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"There is a business model in being a dick these days," so says Bob Cesca. It's revolting that a maggot like Alex Jones can profit off the tragedy of the Sandy Hook massacre. His overall worth of $270 million is obscene for somebody like him. I seriously hope that this judgment will render him a pauper. The less we hear from him, the better, I say. I wish the same for our former insurrectionist of an ex-president. I seriously doubt that he will ever run for president again, given the number of legal and civil lawsuits engulfing him like a tornado in the next year or so. Let us hope, along with Constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe, that his former student, Attorney General Merrick Garland, will have to charge Trump with some crime, any crime, before the year is up! The country will be better for it, despite the calls for violence if he is ever prosecuted. People will riot in the streets if he's not prosecuted, I believe.

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