That polls are as close as they are is absolutely horrifying to me, and it is such an indictment (there's that word again) of voters in this country that they are (so close). Here's the sad fact: About 40% of the voters in this country are going to support him no matter what. Where we see hatred, bigotry, indictments and obvious criminality, they see those same things as virtues. He only has to get a small percentage of independents in order to win the upcoming election, and given the Republicans' huge structural advantage in the Electoral College, that number isn't high at all--it's really just a few voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin. You can probably add Nevada to that list as well.

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My comment is always…..what polls? Just received an email showing what you said. In this email under 2000 registered voters (nationwide) were polled. How can that possibly project anything? I have been voting for over 60 years (almost always democrat) and I have never been polled. I was an election worker for a few years and I was never polled. So what is this being based on? And a current comment from The hill says republicans believe the healthier 77 year old will beat the unhealthy 80 year old. Give me a break. Please take a stand about these polls.

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Slight word of note: in 2018, they lost the House substantially but the GOP triumphed in the Senate, flipping four seats held by incumbent Democrats in ND, MO, IN and FL, with Dems flipping two seats in AZ and NV. This is a big problem: if we can’t compete in more major states in the senate, we’re doomed as a country.

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“Clean Up the Poo Poo”

—Nancy Pelosi, responding to the wreckage of the Capitol rioters, in footage taken from a secure location on Jan. 6

Here we are years later still cleaning up the poo poo of the Donald Trump shit show. Apologies for my salty language.

I hope and pray every day we come out clean on the other side like Andy Dufresne did in The Shawshank Redemption after crawling through a river of shit to escape his false imprisonment.

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Aug 4, 2023
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Please separate the MAGA political performers from their audience who are being lied to and grifted upon daily. Time to engage with MAGA citizens and have open and honest conversations with them or game over for our country.

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Sure, some small portion are truly fooled lacking some capacity that prevents things being otherwise. But most are eager little MAGAists, knowingly ignoring (or relishing) all of the lawlessness Trump and they are able to engage in.

These committed MAGAs will not respond to "open and honest conversations". And standing around singing Kumbaya waiting for them to join in is suicidal. THAT would be game over for our country.

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Most have been fooled I am sorry to say. Most listen to only right wing radio and TV news. And if you did the same you would think very differently about our country. They are not knowingly doing anything other than listening to the politicians they voted for. That is the million dollar question how do we get honest information to half the country who is hearing nothing but dishonest reporting. So instead of reaching out to them we call them stupid and losers all day long on social media.

In the first Rocky movie, at his initial press conference before his upcoming fight with Apollo Creed, Rocky was mocked as being stupid, which he brushed off to Pauly. But what he shared afterward with Adrian, his girlfriend, told a different story.

Rocky: “You know how I said that stuff on television didn't bother me none?”

Adrian: “Yes.”

Rocky: “It did.”

Calling other Americans stupid doesn’t solve anything. It only furthers the divide. And they’re listening, by the way.

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“They are not knowingly doing anything other than listening to the politicians they voted for.”

If they used even the most minimal amount of brain power, they would see the contradictions in what they are being told. They would recognize that what they’re being told isn’t what they’re seeing with their own eyes.

But they refuse to do that, because they don’t want to. They are being told what they want to hear. They are being told what they want to be true. That it’s OK for them to be racist, to be homophobic, to violently overthrow elections when they don’t get their way, to to call for the execution of politicians they disagree with(!!).

Your bleeding heart may find it offensive for us to call stupid people stupid, but I make no apology for speaking the truth.

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They are not doing anything other than listening to the politicians they voted for and the news sources they know to tune into. One needs outside information in order to create and debate critically. The first amendment is one of the greatest achievements in modern history but it is failing us without the guardrails of protections to stand up to FOX and Newsmax and the like to say no you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater, no you cannot lie to half this country all day and all night. If you never saw sunlight and lived in a dark dungeon you would have no idea light exists.

How can you mock Stephen Ayres, who testified before Congress at the January 6 hearings about participating in the insurrection, after you hear his story, see his regret, and know the humiliation and consequences he and his family are enduring? He believed Donald Trump and believed the terrible lies of how the election was stolen. He is a good and kind and caring man, and he made a terrible mistake and will pay for it for the rest of his life.

According to CBS News, Ayres, who appeared to be crying as he spoke, apologized to the court and the American people before his sentencing. "I pray every day for the officers that are struggling, with families that lost their loved ones," he said. "I just hope one day I can wake up and not have to live with it every day, because I do every day," he told the court.

I had dinner Friday night with a MAGA supporter. Nothing will get my dear friend's mother to not vote for Donald Trump again. She is beautiful, and kind, and accomplished and loving and we are going to a concert in the park this evening. Should I call her stupid? Should I walk away from her when her daughter is one of my closest and oldest friends and her granddaughter is one of my daughter's closest friends too? Of course not.

In America we all drive on the same roads, drink the same water, pay the same taxes, vacation on the same beaches, we are all alike and the minute you turn anyone into the "other" death and war will soon follow. History has never shown otherwise: a group of wealthy men need to convince the masses that the "other" is weak and stupid and filthy to get them to take up arms and fight a battle for their land and their riches.

I voted for my politicians to represent me not redirect me. I watch and listen to various news sources because I know to do that and so do you. They don't. They simply don't. Democrats have once again foolishly made this a battle of good versus evil. If it was that easy then Superman will be victorious over General Zod. Batman will defeat The Joker with his eyes closed. James Bond will vex Dr. No with some quick wit and a martini. But it is not a battle of good versus evil in America. It is not a battle of smart versus stupid in America. And the sooner we wake up and realize that the sooner we can save our precious fragile imperiled democracy.

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