Back in the late 70s, shortly after I started working for the federal government, I did a project where I researched what was then called “alternative work schedules“, which included the four day week, 9 x 9, sliding shift schedules, and things like that. Even then it was apparent that these policies improved worker productivity, improved worker satisfaction, and cut down on sick leave.

As I paid attention to this issue over the years, I observed that when the business economy was healthy, employers tended to be more accepting of alternative work schedules. But when things started to get tight again, the first thing they did was limit the availability of AWSs, compelling employees back to “traditional” work schedules.

I soon realized that this was fundamentally about the employer’s control of the workers’ lives — or their fear over losing that control. This has been reflected more recently in the issue of work-from-home. Again, research indicates that people who can “telecommute“ tend to have more work satisfaction, be more productive, and use less sick leave. But offering this much freedom to their employees has been a little too much for some employers, and even many of the reputedly “liberal“ tech companies have been almost literally fighting with their employees over this issue. Again, it appears that employers feel they need serious control over the lives of their employees; they’re not satisfied with them simply doing a good job. 🤔😉😊

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"employers feel they need serious control over the lives of their employees; they’re not satisfied with them simply doing a good job"

Careful. You're saying the truthful part out loud.

(And I wish I could do 100 up votes for your comment.)

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I experienced the 4-day workweek living in Las Vegas in the 90s. It was fantastic. It was strange hours but casinos are 24/7, so there's that. 5p-3a and 10p-8a were ones I worked. Paid lunch, which was provided, and paid breaks. It was fun. I could go to L.A. for the weekend, etc.

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