Why? I don’t understand hating Jews. I’ve read everything in can find, every personal story I can find on the plight of the Jewish people and since finding out they’re hated and have been persecuted throughout Europe and Asia for 2,000+ years and can find no why. Why?
Throw stones at them during the day-borrow money from them at night.
Being blamed for every bad that happened from the black plague to somebody’s horse dying.
People asked? How did Hitler get away with putting Jews in ghettos, making them wear the star? Well my friend it’s because it was nothing new, it had been done throughout Europe, eastern and western for century’s, so it raised no red flags. People in Jewish communities weren’t allowed to buy or sell good items, only used, just one of the countless rules of the ghettos and this is before hitlers ghettos.
Before nazis invaded Poland Jews there were treated horribly, subject to pogroms out of the blue with no warning and after the war was over many who went back weren’t welcomed.
They had to have their own state. No question. The question is when will the wars stop. When will all live in peace and how will it happen?
Too simplistic. Most thinking people believe that Hamas are terrorists and that Netanyahu is a war criminal. Both can be correct. As well as that the Palestinian people are being killed and that most Israelis want peace. Thinking people recognize that Palestinians should have a state and that hard line Israeli governments refuse to negotiate. To gin it down serves no one
You immediately make several gross mistakes, which indicate that you, too, are captive to stereotypes and slogans.
First. Why did you decide that the Palestinians should have their own state? Why not the Druze, Circassians, Samaritans and other other peoples living in Israel? You just repeated a general stereotype, now tell me why.
Second. Why is the Israeli government taking a hard line? It acts to protect its citizens. If it does not do this, then the Israelis will die (actually, they are already dying). So why is it that what the government is obliged to do is a hard line?
Third. The Israeli government does not refuse to negotiate; moreover, it makes all concessions. It is Hamas that does not accept any deal and kills hostages every day. (you may already know that he tortures them every day).
I say that I have always felt the Palestinians deserved their own state from Israel’s inception. I also say that the hard liners who killed their own leaders to avoid said state are reaping what they sowed and will never have peace. Maybe by design so he could enact total war on the Palestinians. I believe that terrorists like Hamas are borne out of frustration and poor treatment. And Netanyahu is creating a new generation of terrorists through his reaction because he knew that Hamas were going to strike and did nothing to prevent it.
Oh don’t mansplain my feelings. Screw your patronizing ignorance and my way or the Highway BS. I am well versed in the history of Zionism and the formation of Israel. I’m done with you. And all for whom zealotry and bigotry are fine.
Your problem is that all your ideas are based on anti-Israeli articles, studies, and stereotypes of anti-Semites who pretend to be “anti-Zionists.”
That's why you "feel" what the Palestinians deserve. You can't even define exactly who "Palestinians" are because as soon as you try to define them you will have great difficulty. Do you consider “Palestinians” to be those who lived in this territory during the Ottoman Empire or the British Mandate, including Druze, Circassians, Samaritans, Arameans, or are they just Arabs? If these are only Arabs, then they received their part of Ottoman "Palestine" - Syria and Jordan. Well, why do you think that they deserve it if 70% of them moved to this land after the settlement by Jews in the mid-19th century and they themselves rejected the division of half of Ottoman Palestine which they had already received.
Your “feeling” is incomprehensible to me, because it does not correspond to either the norms of morality or the norms of justice.
Further, you imagine Israel as an oppressor country, which again corresponds to anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic stereotypes, which are not true.
You easily throw accusations that Israel is trying to start a total war of destruction without even trying to suggest that in a democratic state with transparent governance and super-strict legal control this is impossible. Unless of course you are a conspiracy theorist.
You probably know that Israel several times offered the Arabs to proclaim a state and even created all the conditions, but they still refused. You don't know why? Because they don't need an Arab state. They need there to be no Jewish.
And it is not Israel that reaps the fruits, but the residents of Gaza that reap the fruits of what they have done.
I accept everything you wrote as ignorance, because if you know the history of the conflict, then your words sound immoral.
Hard line Israeli government now probably refuses to negotiate but they do not hold a monopoly on that. Palestinian “leaders” have been a problem for a long time and UNRWA has done nothing to resettle Palestinian refugees in 70 years and Hamas has built a full military infrastructure right under everyone’s nose and UNRWA schools teach that the citizens will be refugees until Israel resettles them in Israel rather than anywhere else in the Middle East h Holocaust refugees didn’t wait in camps until their lands in Europe were given back to them. And on and on. I wish the Jewish homeland was in Madagascar.
And Bibi must go. I liked Schumer’s speech and for that matter I like the way this administration is handling things. Let’s not forget that Bibi would be happy to see Trump re-elected.
They do need a two party state to stop all this killing, it’s on going, war or no war. It’s always to conditional but yes Hamas must disband, they’ll never give themselves up as terrorist. Israel had to have a state to call its own post WWII. Enough was enough but the hatred has to stop at some point on both sides. Now this war, we all know who caused it. Doesn’t mean it’s conducted humanely.
The Israelis do not want peace at Any price. Also Nancy, I hate to break this to you most Palestinians want their own state/country. Its just that they want the state/ country to be From The River to The Sea, not a Jew anywhere to be seen or found. Actually Exterminated would be the word they would prefer to use.
That, Nancy is what they want. Not a Palestinian State, They want a Jewless State, not an Arab Muslim State next to An Israeli Jewish State.
NO JEWS do you understand that? Or in your mind do you really believe that slogan From The River To The Sea means a peaceful settlement living side by side.
Because Nancy if you belive that then your part of the problem, not the solution.
That is their long term goal, preferably sooner than later.
When you speak in absolutes like that you lose credibility. The Israeli government doesn’t want peace at any price. Palestinians extremists want to eliminate Jews. There fixed it. No friend. Your extremist view is the problem that eliminates possibility of solution. Just like those before you. And now of course more extremists are being formed through the violence both Hamas and Bibis government have embraced.
First. They can speak in absolutes all they want but in reality they speak only for themselves.
Second. Again you are speaking in absolutes about all the people of Israel. As though they were a completely cohesive bloc. But you’re wrong.
Third. Violence begats violence. There are plenty of examples of Palestinians who just want to do them and their families and their lives. That your example exists I have no doubt. But you conflate that to everyone is just wrong.
Four. Schools and education truly is the only solution. I suggest you try it.
They Nancy They Speak in Absolutes like that, Full Stop. Dont try and shift responsibility for their manifesto,their charter, and their evil actions to me..
That's very disingenuous of you.
I said nothing about the Israeli Government, you did. When I said Israelis, I spoke about the people of Israel, not its government.
Do you really think the Palestinians need my help in creating more radicals more fanatics. From kindergarten up they are taught to hate Jews and to glorify the murder of Jews. At seven they are taught that they will be quote unquote " martyrs" if they die by attempting to killing Jews.
You do know who funds those UNRWA schools in Gaza. The UN . Via the member states. So In Essence you and i are also facilitating the creation of mini terrorists. That will grow up to be full fledged terrorists.
Racism on the left is deeply embedded in college admissions, job applications, journalism, the arts, social media, law enforcement (so-called "progressive DAs"), healthcare, and government. It is a toxic illiberal movement that the progressives are guilty of picking up from the depths of academic left stupidity, making it mainstream, and injecting it into the lives of everyone, not just kooks who shouldn't have jobs as academics, and the violent children who are indoctrinated by them.
Well have you considered that some of the anti semitic propaganda might come from the Russians? I am sure Putin is just chuckling at the unrest on college campuses.
Doesn’t matter if it comes from Russia, China and/or Iran. These are high SAT scoring students in taxpayer backed US universities. They allegedly have brains. The issue is that they choose to be part of a totalitarian cult.
