People on the far right: We hate Jews because they’re not white!

People on the far left: We hate Jews because they’re white!

The one thing on which they agree: They hate us as Jews.

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Racism on the left is deeply embedded in college admissions, job applications, journalism, the arts, social media, law enforcement (so-called "progressive DAs"), healthcare, and government. It is a toxic illiberal movement that the progressives are guilty of picking up from the depths of academic left stupidity, making it mainstream, and injecting it into the lives of everyone, not just kooks who shouldn't have jobs as academics, and the violent children who are indoctrinated by them.

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These college pro-Palestine activists are protesting what is happening on the *other side of the world*. It is so annoying how social media has made all politics LOCAL. The protesters are creating problems everywhere and are becoming increasingly radicalized and irrational. I am disgusted by their anti-semitism and how Jews who have nothing to do with the conflict are being harassed. I don’t think I will ever feel the same about people again.

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Too simplistic. Most thinking people believe that Hamas are terrorists and that Netanyahu is a war criminal. Both can be correct. As well as that the Palestinian people are being killed and that most Israelis want peace. Thinking people recognize that Palestinians should have a state and that hard line Israeli governments refuse to negotiate. To gin it down serves no one

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There's an apt song called "White People for Peace" by Against Me! that somewhat applies here. I went to college at perhaps the most notorious school in the Vietnam Protest era -- Kent State -- and even though my years were more than a decade after the May 4th shooting, our campus plaza was constantly filled with angry students protesting this, that, and the other thing primarily because they wanted to cosplay the 1960's and 70's. The anger was cathartic, made them feel empowered and important, and it was a good excuse to skip out of class. I can't imagine Gorbachev ever saying, "hmmmm, I was going to invade Poland, but those scrappy kids at Kent State seem to be upset, so I better play it cool." Protesters recently shut down the main highway to the airport in Seattle, as if for a moment Bibi would catch wind of it and change his ways. I'm getting to the point where I'm no longer sympathetic to their cause and highly doubt any of them have a clue about how pre-war Gaza treated women, girls, LGBTQ, and non-Muslim citizens, let alone their affinity for Americans had any of those protesters ever decided to pop in for a visit. At the rate we're going with wealth gaps, global warming, pollution, brush fires, nuclear proliferation, fascism, racism, subjugating women, space debris, deregulation, industrial conglomeration, disinformation, terrorism, and global stupidification of the masses, mankind has at best 5-10 years left. May as well come together and hug it out before we all go the way of the old dinosaurs or New Monkees.

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I hate to admit that I’m seeing it too and because of Netanyahu’s scorched earth way of war it’s making life hard for Jews all over the world which they have no control over but are blamed for all the same.

I was recently attacked for posting an AP article about jewish persecution and was attacked by a Jewish person accusing me of antisemitism. It stated what American Jews were dealing with, but the guy attacking me I think was itching for a fight with anyone because there’s no way he read antisemite into what I posted.

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I’m still convinced that at least a good part of them really don’t give a shit about Palestine, for them it’s just an excuse to be antisemitic. They hate hate hate. They hate Biden even when he does what they’ve asked for and they hate Jews because they’re just like the far right.

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This could have been seen coming if you paid attention to Jeremy Corbyn and the English Labor party.

Antisemitism of an element of lefty activists has always just been just under the surface and I think is deeper than people realize. With the DEI party line of people into either being oppressor or oppressed and Jews being promoted to be being "white" , hence oppressors ,they became fair game. This is not going away and I fear how Trump will get elected.

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There are white and non-white Jews. Why do people forget to contextualize that? Is this deliberate?

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Imagine if these college protesters actually protested something that affects them, like the threat of a fascist autocratic party about to take over our nation.

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Extreme mirrors extreme. I’ve suspected for decades that folks who end up far left were raised in far right households and vice versa. There’s always a strand of similarity to their beliefs.

I mean, Trump’s entire 2016 campaign was about identity politics. Yet every time that pair of words came up, everyone kept looking at POCs. On both the left AND right.

As if WE started it.

That’s how you can tell the difference between oppressor and oppressed. Oppressors have the numbers to dictate the narrative. The oppressed don’t.

EOD, I’m afraid this is your burden to resolve. Let me know if you come up with anything because I’m hella tired of hearing about how BLM “burned down cities” in 2020.

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Nay. They both scare the hell out of me. This is not your grandparents peace movement.

They want the eradication of all Jews. Then Hamas and their like will turn them against western civilization. The pitchforks are all ready out.

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Don't. The fringe left has no hope of achieving state power. The right does. Stay focused.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Google Leonard Jeffries at Columbia in the 1990s. This shit isn’t new. And when you do, remember that he’s one of Hakeem Jeffries' relatives and mentors.

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…huh ?! …”anti-semitism”?!

…to speak up against regime of israel is not fucking anti-semitism, so many jews i know are against israeli government, just as myself, just stop this crap

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This propaganda line has been in development for years. And they are spoiled kids who can spend time on this "cause" because they don't have to work for a living or prepare to work for a living. I bet there aren't many engineering students out there. and most people at Ivy League schools come from privilieged backgrounds. And they aren't particularly nice to other minorities, which is why some high achieving black students are choosing HBCU over the Ivy League. Which Jared Kushner bought his way into.

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