Thank you so much for today's show, before there were podcasts there was you three and some very important other writers in my world that could not have existed any other way. To me "A" list is not even close to as relevant as honest and factual (see also Digby, Josh Marshall and Eric Boelert) you all got me through some grim times by letting me know that things that needed to be said, out loud, would be heard nation wide.
The courage of early bloggers was mind blowing, no one knew if there were rules or what the consequence would be. I really just can't thank you enough
Thank you so much for today's show, before there were podcasts there was you three and some very important other writers in my world that could not have existed any other way. To me "A" list is not even close to as relevant as honest and factual (see also Digby, Josh Marshall and Eric Boelert) you all got me through some grim times by letting me know that things that needed to be said, out loud, would be heard nation wide.
The courage of early bloggers was mind blowing, no one knew if there were rules or what the consequence would be. I really just can't thank you enough