Makes me so glad I'm on military leave from grad school right now. In 2018, when I first enlisted, my grad department chair tried to have me fired joining the military (super-illegal). And every semester I've come back, it's been the same toxicity from the same toxic staff members (whose academic research has been subpar at best). The fact that I'm Jewish makes me think that these same idiots would have targeted me again had I been there this semester. All the while the very real genocide that happened in Nagorno-Karabakh in Sep-Oct 2023 (where the Armenian population of NK went from 125,000 down to less than 50) went unnoticed by all of them.
Meanwhile, I don't think the Democratic Party should take the Jewish vote for granted. American Jews giving Dems almost 80% of their vote is actually a very recent phenomenon - it only started in 1992 and crested in 2008. If someone less derpy than Trump was the nominee, my hunch is that Jewish voters would be switching parties even faster. But as it is, it would surprise me if Biden gets >68% of the Jewish (his 2020 level) in 2024. We'll see how this plays out in the next two elections, especially in 2028 where the Democrats will have a tougher fight to hold the White House and Trump won't be on the ballot.
Jewish American voting seems to follow the presidential candidate and their VP's more than the party. Jewish voters loved FDR/Truman, Kennedy/LBJ/Humphrey, and Clinton/Gore. But were less enthusiastic (though often still more Democratic than average) for the others. The Democratic Jewish vote is now the lowest it has been since 1988 (which might be a lifetime for some of the younger readers of this blog).
Fun Fact: Harding won the Jewish Vote in 1920, but 38% voted for Eugene Debs!
These college pro-Palestine activists are protesting what is happening on the *other side of the world*. It is so annoying how social media has made all politics LOCAL. The protesters are creating problems everywhere and are becoming increasingly radicalized and irrational. I am disgusted by their anti-semitism and how Jews who have nothing to do with the conflict are being harassed. I don’t think I will ever feel the same about people again.
There's an apt song called "White People for Peace" by Against Me! that somewhat applies here. I went to college at perhaps the most notorious school in the Vietnam Protest era -- Kent State -- and even though my years were more than a decade after the May 4th shooting, our campus plaza was constantly filled with angry students protesting this, that, and the other thing primarily because they wanted to cosplay the 1960's and 70's. The anger was cathartic, made them feel empowered and important, and it was a good excuse to skip out of class. I can't imagine Gorbachev ever saying, "hmmmm, I was going to invade Poland, but those scrappy kids at Kent State seem to be upset, so I better play it cool." Protesters recently shut down the main highway to the airport in Seattle, as if for a moment Bibi would catch wind of it and change his ways. I'm getting to the point where I'm no longer sympathetic to their cause and highly doubt any of them have a clue about how pre-war Gaza treated women, girls, LGBTQ, and non-Muslim citizens, let alone their affinity for Americans had any of those protesters ever decided to pop in for a visit. At the rate we're going with wealth gaps, global warming, pollution, brush fires, nuclear proliferation, fascism, racism, subjugating women, space debris, deregulation, industrial conglomeration, disinformation, terrorism, and global stupidification of the masses, mankind has at best 5-10 years left. May as well come together and hug it out before we all go the way of the old dinosaurs or New Monkees.
Thank you for summing up how this moment feels (I'm 55). I thought the kids were smarter than us and could see through the veils of rhetoric and hopefully envision solutions their parents couldn't grasp, but all I see is this neverending me-ism and tantrum throwing with no end point (bill Maher was particularly cathartic this week) and them getting tangled in the misdirection and giving up their power to people who would set them aside in a hot minute through any variety of oppression - religious, political, military, economic. They are sacrificing more than they know and attacking all the wrong people and I don't see the bus moving in the right direction. 20th cent Revolutions were bolstered by student protests, but yelling at suburban moms in traffic is not using leverage. They don't seem to understand the power of unity toward cause and the effective strategies of the great American unions to mobilize everyone involved who has a stake in a peace-supportive outcome. Everything else is a shout into the wind.
I'm half way through a fascinating doc on Netflix that I'm stunned has not gotten more press. I stumbled into it by mistake after watching the Abercrombie & Fitch one. It's called The Anti-Social Network and it unmasks and interviews the principal members of Anonymous. It trails the rise of 4chan and how it evolved from a place where lonely misfits can gather online and share memes, into live action memes and pranks that manifested in the real world, noting how quickly factions decided to use the platform for good (Anonymous and their takedowns of corporate greed) and bad (where I'm picking up today), the rise of pro-Nazi fanboys and girls and the propulsion of white nationalism. It dovetails nicely to this comment thread and how teens/20-somethings are getting swept up in movements they know absolutely nothing about. I agree with Maher -- he absolutely nailed it this week in "New Rules" and also provided the most chilling soundbite of the year in his RFK Jr. interview -- one softball question got the spoiler candidate to admit there was no way he was going to say something negative about Trump (while dumping endlessly on Biden).
Idk if I could stomach the doc but thx for lmk it's out there. I actually dumped Netflix when I found out they made a bazillion $, pd no taxes and in rank class warfare still raising fees and making people who can't afford the deluxe subscription watch ads from corporations like Monsanto (roundup) which undermines the content programming about the little people taking it upon themselves to save the environment. I'm over all of it tbh. I try to stay curious but I'm not begging for my info supper anymore from the corp shills. Maher still comes out with the most salient points and it's easy to jab but he's more than you'd think and he's maybe one of a handful of adults who says "I was wrong about..." when he is. The RFK thing is a tragedy in so many ways I can't name them all
I hate to admit that I’m seeing it too and because of Netanyahu’s scorched earth way of war it’s making life hard for Jews all over the world which they have no control over but are blamed for all the same.
I was recently attacked for posting an AP article about jewish persecution and was attacked by a Jewish person accusing me of antisemitism. It stated what American Jews were dealing with, but the guy attacking me I think was itching for a fight with anyone because there’s no way he read antisemite into what I posted.
Separately, Netenyahu isn't carrying out any scorched earth war at all. If Hamas didn't lace terrorism infrastructure throughout houses, UNRWA schools, mosques, hospitals, those buildings wouldn't have been hit. This war is on Hamas, from start to finish.
I’m from a small town in NC and I never knew there was such a thing as anti-semitism, I never knew anyone in the world had hatred against Jews. I never knew about the pogroms that happened all over western and Eastern Europe, Russia and everywhere Jews tried to make a life for over 2,000 years. Being in the Bible Belt I was always hearing that Jews were Gods chosen people, Jesus was a Jew, and there was one older Jewish couple in town Mr. Schuyler who owned a furniture store and hung around outside it with the other shop owners.
When I was late teens the series The Holocaust came on TV and that’s how I found out. After that I read everything I could find about it and still do. Someone told me I shouldn’t read so many tragic stories but there has to be witnesses and if reading someone’s story is the only way I can be a witness…it gives a better understanding of why they defend the State of Israel so fiercely but my god after 70 years and still no solution that works in the region and I’m really not qualified to even discuss it.
I love Ken Burns. I used to watch everything he made. The US and the Holocaust is fairly new right? Or I just recently saw it come up and saved it. I know about some of it. I read about the luxury liner with a thousand men, women and children thinking they had visas for Cuba, that were in fact worthless, and weren’t allowed to disembark even though some actually had husbands with jobs there already there waiting for them. Afterwards they waited on the Florida coast but still not allowed entry. The captain instructed his crew to treat them well as they sail back and were divided up among European countries that were later invaded by Hitler, most died in camps except for the few who were allowed entry into Great Britain.
Thats when Hitler still allowed deportation but not for long. He decided genocide would be better.
Canada turned away a cruise ship of Jews in 1939, first Cuba denied them, then Canada . The date was May 13th 1939 , the ship, MS St Louis, had Nine Hundred Men, Women and Children of the Jewish Faith.
