the more I support him.
The Deep State people have demonized him because he’s a threat to their power.
A friend of Elon Musk’s is a friend of mine.
I heard he’s fighting a worldwide child prostitution ring.
Finally, someone who will put the Third Reich first!
At least he’s younger than Biden.
World War II was staged. The Holocaust was a hoax. Hitler blew the whistle on the George Soros funded lab in China that created coronavirus.
Himmler is really more my type.
He needs some grooming. Maybe VP in 2024 and then see what happens.
The problem is he wasn’t born here. Then again, neither was Barack Obama.
He’s in my top three. It depends on how things go with Ron DeSantis. I feel Hitler is very strong on book burning and killing Jews, but where is he on the Enbridge pipeline?
The Battle of the Bulge was rigged.
He shipped a lot of undesirables to far away cities, so maybe he should run for Governor of Florida.
I’m waiting to see who Tucker Carlson endorses.
We ran into him in a D.C. pizza store. He was actually very nice and signed my kid’s Commanders jersey.
Where does he stand on the wall?
He needs to do something with that hair.
Yes. Because he’ll stand up to Macron.
One word—family values.
First I need to see him sit down with Sean Hannity.
Let’s see how he does in the debate.
I think I’m going with Nikki Haley.
They should never have kicked him off of Twitter.
Hitler—Boebert 2028!
Hitler’s heart is in the right place but I don’t know if he’s the man for the job at this point.
Yes, absolutely. Because Simon Cowell was very rude to him.
As soon as his name was tossed in the ring the left started spreading rumors he was a Nazi.
I think he needs to do a season of The Bachelor first.
Is he an influencer?
I saw him on Dancing with the Stars and I thought he did a hell of a jig.
For President, maybe. For Speaker, definitely.
I would vote for him, but I wouldn’t want to have a beer with him.
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This can only be described as poorly timed, given the roaring wave of antisemitism that’s convulsing university campuses and cities across America. These latter-day Nuremberg rallies strongly indicate that the real fascist threat is on the Left.
If that makes you nauseous, you must be on anti-nausea medication. If the rightwing and the fake LSM do not make you throw up with the constant lie then you not nausea. How can anyone follow a man that half way kill them in the cold where they cannot, park there poor cars. And how can the crazies still follow him when he has told them how he feels. Now that is nauseous.