"While Trump’s policies were abhorrent, his refusal to abide by election rules and constant attempts to undermine voting have created a truly frightening scenario where most Republicans genuinely don’t believe Joe Biden is the legitimate President."

The Fascist Cheeto is indeed abhorrent, but the truly frightening part isn't what he believes or does. It's that "most Republicans" part.

That the Soviet Agent Orange wants to be a dictator is indeed bad. But it's that so many of the people on America want it too that is the real horror show.

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"They could forego short term political gain for the survival of their party"

Looking past immediate gratification? That's asking an awful lot of Republicans.

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While it's great that it looks like Benjamin Netanyahu is finally being shown the door - and I won't believe he's gone until he's finally gone - I'd keep my eye on Naftali Bennett. From what I've read about him, he makes Netanyahu look like a boy scout by comparison.

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