Our Priminister at the time William Lyon MacKenzie King chose not too accept the refugees and sent them back to Europe.
Many ended up at concentration camps and perished in those camps.
Hamas is the murderers that murdered 1250 old men, women and children and kidnapped 250 innocents, they hoped for the kind of reaction they’re getting and yes they’re the murderous cowards hiding among civilians, again the most vulnerable people.
I don’t know how to conduct a war but there has to be a way around so much death of the helpless.
There has never been a war without civilian casualties. I invite any anti Zionist to point out a war handled with more care than Gaza, with a better combatant to civilian ratio.
Of course I know that, but still it happens again and again. My sis in law was actually excited back in 03 when bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were bombing the hell out of Baghdad. The stupid ignorant future MAGA Christian fake! Same husbands sister who later kept his inheritance.
Anyone who cheers war on is either naive as hell or evil as hell. She’s both
"HGHM wrote in its most recent report that about 33,000 Gazans have died since the war broke out. It does not distinguish between Hamas terrorists and civilians. Israel believes it has killed at least 13,000 terrorists, reducing the count of civilian casualties to 20,000. But even that is a number not to be believed because HGHM admitted that 45.9% of those it counts as dead came from media notifications. That’s 15,000 of the 33,000 claimed to have died! And, according to an analysis I reviewed, a trend that worsened from January 1 to March 31, when 77.7% of the claimed deaths came from media sources. What media is HGHM talking about? HGHM does not say. Gaza has no media independent of Hamas. Is it Al Jazeera, the Qatari network that has minimized the atrocities of October 7 and clearly is biased? Were bodies counted? What methodology did the so-called media use? Or is it just made up?"
true and any death is a tragedy but remember — we are all accepting the Gaza Health Ministry’s word on casualty numbers, GHM doesn’t distinguish non- combatant, male soldiers from 16-18 ( or younger ) would be considered “children”. And it is to Hamas’ advantage for the casualty numbers high since this is the way they fight an asymmetrical war. They could shelter people in the tunnels, Egypt could offer them shelter but is that ever mentioned? And there are military experts who say that as far as urban warfare goes, their civilian casualty rate is not that bad. But this whole war against Hamas has really brought out the Jew haters.
You mean the Useful Brainwashed Idiots spurred on by their sick professors and gullible uneducated johnny come lately people that need a cause to validate their humanity
Absolutely agree. Unfortunately, the IDF is fighting a terrorist organization which has deliberately and intentionally built its military infrastructure underneath civilian homes, schools, libraries, and hospitals. There is no way that Israel will let that terror infrastructure stand after this war as that is a security threat, so there is no way to destroy it without destroying Gazans’ livelihoods.
As for rates of civilian casualties, firstly let’s just stop playing the numbers game. No matter the “proportionality”, every single civilian death is a tragedy and there is absolutely no justification for killing innocent people. The issue is that the Red Cross and the UN have refused to collaborate effectively with the IDF to establish humanitarian corridors/facilitate migration away from war zones and reliably provide humanitarian aid to Gazan civilians. Hamas has also rejected countless ceasefires and, again, deliberately put their own citizens in harms way to get the international community to point their finger at Israel.
Refusing to acknowledge the humanity of innocent Gazans who did not ask for this war is objectively wrong, and there are so many people on the “pro-Israel” “side” who I am furious with for doing this. But putting all the blame on Israel is a futile effort since they are already doing so much in collaboration with the US + moderate Arab governments to protect Gazan lives, WITHOUT the collaboration of international “humanitarian” organizations. We need to pressure the UN and the Red Cross to not only work with the IDF to secure livable conditions for Gazans, BUT TO ALSO VISIT OUR HOSTAGES, which have been neglected by these “humanitarian” organizations for over 200 days.
Agreed but he could adjust his rhetoric to avoid inflaming his enemies. And I think Biden believes that for everyone’s sake, defanging Hamas is important. But Bibi has been a problem for a long time and I for one don’t appreciate his far right allies. And let’s face October 7th was the worst intelligence failure in Israeli history. And the IDF is held to a higher standard and that’s unfortunate. And UNRWA and the UN are much bigger problems than I realized and the Biden administration seems to understand that. And yes it’s Hamas and no one is talking about the hostages. This PR war that the Islamists have been winning for a long time needs to be addressed. Wars with terrorists are asymmetrical and can’t be won with military might alone. But I really appreciated this piece since I just heard someone compare Oct 7 to the Warsaw uprising. What a twisted reality.
That really is. It was totally different and not in any way shape or form the has slightest similarity to the Warsaw uprising, the last chance as Poles saw it believing that Russians just outside the city would join in the fight. They didn’t. Hadn’t planned to
I’m still convinced that at least a good part of them really don’t give a shit about Palestine, for them it’s just an excuse to be antisemitic. They hate hate hate. They hate Biden even when he does what they’ve asked for and they hate Jews because they’re just like the far right.
One things for sure. Whites hate whites since recorded history. Look at the British and Irish, Scottish. Rancid hatred for century’s. Same race same color.
Men will forever find an excuse to hate others. Excuse not a reason.
So? Many of them are also Jews themselves for starters. That doesn't preclude the hatred of Whites or Jews, really anyone who's successful within the left.
This could have been seen coming if you paid attention to Jeremy Corbyn and the English Labor party.
Antisemitism of an element of lefty activists has always just been just under the surface and I think is deeper than people realize. With the DEI party line of people into either being oppressor or oppressed and Jews being promoted to be being "white" , hence oppressors ,they became fair game. This is not going away and I fear how Trump will get elected.
…to speak up against regime of israel is not fucking anti-semitism, so many jews i know are against israeli government, just as myself, just stop this crap
Imagine if these college protesters actually protested something that affects them, like the threat of a fascist autocratic party about to take over our nation.
Extreme mirrors extreme. I’ve suspected for decades that folks who end up far left were raised in far right households and vice versa. There’s always a strand of similarity to their beliefs.
I mean, Trump’s entire 2016 campaign was about identity politics. Yet every time that pair of words came up, everyone kept looking at POCs. On both the left AND right.
As if WE started it.
That’s how you can tell the difference between oppressor and oppressed. Oppressors have the numbers to dictate the narrative. The oppressed don’t.
EOD, I’m afraid this is your burden to resolve. Let me know if you come up with anything because I’m hella tired of hearing about how BLM “burned down cities” in 2020.
Affirmative action literally aided more WHITE WOMEN than any other group in history. Did you not think it strange that most Black people merely shrugged over the SCOTUS decision?
Nor did it escape our notice that the case which ended it was brought by Asians who’d been placed in affirmative action slots despite outperforming their white counterparts.
As for the other half of your delusions, neither Al Sharpton nor Louis Farrakhan have ever served a single day in public office. Thus, there’s no way they ever enacted any anti-white policies.
So we’re back where we started. With you unable to come up with a single example of any anti-white policies in this country.
Um, no. Are you intentionally lying, or were you just so caught up in anti-White identity politics that you couldn't see it like a fish can't see water?
E.g., affirmative action has been going on for decades, the doctrine of disparate impact was created in 1971.
People like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan build entire careers out of anti-White identity politics. Hack, Al Sharpton got his start with the Tawana Brawley false rape case in 1987.
Now, we sit back and see how impervious you are to things like facts and evidence.
Google Leonard Jeffries at Columbia in the 1990s. This shit isn’t new. And when you do, remember that he’s one of Hakeem Jeffries' relatives and mentors.
This propaganda line has been in development for years. And they are spoiled kids who can spend time on this "cause" because they don't have to work for a living or prepare to work for a living. I bet there aren't many engineering students out there. and most people at Ivy League schools come from privilieged backgrounds. And they aren't particularly nice to other minorities, which is why some high achieving black students are choosing HBCU over the Ivy League. Which Jared Kushner bought his way into.
