Well said, and I agree.

My late mother was a Nazi refugee. She repeatedly told my sisters and I that those who hate the Jews would try again to kill us all, but I think that she would have been shocked and saddened that so much of the hatred now comes from the political left.

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I agree this shows real problems with the progressive left. On the other side, Israel has already killed 700 children in the retaliation.

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It's a tragedy, although I hold Hamas responsible for that more than Israel. Either way, Israel absolutely do everything in its power to limit civilian death.

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Not proven...this is propaganda from Hamas

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It’s widely reported. There are journalists there. No food water electricity allowed in. Areas flattened. 40% of the population is under 14. Hospitals unable to function.

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There is an ability from Egypt to supply electricity---why do they not supply it?

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There is an ability for Israel not to withhold electricity and water. There is an ability for Israel not to use white phosphorus in retaliation. Why don’t they stop?

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Also the Palestinian people had years and billions of dollars to have developed their own source of power and water. They preferred to spend the money on hate speech and violence against the people of Israel

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Not known if this has happened. No proven. Only Hamas the liars statement

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Still the report that 1000 children were hospitalized is false....thus how much else is false and conspiracy? Many of the "reports" are from Hamas...that is the evil that they convey.....The hate against Israel and the Jewish People is real. That leads to the continued lies and exaggerations about what occurs

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Just a quick note to say thank you for all that you and your Banter team do - but ESPECIALLY for this article. Wishing you all the best.

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Hamas could not give a damn about the Palestinian people. If they were there to help the residents of Gaza, they would not be blocking exits; and they would not be telling people to stay in their homes (what homes still remain standing) while bombs are destroying everything all around them. (It’s a shame that Egypt will not do something to help these people evacuate. I realize they don’t want a refugee crisis in their own country, but none of the Arab nations are stepping up to do anything, as wealthy as they are.) If they are, I’m not aware of it.

It’s as if this was an effort by Hamas to do something so horrifying and egregious that Israel would have to respond in such a way that the world will turn against Jews. We are probably going to see a spike in antisemitism that will be among the worst in half a century. Also, concerning Jews being equated with white supremacists: that has to be the most ignorant thing I’ve heard in a long time. Are people not aware that there are Ethiopian Jews, and that many Jews are “people of color.” I’m so disgusted by the reaction of people on the far left that it makes me not want to be identified as a liberal. But one of the comments in your previous newsletter said much the same thing; that far left fringe does not really represent mainstream or even more liberal Democrats, like myself.

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“It’s as if this was an effort by Hamas to do something so horrifying and egregious that Israel would have to respond in such a way that the world will turn against Jews.”

That may indeed be a Hamas’s intent. But Israel does not have to fall for it. Israel is not a puppet controlled by Hamas and can decide for itself what it’s going to do. “Look what you made me do“ remains, as it always is, a cowardly attempt to avoid responsibility for the choices one makes.

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One thing is for sure: They are not doing anything to help the Palestinian people, whether they be in Gaza or elsewhere.

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No argument. Hamas is harmful to the Palestinians.

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You’re right and I agree with you. A better wording might have been that Hamas committed such atrocities because they fully expected an overwhelming response that might, unfortunately, compel Iran to get involved, leading to a much more extensive and dangerous war. The implications of this mess are multi-faceted and all-around horrifying.

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Agreed. Hamas probably is hoping for escalation. And Israel should not play into their hands.

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There might be the possibility of Israel using discretion under another administration, but with Netanyahu it’s probably not possible. To the best of my knowledge, they have already bombed most of Gaza into oblivion. At this point, I heard that 6000 bombs were dropped. That sounds astounding to me but it’s probably true.

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Oh, yeah. Netanyahu and the current Israeli leader ship that support him are definitely harmful to the interest of the citizens of Israel.

They don’t cause Hamas-level of damage, but they are doing their share.

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“Showing support for innocent Israelis does not mean you do not support innocent Palestinians.”

Exactly right. And vice versa. Recognizing there are innocent Palestinians should not be interpreted as being opposed to Israel. Something, alas, some just don’t seem to (refuse to) understand.

Hamas must be eradicated. That they use human shields, etc. makes that task far more frustratingly challenging for Israel. But despite that Israel needs to do everything they can to avoid civilian casualties. And it doesn’t appear that is always the case.

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I would suggest that the left is riddled with grifters just as is the right. Both are examples of places where excess elites can acquire an income and a sense of purpose that prevents them from otherwise becoming a thorn in the side of the ruling class. The ideology on both sides is fantastical, reminiscent of a religious movement as John McWhorter pointed out in 2015. Other have noted that Trump is seen by many on the right as a messiah-like figure.

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Do you think it is worthwhile to distinguish between the radical left and left and the same with the extreme right? I do.

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I am not sure what you mean by left.

For me, "small c" conservatives means the opposite of radicals and are found on both the Right and Left. The conservatives on the Left are the Democratic party establishment, while those on the Right were the so-called mainstream Republicans who are largely extinct.

Then there are radicals and extreme radicals. One the Left there were once a radical faction of New Dealers/sewer socialists and extreme radical faction: Communist+Progressives*. The first of these is extinct, leaving just the conservatives and extreme radicals on the Left. These two do not get along, but the latter will often support the conservatives because they hate the Republicans even more.

As for the Right, there are no conservatives, just movement conservatism (MC) and the populist Right as less and more extreme radicals, one or both of these are going to control the GOP.

MC is fundamentally about improving things for the wealthy and investors and it has been very successful: the Buffet ratio is up 5X from 1980 and the top 1% income share has doubled.



This objective is not a political winner for people who do not fall into either category, which is a large majority. So, Republicans of the MC type have always had conservative cultural offerings to gain votes. The populist right are folks who are tired of their issues always playing second banana to MC and have moved into ascendancy with MAGA.

BLM was a huge thing in 2020, and its primary policy recommendation was "defund the police". Biden rejected that out of hand, and I haven't seen much of that happening. NYC elected a tough-on-crime Democratic mayor in the height of BLM.

On the other hand, the messaging from the populist right has been converted into policy by Republicans (e.g. abortion restrictions, anti-trans legislation in Florida). Hence, I see the two Rights as formally separate, but in practice mixed together, while the Democrats and progressives are distinct in terms of policy.

*FDR was a progressive. He started to call his brand of politics "liberal" to distinguish it from more radical stuff being bandied about by self-described progressives, some of whom were uncomfortably close to Communists.

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Thanks for your response. I have to gather my thoughts and reply a bit later. Too many deadlines this week!

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