As I noted on Ben's column yesterday, I would bet the house that backing of Harris by most Democrats was negotiated by Dark Brandon. He was going to get forced out, but Biden wanted his pick to be the nomination. One last deal before he retires as the most effective President in the 50 years.

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Well had they NOT done that, the Dems would have derailed, because who was going to trust these same people to do another primary?? I wasn’t. I was like…”Oh, so they don’t want our VP because they have someone else in mind”. I was not going to have that without calling it out. I think they did indeed have someone else in mind, but you cannot get people to vote when they don’t get to choose. Primary voters chose Biden & Harris. We all knew that if something happened to Biden we’d get Harris. Them trying to take Harris from us…oh I wasn’t good with that.

They had no right to push Biden out. I’m still upset about that. What Obama did can never be redeemed in my eyes, especially given the inaction he showed during Hillary’s campaign after Comey put a thumb on the scale. Obama did nothing. Then when the hacks by Russia with their trolls…Obama buckled to McConnell fearing he’d get blamed & his legacy would be toast. Neither Biden nor Bill Clinton would have allowed that old turtle to bully them like that & neither would’ve allowed him to steal a SCOTUS pick either. So now he involves himself? I’ll never see him the same again & maybe that’s a good thing, because he was really hard to see.

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Joey Wan Kenobi.


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Joe Biden still has game. A parting shot like this cements his legacy and leaves us all the more hopeful for a winning (election) season.

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I love this post! I shared so many of your misgivings and I really didn't want to see the Democrats get pulled apart by an open convention or a lot of infighting about who the candidate should be (although I'm sure your mom would have been outstanding ;). I now think there was a lot more planning and internal polling going on behind the scenes that any of us knew, and the fact that there were no leaks along the way is impressive.

I do think that Biden would have had a successful second term, but I applaud him for his wisdom and altruism - and his ninja moves! The timing was excellent, the rollout pretty close to perfection, and yes, the change in narrative is fantastic. I love that the corporate media was so gun ho on their age-bashing that now they're kind of caught with their pants down with Trump.

I really didn't think the country was ready to elect a woman president, but I don't think that any more, seeing the wild enthusiasm that Harris is generating across the board, especially pulling in young voters. I am so very proud of Biden and Harris, and the Democratic party.

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"I’m not alone in saying I couldn’t be more relieved about the unprecedented level of unity, energy, support, volunteerism, and donations to the vice president’s newly launched campaign."

No, you're not. I, too, had serious concerns about the chaos that would follow Biden's stepping aside. And with good reason given how the Democrats were acting following his debate performance.

But I'm charged up, enthusiastic, and thrilled with the way the Dems, insiders and rank-and-file voters, have lined up behind Harris.

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I'm big on not getting too happy, too soon but am also relieved this has gone way smoother than I imagined. I think the comparison with Obama is too optimistic. He didn't have to lug the whole "gender" mess around with him. There are races that have been one by a nose, this may be won or lost by a penis. And he didn't have to deal with DEI the way Harris will be confronted. Still, I think we're in a better place today and need to focus on defeating Doddering Donald.

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I was delighted to see fElon Musk walk back his $45million/month pledge to the Trump campaign -- but the loss of that advertising capital means the mainstream media's honeymoon with Harris will soon be over. I expect more "did the Dems rush to coronation?" stories in the coming days as the media hopes to even out the horse race to gin up ad spends. Encouraging everyone consuming news to not fall prey to efforts intended to curb voter enthusiasm over Harris.

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The more I look at this, the more I'm convinced that Joe saw the writing on the wall shortly after the debate, and this tired, old, demented man, drooling on the Resolute Desk (#sarcasm) engineered the switch over to his VP. He intentionality waited until after the DNC Fascist Fest to make the move. It was perfectly executed political jiu-jitsu. If the momentum continues, and we get a President Harris, and a Democratic congress, we'll all owe Dark Brandon an eternal debt of gratitude. He alone will have saved the republic.

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"a news media that’s inexplicably thirsty for another Donald Trump presidency. "

Inexplicably? Hardly. Talk to Justin.

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