From Daniel Levin of FL on FB - a nuanced positive approach for student protesters to consider,
“ An Open Letter to Student Protesters
Dear Student Protesters:
I want you to know that I see you. I hear you.
We raised you to be feeling, caring, compassionate. We raised you to love your neighbor and to love the stranger. We raised you to never be silent while your neighbor bleeds. We raised you never to harden your hearts against the suffering of the oppressed. Your values are my values.
You see the suffering of the Palestinian people, and your heart breaks for their plight. Mine too. You can’t be human if your heart doesn’t ache for the suffering of innocent people.
I understand the allure of the power of protest. I understand the energy a community draws from each other when inspired to act for righteousness. It can be intoxicating.
But I am writing today because when we’re intoxicated we don’t see clearly. We act rashly without thinking, without understand the nuance, the details, without thinking it all the way through.
And you are too bright, too smart, too capable to act in this moment without curiosity. You are too old now to look at the world in childish binaries – assuming there only good guys and bad guys. You are too smart not to question all you are being taught to believe.
Because you are so gifted, with respect, I ask you to think a little harder, because whenever we take a stand, we have to know who we are standing with, and what we are standing for.
You offer a simple chant: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!” But where did that chant come from? Have you thought about what it really means?
That chant comes from a radical ideology based on a fundamentalist Islamic ideal articulated by the Muslim Brotherhood – that it is incumbent on all Muslims to wage war to bring the entirety of the Arab world under Muslim rule, governed by Sharia law.
That chant echoes Hamas’ calls for the complete destruction of Israel as an essential condition for the liberation of Palestine. They reject coexistence. “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.” They are a genocidal organization whose charter declares: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."
When you chant, “From the River to the Sea…” you, yourself, may not be calling for the genocide of the 7.2 million Jews who call the land of Israel their home, but you are aligning yourself and spouting the ideology of a group who very much believes in the legitimacy of mass murder.
When you chant: “By Any Means Necessary” you are endorsing violent attack on civilian populations as a way to achieve Hamas’ aims of eradicating Jews from the land. In a survey conducted last June by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, more than half of Palestinians surveyed in both Gaza and the West Bank believed armed resistance was the best path forward.
When surveyed, and asked: “Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I….” – 70 percent of Gazans said, support or strongly support. Is that what you support?
When you chant for a return to Intifadeh, you are calling for the return of suicide attacks on young people at dance clubs, families at pizza restaurants, and bombing wedding celebrations as the means to achieve Palestinian liberation. Is that what you really believe?
If Palestinians attack Israeli civilians, is it not incumbent on Israel to do everything they can to protect those civilians? Is it not a moral truth that if someone is coming to kill you, you have to protect yourself, even if it means killing your pursuer?
But, you say, Israel is a Zionist colonial settler usurper of Palestinian land, with no legitimate right to exist.
The history of the Middle East is one of conquest and warfare. For thousands of years, armies have battled for this land.
For more than three thousand years, the Jewish people have been rooted in the land of Israel. Over the centuries that followed, that has never, ever changed. Whether the land was controlled by the Jewish people or by invading colonial armies from afar – Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, Arabia, Crusaders, or the Ottoman Turks, it was and remains the homeland of the Jewish people, who have lived in greater or lesser numbers there throughout the millennia.
Forced into exile thousands of years ago, the Jewish people were made to wander the world, ever searching for a land that would welcome them. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish people were never allowed to integrate into the larger cultures who hosted them. We were a nation apart – with different customs, language, religious traditions and beliefs. We suffered discrimination, persecution, pogrom, and expulsion. And as peoples throughout the world in the nineteenth century organized around their national identities, so too did the Jewish people.
Thus was born Zionism. Zionism is the national movement of the Jewish people to restore their original national homeland. It was born from the unending dreams of the Jewish people to return home to the land from which they were largely expelled, in which there has been a constant Jewish presence for more than 3,000 years.
To claim that Zionism is a colonial enterprise is a ridiculous fallacy. In order for a country to express colonial ambition, they must have a homeland from which to extend their reach. Arab colonialism began in Arabia and spread across the Middle East and North Africa. How else did the peoples of North Africa come to speak Arabic as their native language if not for colonial enterprise? French colonialism spread from France; thus you have native French speakers in places as diverse as Vietnam and Haiti.
If Zionism were a colonial, settler enterprise, then there would be an original homeland from which we came. In truth, Zionism is the political movement of an indigenous people seeking their rights to their original homeland.
The fact is that the land of Israel was dominated by the colonial hegemony of the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. Jews began to purchase enclaves from Ottoman landowners, many of whom lived far from the lands they owned. In the 1880s, the population of Palestine was less than half a million. The Ottoman Empire did not refer to that land as Palestine, but divided it between the administrative divisions of Beirut in the north, and the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem in the south.
The return of Jews to their homeland was met with rejectionism, and yet they persevered. They built farming collectives and small towns, growing new communities in the outskirts of ancient cities – Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Hebron, Haifa. And out of necessity, they learned to defend themselves.
In 1947 the United Nations voted to partition the land into two states. Despite the geographic challenges the plan presented, the plan was met with rejoicing by Jewish communities all over the world, and was summarily rejected by the bordering Arab nations. Almost immediately, the Arab states began armed conflict, erupting into full-scale war by the middle of May 1948, when the State of Israel declared its independence.
Like all wars, this one was catastrophic. The newly created State of Israel lost one percent of its entire population. So many who had somehow survived the Holocaust perished within days of arriving in the newly created Jewish homeland. The epicenter of Jewish spiritual life, the Old City of Jerusalem, was walled off from the Jews of Jerusalem. In addition, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs who fled or were forced from their homes found themselves as refugees. It is tragic that so much suffering came from Arab rejectionism, but waging war has consequences, and those who wage war must then be willing to accept the consequences when they attack and fail.
The ensuing years saw unrelenting war and terrorism visited on the Jewish state. Out of necessity, Israel developed not simply an advanced economy with remarkable advances in culture, innovation, medicine, and the arts, but also a formidable defensive capability to protect its citizens from ongoing threat and attack.
People on the far right: We hate Jews because they’re not white!
People on the far left: We hate Jews because they’re white!
The one thing on which they agree: They hate us as Jews.
Why? I don’t understand hating Jews. I’ve read everything in can find, every personal story I can find on the plight of the Jewish people and since finding out they’re hated and have been persecuted throughout Europe and Asia for 2,000+ years and can find no why. Why?
Throw stones at them during the day-borrow money from them at night.
Being blamed for every bad that happened from the black plague to somebody’s horse dying.
People asked? How did Hitler get away with putting Jews in ghettos, making them wear the star? Well my friend it’s because it was nothing new, it had been done throughout Europe, eastern and western for century’s, so it raised no red flags. People in Jewish communities weren’t allowed to buy or sell good items, only used, just one of the countless rules of the ghettos and this is before hitlers ghettos.
Before nazis invaded Poland Jews there were treated horribly, subject to pogroms out of the blue with no warning and after the war was over many who went back weren’t welcomed.
They had to have their own state. No question. The question is when will the wars stop. When will all live in peace and how will it happen?
Of for Christ's Sake TJ
Matthew 25:27
lying about Jews committing “genocide” is equivalent to hating Jews
In your case you have no problem with a genocide and ethnic cleansing of 7 million Israeli Jews, but complain about an imaginary ‘genocide’.
I agree
Too simplistic. Most thinking people believe that Hamas are terrorists and that Netanyahu is a war criminal. Both can be correct. As well as that the Palestinian people are being killed and that most Israelis want peace. Thinking people recognize that Palestinians should have a state and that hard line Israeli governments refuse to negotiate. To gin it down serves no one
You immediately make several gross mistakes, which indicate that you, too, are captive to stereotypes and slogans.
First. Why did you decide that the Palestinians should have their own state? Why not the Druze, Circassians, Samaritans and other other peoples living in Israel? You just repeated a general stereotype, now tell me why.
Second. Why is the Israeli government taking a hard line? It acts to protect its citizens. If it does not do this, then the Israelis will die (actually, they are already dying). So why is it that what the government is obliged to do is a hard line?
Third. The Israeli government does not refuse to negotiate; moreover, it makes all concessions. It is Hamas that does not accept any deal and kills hostages every day. (you may already know that he tortures them every day).
So what did you want to say?
I say that I have always felt the Palestinians deserved their own state from Israel’s inception. I also say that the hard liners who killed their own leaders to avoid said state are reaping what they sowed and will never have peace. Maybe by design so he could enact total war on the Palestinians. I believe that terrorists like Hamas are borne out of frustration and poor treatment. And Netanyahu is creating a new generation of terrorists through his reaction because he knew that Hamas were going to strike and did nothing to prevent it.
Oh don’t mansplain my feelings. Screw your patronizing ignorance and my way or the Highway BS. I am well versed in the history of Zionism and the formation of Israel. I’m done with you. And all for whom zealotry and bigotry are fine.
Your problem is that all your ideas are based on anti-Israeli articles, studies, and stereotypes of anti-Semites who pretend to be “anti-Zionists.”
That's why you "feel" what the Palestinians deserve. You can't even define exactly who "Palestinians" are because as soon as you try to define them you will have great difficulty. Do you consider “Palestinians” to be those who lived in this territory during the Ottoman Empire or the British Mandate, including Druze, Circassians, Samaritans, Arameans, or are they just Arabs? If these are only Arabs, then they received their part of Ottoman "Palestine" - Syria and Jordan. Well, why do you think that they deserve it if 70% of them moved to this land after the settlement by Jews in the mid-19th century and they themselves rejected the division of half of Ottoman Palestine which they had already received.
Your “feeling” is incomprehensible to me, because it does not correspond to either the norms of morality or the norms of justice.
Further, you imagine Israel as an oppressor country, which again corresponds to anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic stereotypes, which are not true.
You easily throw accusations that Israel is trying to start a total war of destruction without even trying to suggest that in a democratic state with transparent governance and super-strict legal control this is impossible. Unless of course you are a conspiracy theorist.
You probably know that Israel several times offered the Arabs to proclaim a state and even created all the conditions, but they still refused. You don't know why? Because they don't need an Arab state. They need there to be no Jewish.
And it is not Israel that reaps the fruits, but the residents of Gaza that reap the fruits of what they have done.
I accept everything you wrote as ignorance, because if you know the history of the conflict, then your words sound immoral.
Hard line Israeli government now probably refuses to negotiate but they do not hold a monopoly on that. Palestinian “leaders” have been a problem for a long time and UNRWA has done nothing to resettle Palestinian refugees in 70 years and Hamas has built a full military infrastructure right under everyone’s nose and UNRWA schools teach that the citizens will be refugees until Israel resettles them in Israel rather than anywhere else in the Middle East h Holocaust refugees didn’t wait in camps until their lands in Europe were given back to them. And on and on. I wish the Jewish homeland was in Madagascar.
And Bibi must go. I liked Schumer’s speech and for that matter I like the way this administration is handling things. Let’s not forget that Bibi would be happy to see Trump re-elected.
They do need a two party state to stop all this killing, it’s on going, war or no war. It’s always to conditional but yes Hamas must disband, they’ll never give themselves up as terrorist. Israel had to have a state to call its own post WWII. Enough was enough but the hatred has to stop at some point on both sides. Now this war, we all know who caused it. Doesn’t mean it’s conducted humanely.
why do you think a Palestinian state would bring peace?
The Israelis do not want peace at Any price. Also Nancy, I hate to break this to you most Palestinians want their own state/country. Its just that they want the state/ country to be From The River to The Sea, not a Jew anywhere to be seen or found. Actually Exterminated would be the word they would prefer to use.
That, Nancy is what they want. Not a Palestinian State, They want a Jewless State, not an Arab Muslim State next to An Israeli Jewish State.
NO JEWS do you understand that? Or in your mind do you really believe that slogan From The River To The Sea means a peaceful settlement living side by side.
Because Nancy if you belive that then your part of the problem, not the solution.
That is their long term goal, preferably sooner than later.
When you speak in absolutes like that you lose credibility. The Israeli government doesn’t want peace at any price. Palestinians extremists want to eliminate Jews. There fixed it. No friend. Your extremist view is the problem that eliminates possibility of solution. Just like those before you. And now of course more extremists are being formed through the violence both Hamas and Bibis government have embraced.
First. They can speak in absolutes all they want but in reality they speak only for themselves.
Second. Again you are speaking in absolutes about all the people of Israel. As though they were a completely cohesive bloc. But you’re wrong.
Third. Violence begats violence. There are plenty of examples of Palestinians who just want to do them and their families and their lives. That your example exists I have no doubt. But you conflate that to everyone is just wrong.
Four. Schools and education truly is the only solution. I suggest you try it.
First off
They Nancy They Speak in Absolutes like that, Full Stop. Dont try and shift responsibility for their manifesto,their charter, and their evil actions to me..
That's very disingenuous of you.
I said nothing about the Israeli Government, you did. When I said Israelis, I spoke about the people of Israel, not its government.
Do you really think the Palestinians need my help in creating more radicals more fanatics. From kindergarten up they are taught to hate Jews and to glorify the murder of Jews. At seven they are taught that they will be quote unquote " martyrs" if they die by attempting to killing Jews.
You do know who funds those UNRWA schools in Gaza. The UN . Via the member states. So In Essence you and i are also facilitating the creation of mini terrorists. That will grow up to be full fledged terrorists.
Racism on the left is deeply embedded in college admissions, job applications, journalism, the arts, social media, law enforcement (so-called "progressive DAs"), healthcare, and government. It is a toxic illiberal movement that the progressives are guilty of picking up from the depths of academic left stupidity, making it mainstream, and injecting it into the lives of everyone, not just kooks who shouldn't have jobs as academics, and the violent children who are indoctrinated by them.
Well have you considered that some of the anti semitic propaganda might come from the Russians? I am sure Putin is just chuckling at the unrest on college campuses.
Doesn’t matter if it comes from Russia, China and/or Iran. These are high SAT scoring students in taxpayer backed US universities. They allegedly have brains. The issue is that they choose to be part of a totalitarian cult.
Makes me so glad I'm on military leave from grad school right now. In 2018, when I first enlisted, my grad department chair tried to have me fired joining the military (super-illegal). And every semester I've come back, it's been the same toxicity from the same toxic staff members (whose academic research has been subpar at best). The fact that I'm Jewish makes me think that these same idiots would have targeted me again had I been there this semester. All the while the very real genocide that happened in Nagorno-Karabakh in Sep-Oct 2023 (where the Armenian population of NK went from 125,000 down to less than 50) went unnoticed by all of them.
Meanwhile, I don't think the Democratic Party should take the Jewish vote for granted. American Jews giving Dems almost 80% of their vote is actually a very recent phenomenon - it only started in 1992 and crested in 2008. If someone less derpy than Trump was the nominee, my hunch is that Jewish voters would be switching parties even faster. But as it is, it would surprise me if Biden gets >68% of the Jewish (his 2020 level) in 2024. We'll see how this plays out in the next two elections, especially in 2028 where the Democrats will have a tougher fight to hold the White House and Trump won't be on the ballot.
Source: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-voting-record-in-u-s-presidential-elections
Jewish American voting seems to follow the presidential candidate and their VP's more than the party. Jewish voters loved FDR/Truman, Kennedy/LBJ/Humphrey, and Clinton/Gore. But were less enthusiastic (though often still more Democratic than average) for the others. The Democratic Jewish vote is now the lowest it has been since 1988 (which might be a lifetime for some of the younger readers of this blog).
Fun Fact: Harding won the Jewish Vote in 1920, but 38% voted for Eugene Debs!
As a Jew I feel that Biden and his administration is doing a great job.
These college pro-Palestine activists are protesting what is happening on the *other side of the world*. It is so annoying how social media has made all politics LOCAL. The protesters are creating problems everywhere and are becoming increasingly radicalized and irrational. I am disgusted by their anti-semitism and how Jews who have nothing to do with the conflict are being harassed. I don’t think I will ever feel the same about people again.
It’s the “I’m a collide student and I want my Vietnam war phenomenon ,” I knew it when they protested Desert Storm.
There's an apt song called "White People for Peace" by Against Me! that somewhat applies here. I went to college at perhaps the most notorious school in the Vietnam Protest era -- Kent State -- and even though my years were more than a decade after the May 4th shooting, our campus plaza was constantly filled with angry students protesting this, that, and the other thing primarily because they wanted to cosplay the 1960's and 70's. The anger was cathartic, made them feel empowered and important, and it was a good excuse to skip out of class. I can't imagine Gorbachev ever saying, "hmmmm, I was going to invade Poland, but those scrappy kids at Kent State seem to be upset, so I better play it cool." Protesters recently shut down the main highway to the airport in Seattle, as if for a moment Bibi would catch wind of it and change his ways. I'm getting to the point where I'm no longer sympathetic to their cause and highly doubt any of them have a clue about how pre-war Gaza treated women, girls, LGBTQ, and non-Muslim citizens, let alone their affinity for Americans had any of those protesters ever decided to pop in for a visit. At the rate we're going with wealth gaps, global warming, pollution, brush fires, nuclear proliferation, fascism, racism, subjugating women, space debris, deregulation, industrial conglomeration, disinformation, terrorism, and global stupidification of the masses, mankind has at best 5-10 years left. May as well come together and hug it out before we all go the way of the old dinosaurs or New Monkees.
Thank you for summing up how this moment feels (I'm 55). I thought the kids were smarter than us and could see through the veils of rhetoric and hopefully envision solutions their parents couldn't grasp, but all I see is this neverending me-ism and tantrum throwing with no end point (bill Maher was particularly cathartic this week) and them getting tangled in the misdirection and giving up their power to people who would set them aside in a hot minute through any variety of oppression - religious, political, military, economic. They are sacrificing more than they know and attacking all the wrong people and I don't see the bus moving in the right direction. 20th cent Revolutions were bolstered by student protests, but yelling at suburban moms in traffic is not using leverage. They don't seem to understand the power of unity toward cause and the effective strategies of the great American unions to mobilize everyone involved who has a stake in a peace-supportive outcome. Everything else is a shout into the wind.
I'm half way through a fascinating doc on Netflix that I'm stunned has not gotten more press. I stumbled into it by mistake after watching the Abercrombie & Fitch one. It's called The Anti-Social Network and it unmasks and interviews the principal members of Anonymous. It trails the rise of 4chan and how it evolved from a place where lonely misfits can gather online and share memes, into live action memes and pranks that manifested in the real world, noting how quickly factions decided to use the platform for good (Anonymous and their takedowns of corporate greed) and bad (where I'm picking up today), the rise of pro-Nazi fanboys and girls and the propulsion of white nationalism. It dovetails nicely to this comment thread and how teens/20-somethings are getting swept up in movements they know absolutely nothing about. I agree with Maher -- he absolutely nailed it this week in "New Rules" and also provided the most chilling soundbite of the year in his RFK Jr. interview -- one softball question got the spoiler candidate to admit there was no way he was going to say something negative about Trump (while dumping endlessly on Biden).
Edit..Maher is right more than you'd think...
Idk if I could stomach the doc but thx for lmk it's out there. I actually dumped Netflix when I found out they made a bazillion $, pd no taxes and in rank class warfare still raising fees and making people who can't afford the deluxe subscription watch ads from corporations like Monsanto (roundup) which undermines the content programming about the little people taking it upon themselves to save the environment. I'm over all of it tbh. I try to stay curious but I'm not begging for my info supper anymore from the corp shills. Maher still comes out with the most salient points and it's easy to jab but he's more than you'd think and he's maybe one of a handful of adults who says "I was wrong about..." when he is. The RFK thing is a tragedy in so many ways I can't name them all
La Plus Ca Change La Plus ça Reste Pareille
The 1920 phrase from Lenin Useful Fools or the modern day Useful Idiots
It certainly is an apt term for many a high school and college student.
And many an adult with little or no knowledge of the history of the mid east
It’s college not collide.
It’s the “I’m a collide student and I want my Vietnam war phenomenon ,” I knew it when they protested Desert Storm.
I hate to admit that I’m seeing it too and because of Netanyahu’s scorched earth way of war it’s making life hard for Jews all over the world which they have no control over but are blamed for all the same.
I was recently attacked for posting an AP article about jewish persecution and was attacked by a Jewish person accusing me of antisemitism. It stated what American Jews were dealing with, but the guy attacking me I think was itching for a fight with anyone because there’s no way he read antisemite into what I posted.
Thanks for standing up against antisemitism.
Separately, Netenyahu isn't carrying out any scorched earth war at all. If Hamas didn't lace terrorism infrastructure throughout houses, UNRWA schools, mosques, hospitals, those buildings wouldn't have been hit. This war is on Hamas, from start to finish.
I’m from a small town in NC and I never knew there was such a thing as anti-semitism, I never knew anyone in the world had hatred against Jews. I never knew about the pogroms that happened all over western and Eastern Europe, Russia and everywhere Jews tried to make a life for over 2,000 years. Being in the Bible Belt I was always hearing that Jews were Gods chosen people, Jesus was a Jew, and there was one older Jewish couple in town Mr. Schuyler who owned a furniture store and hung around outside it with the other shop owners.
When I was late teens the series The Holocaust came on TV and that’s how I found out. After that I read everything I could find about it and still do. Someone told me I shouldn’t read so many tragic stories but there has to be witnesses and if reading someone’s story is the only way I can be a witness…it gives a better understanding of why they defend the State of Israel so fiercely but my god after 70 years and still no solution that works in the region and I’m really not qualified to even discuss it.
If you can get a chance, Ken Burns “The US and the Holocaust” can be hard to watch ( and long 6 hours) but to me it is such an important work,
I love Ken Burns. I used to watch everything he made. The US and the Holocaust is fairly new right? Or I just recently saw it come up and saved it. I know about some of it. I read about the luxury liner with a thousand men, women and children thinking they had visas for Cuba, that were in fact worthless, and weren’t allowed to disembark even though some actually had husbands with jobs there already there waiting for them. Afterwards they waited on the Florida coast but still not allowed entry. The captain instructed his crew to treat them well as they sail back and were divided up among European countries that were later invaded by Hitler, most died in camps except for the few who were allowed entry into Great Britain.
Thats when Hitler still allowed deportation but not for long. He decided genocide would be better.
Canada turned away a cruise ship of Jews in 1939, first Cuba denied them, then Canada . The date was May 13th 1939 , the ship, MS St Louis, had Nine Hundred Men, Women and Children of the Jewish Faith.
Our Priminister at the time William Lyon MacKenzie King chose not too accept the refugees and sent them back to Europe.
Many ended up at concentration camps and perished in those camps.
In the 1930's Canada was virulently antisemetic.
Makes for a good research topic for you TJ
Dont sell yourself short.
Hamas is the murderers that murdered 1250 old men, women and children and kidnapped 250 innocents, they hoped for the kind of reaction they’re getting and yes they’re the murderous cowards hiding among civilians, again the most vulnerable people.
I don’t know how to conduct a war but there has to be a way around so much death of the helpless.
There has never been a war without civilian casualties. I invite any anti Zionist to point out a war handled with more care than Gaza, with a better combatant to civilian ratio.
Of course I know that, but still it happens again and again. My sis in law was actually excited back in 03 when bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were bombing the hell out of Baghdad. The stupid ignorant future MAGA Christian fake! Same husbands sister who later kept his inheritance.
Anyone who cheers war on is either naive as hell or evil as hell. She’s both
"HGHM wrote in its most recent report that about 33,000 Gazans have died since the war broke out. It does not distinguish between Hamas terrorists and civilians. Israel believes it has killed at least 13,000 terrorists, reducing the count of civilian casualties to 20,000. But even that is a number not to be believed because HGHM admitted that 45.9% of those it counts as dead came from media notifications. That’s 15,000 of the 33,000 claimed to have died! And, according to an analysis I reviewed, a trend that worsened from January 1 to March 31, when 77.7% of the claimed deaths came from media sources. What media is HGHM talking about? HGHM does not say. Gaza has no media independent of Hamas. Is it Al Jazeera, the Qatari network that has minimized the atrocities of October 7 and clearly is biased? Were bodies counted? What methodology did the so-called media use? Or is it just made up?"
true and any death is a tragedy but remember — we are all accepting the Gaza Health Ministry’s word on casualty numbers, GHM doesn’t distinguish non- combatant, male soldiers from 16-18 ( or younger ) would be considered “children”. And it is to Hamas’ advantage for the casualty numbers high since this is the way they fight an asymmetrical war. They could shelter people in the tunnels, Egypt could offer them shelter but is that ever mentioned? And there are military experts who say that as far as urban warfare goes, their civilian casualty rate is not that bad. But this whole war against Hamas has really brought out the Jew haters.
Hamas is a terrorist organization and it disgusts me to see Americans cheering them on
You mean the Useful Brainwashed Idiots spurred on by their sick professors and gullible uneducated johnny come lately people that need a cause to validate their humanity
Absolutely agree. Unfortunately, the IDF is fighting a terrorist organization which has deliberately and intentionally built its military infrastructure underneath civilian homes, schools, libraries, and hospitals. There is no way that Israel will let that terror infrastructure stand after this war as that is a security threat, so there is no way to destroy it without destroying Gazans’ livelihoods.
As for rates of civilian casualties, firstly let’s just stop playing the numbers game. No matter the “proportionality”, every single civilian death is a tragedy and there is absolutely no justification for killing innocent people. The issue is that the Red Cross and the UN have refused to collaborate effectively with the IDF to establish humanitarian corridors/facilitate migration away from war zones and reliably provide humanitarian aid to Gazan civilians. Hamas has also rejected countless ceasefires and, again, deliberately put their own citizens in harms way to get the international community to point their finger at Israel.
Refusing to acknowledge the humanity of innocent Gazans who did not ask for this war is objectively wrong, and there are so many people on the “pro-Israel” “side” who I am furious with for doing this. But putting all the blame on Israel is a futile effort since they are already doing so much in collaboration with the US + moderate Arab governments to protect Gazan lives, WITHOUT the collaboration of international “humanitarian” organizations. We need to pressure the UN and the Red Cross to not only work with the IDF to secure livable conditions for Gazans, BUT TO ALSO VISIT OUR HOSTAGES, which have been neglected by these “humanitarian” organizations for over 200 days.
The UN and the Red Cross and what could go wrong here.......
Agreed but he could adjust his rhetoric to avoid inflaming his enemies. And I think Biden believes that for everyone’s sake, defanging Hamas is important. But Bibi has been a problem for a long time and I for one don’t appreciate his far right allies. And let’s face October 7th was the worst intelligence failure in Israeli history. And the IDF is held to a higher standard and that’s unfortunate. And UNRWA and the UN are much bigger problems than I realized and the Biden administration seems to understand that. And yes it’s Hamas and no one is talking about the hostages. This PR war that the Islamists have been winning for a long time needs to be addressed. Wars with terrorists are asymmetrical and can’t be won with military might alone. But I really appreciated this piece since I just heard someone compare Oct 7 to the Warsaw uprising. What a twisted reality.
That really is. It was totally different and not in any way shape or form the has slightest similarity to the Warsaw uprising, the last chance as Poles saw it believing that Russians just outside the city would join in the fight. They didn’t. Hadn’t planned to
Go globalize the intifada somewhere with your leftist friends, dumb dumb.
Seek help
I’m still convinced that at least a good part of them really don’t give a shit about Palestine, for them it’s just an excuse to be antisemitic. They hate hate hate. They hate Biden even when he does what they’ve asked for and they hate Jews because they’re just like the far right.
Fundamentally, they hate Jews for the same reason they hate Whites. Because both groups are economically succesful.
A lot of them are white themselves though. Not sure what you’re trying to say but it does sound a bit racist. If I’m misunderstanding, do elaborate.
One things for sure. Whites hate whites since recorded history. Look at the British and Irish, Scottish. Rancid hatred for century’s. Same race same color.
Men will forever find an excuse to hate others. Excuse not a reason.
> A lot of them are white themselves though.
So? Many of them are also Jews themselves for starters. That doesn't preclude the hatred of Whites or Jews, really anyone who's successful within the left.
I figured.
This could have been seen coming if you paid attention to Jeremy Corbyn and the English Labor party.
Antisemitism of an element of lefty activists has always just been just under the surface and I think is deeper than people realize. With the DEI party line of people into either being oppressor or oppressed and Jews being promoted to be being "white" , hence oppressors ,they became fair game. This is not going away and I fear how Trump will get elected.
…huh ?! …”anti-semitism”?!
…to speak up against regime of israel is not fucking anti-semitism, so many jews i know are against israeli government, just as myself, just stop this crap
A few token Jews don’t Jew-wash the antisemitism of the “anti Zionist” far left.
You too buddy, you too.
Imagine if these college protesters actually protested something that affects them, like the threat of a fascist autocratic party about to take over our nation.
Um, they want that.
They want Trump?
Extreme mirrors extreme. I’ve suspected for decades that folks who end up far left were raised in far right households and vice versa. There’s always a strand of similarity to their beliefs.
I mean, Trump’s entire 2016 campaign was about identity politics. Yet every time that pair of words came up, everyone kept looking at POCs. On both the left AND right.
As if WE started it.
That’s how you can tell the difference between oppressor and oppressed. Oppressors have the numbers to dictate the narrative. The oppressed don’t.
EOD, I’m afraid this is your burden to resolve. Let me know if you come up with anything because I’m hella tired of hearing about how BLM “burned down cities” in 2020.
> I mean, Trump’s entire 2016 campaign was about identity politics.
Yes, after leftists have been using anti-White identity politics for decades, some Whites decided to get in on the act.
You know that’s a lie. Which is why you can’t dredge up a single example of “anti-white” politics.
What!? 😂😂😂
Affirmative action literally aided more WHITE WOMEN than any other group in history. Did you not think it strange that most Black people merely shrugged over the SCOTUS decision?
Nor did it escape our notice that the case which ended it was brought by Asians who’d been placed in affirmative action slots despite outperforming their white counterparts.
As for the other half of your delusions, neither Al Sharpton nor Louis Farrakhan have ever served a single day in public office. Thus, there’s no way they ever enacted any anti-white policies.
So we’re back where we started. With you unable to come up with a single example of any anti-white policies in this country.
Because none exist.
Um, no. Are you intentionally lying, or were you just so caught up in anti-White identity politics that you couldn't see it like a fish can't see water?
E.g., affirmative action has been going on for decades, the doctrine of disparate impact was created in 1971.
People like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan build entire careers out of anti-White identity politics. Hack, Al Sharpton got his start with the Tawana Brawley false rape case in 1987.
Now, we sit back and see how impervious you are to things like facts and evidence.
Nay. They both scare the hell out of me. This is not your grandparents peace movement.
They want the eradication of all Jews. Then Hamas and their like will turn them against western civilization. The pitchforks are all ready out.
Don't. The fringe left has no hope of achieving state power. The right does. Stay focused.
Well, the fringe left basically has state power already.
No they do not. In the context of Israel, the empowered "fringe left" was just measured at 37 House and 3 Senate seats.
You think congress still runs the country, God bless your soul.
Where else do you see "fringe left" figures holding office, wielding state power?
The administrative agencies doing their best to impose DEI, and other forms of radical leftism anywhere they can.
Google Leonard Jeffries at Columbia in the 1990s. This shit isn’t new. And when you do, remember that he’s one of Hakeem Jeffries' relatives and mentors.
This propaganda line has been in development for years. And they are spoiled kids who can spend time on this "cause" because they don't have to work for a living or prepare to work for a living. I bet there aren't many engineering students out there. and most people at Ivy League schools come from privilieged backgrounds. And they aren't particularly nice to other minorities, which is why some high achieving black students are choosing HBCU over the Ivy League. Which Jared Kushner bought his way into.
From Daniel Levin of FL on FB - a nuanced positive approach for student protesters to consider,
“ An Open Letter to Student Protesters
Dear Student Protesters:
I want you to know that I see you. I hear you.
We raised you to be feeling, caring, compassionate. We raised you to love your neighbor and to love the stranger. We raised you to never be silent while your neighbor bleeds. We raised you never to harden your hearts against the suffering of the oppressed. Your values are my values.
You see the suffering of the Palestinian people, and your heart breaks for their plight. Mine too. You can’t be human if your heart doesn’t ache for the suffering of innocent people.
I understand the allure of the power of protest. I understand the energy a community draws from each other when inspired to act for righteousness. It can be intoxicating.
But I am writing today because when we’re intoxicated we don’t see clearly. We act rashly without thinking, without understand the nuance, the details, without thinking it all the way through.
And you are too bright, too smart, too capable to act in this moment without curiosity. You are too old now to look at the world in childish binaries – assuming there only good guys and bad guys. You are too smart not to question all you are being taught to believe.
Because you are so gifted, with respect, I ask you to think a little harder, because whenever we take a stand, we have to know who we are standing with, and what we are standing for.
You offer a simple chant: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!” But where did that chant come from? Have you thought about what it really means?
That chant comes from a radical ideology based on a fundamentalist Islamic ideal articulated by the Muslim Brotherhood – that it is incumbent on all Muslims to wage war to bring the entirety of the Arab world under Muslim rule, governed by Sharia law.
That chant echoes Hamas’ calls for the complete destruction of Israel as an essential condition for the liberation of Palestine. They reject coexistence. “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.” They are a genocidal organization whose charter declares: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."
When you chant, “From the River to the Sea…” you, yourself, may not be calling for the genocide of the 7.2 million Jews who call the land of Israel their home, but you are aligning yourself and spouting the ideology of a group who very much believes in the legitimacy of mass murder.
When you chant: “By Any Means Necessary” you are endorsing violent attack on civilian populations as a way to achieve Hamas’ aims of eradicating Jews from the land. In a survey conducted last June by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, more than half of Palestinians surveyed in both Gaza and the West Bank believed armed resistance was the best path forward.
When surveyed, and asked: “Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I….” – 70 percent of Gazans said, support or strongly support. Is that what you support?
When you chant for a return to Intifadeh, you are calling for the return of suicide attacks on young people at dance clubs, families at pizza restaurants, and bombing wedding celebrations as the means to achieve Palestinian liberation. Is that what you really believe?
If Palestinians attack Israeli civilians, is it not incumbent on Israel to do everything they can to protect those civilians? Is it not a moral truth that if someone is coming to kill you, you have to protect yourself, even if it means killing your pursuer?
But, you say, Israel is a Zionist colonial settler usurper of Palestinian land, with no legitimate right to exist.
The history of the Middle East is one of conquest and warfare. For thousands of years, armies have battled for this land.
For more than three thousand years, the Jewish people have been rooted in the land of Israel. Over the centuries that followed, that has never, ever changed. Whether the land was controlled by the Jewish people or by invading colonial armies from afar – Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, Arabia, Crusaders, or the Ottoman Turks, it was and remains the homeland of the Jewish people, who have lived in greater or lesser numbers there throughout the millennia.
Forced into exile thousands of years ago, the Jewish people were made to wander the world, ever searching for a land that would welcome them. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish people were never allowed to integrate into the larger cultures who hosted them. We were a nation apart – with different customs, language, religious traditions and beliefs. We suffered discrimination, persecution, pogrom, and expulsion. And as peoples throughout the world in the nineteenth century organized around their national identities, so too did the Jewish people.
Thus was born Zionism. Zionism is the national movement of the Jewish people to restore their original national homeland. It was born from the unending dreams of the Jewish people to return home to the land from which they were largely expelled, in which there has been a constant Jewish presence for more than 3,000 years.
To claim that Zionism is a colonial enterprise is a ridiculous fallacy. In order for a country to express colonial ambition, they must have a homeland from which to extend their reach. Arab colonialism began in Arabia and spread across the Middle East and North Africa. How else did the peoples of North Africa come to speak Arabic as their native language if not for colonial enterprise? French colonialism spread from France; thus you have native French speakers in places as diverse as Vietnam and Haiti.
If Zionism were a colonial, settler enterprise, then there would be an original homeland from which we came. In truth, Zionism is the political movement of an indigenous people seeking their rights to their original homeland.
The fact is that the land of Israel was dominated by the colonial hegemony of the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. Jews began to purchase enclaves from Ottoman landowners, many of whom lived far from the lands they owned. In the 1880s, the population of Palestine was less than half a million. The Ottoman Empire did not refer to that land as Palestine, but divided it between the administrative divisions of Beirut in the north, and the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem in the south.
The return of Jews to their homeland was met with rejectionism, and yet they persevered. They built farming collectives and small towns, growing new communities in the outskirts of ancient cities – Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Hebron, Haifa. And out of necessity, they learned to defend themselves.
In 1947 the United Nations voted to partition the land into two states. Despite the geographic challenges the plan presented, the plan was met with rejoicing by Jewish communities all over the world, and was summarily rejected by the bordering Arab nations. Almost immediately, the Arab states began armed conflict, erupting into full-scale war by the middle of May 1948, when the State of Israel declared its independence.
Like all wars, this one was catastrophic. The newly created State of Israel lost one percent of its entire population. So many who had somehow survived the Holocaust perished within days of arriving in the newly created Jewish homeland. The epicenter of Jewish spiritual life, the Old City of Jerusalem, was walled off from the Jews of Jerusalem. In addition, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs who fled or were forced from their homes found themselves as refugees. It is tragic that so much suffering came from Arab rejectionism, but waging war has consequences, and those who wage war must then be willing to accept the consequences when they attack and fail.
The ensuing years saw unrelenting war and terrorism visited on the Jewish state. Out of necessity, Israel developed not simply an advanced economy with remarkable advances in culture, innovation, medicine, and the arts, but also a formidable defensive capability to protect its citizens from ongoing threat and attack.
They won't listen.
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