This is the perfect question to ask, and needs to be considered now, before it's too late! See my response below to another similar question. Yes, call Sens and Reps. Encourage others to. Go on strike, and if you can't think of other ways to disrupt. Is it easy? No. But we have to think about it.
We've been burned by lack of imagination and energy several times in the recent past, but smart, energetic, motivated people have to start considering what they'd do about this now, in preparation for this very real scenario. I don't have all the answers, but if enough people think about it, there could be viable responses that have an effect.
"Pro-democracy and pro-America citizens need to recognize that this is a very real scenario. And there must be vigilant opposition." What would this vigilant opposition look like? Is it even possible to oppose this scenario, if Trump has the military at his command?
This is a great question, and really the main point of the article. We need to ask these questions and not dismiss this very real possibility.
When I wrote this, I had in mind political leaders fighting back against such moves and not giving in to the temptation to follow Trump due to a swell of support. But all of us would have a role. Call you Reps and Senators. Encourage other to as well. If they know they have a lot of vocal constituent support, they would be more likely to oppose. Perhaps a general strike, or strategic strikes.
Time to think about this now, be imaginative, and consider all possibilities. Hopefully it will never happen, but it's never been more potentially real in our lifetimes as it is right now.
Hegseth embodies the cult of anti-DEI…so the failed wars of the GWOT suddenly were the result of woke generals and pussy politicians worried about offending Muslims and progressives and thus didn’t let the warfighters do what was necessary to win the wars. And Hegseth’s first example was a JAG officer going over the rules of engagement to his platoon that Hegseth admits he ignored and ordered his soldiers under his command to ignore. From my perspective the soldiers on the ground won every battle in the GWOT and the reason we failed was because the civilian leadership got us into unwinnable wars. And the only failures by boots on the ground I can think of was Abu Ghraib in which the soldiers that committed war crimes were the least woke people on the planet!!
what does this phrase mean, "there must be vigilant opposition"?
Am I taking a specific action? Writing my senator and congress representatives? Something else?
This is the perfect question to ask, and needs to be considered now, before it's too late! See my response below to another similar question. Yes, call Sens and Reps. Encourage others to. Go on strike, and if you can't think of other ways to disrupt. Is it easy? No. But we have to think about it.
We've been burned by lack of imagination and energy several times in the recent past, but smart, energetic, motivated people have to start considering what they'd do about this now, in preparation for this very real scenario. I don't have all the answers, but if enough people think about it, there could be viable responses that have an effect.
"Pro-democracy and pro-America citizens need to recognize that this is a very real scenario. And there must be vigilant opposition." What would this vigilant opposition look like? Is it even possible to oppose this scenario, if Trump has the military at his command?
This is a great question, and really the main point of the article. We need to ask these questions and not dismiss this very real possibility.
When I wrote this, I had in mind political leaders fighting back against such moves and not giving in to the temptation to follow Trump due to a swell of support. But all of us would have a role. Call you Reps and Senators. Encourage other to as well. If they know they have a lot of vocal constituent support, they would be more likely to oppose. Perhaps a general strike, or strategic strikes.
Time to think about this now, be imaginative, and consider all possibilities. Hopefully it will never happen, but it's never been more potentially real in our lifetimes as it is right now.
Projection. It’s really absurd how accurate projection is, esp. with the president elect, he literally describes himself every time.
Hegseth embodies the cult of anti-DEI…so the failed wars of the GWOT suddenly were the result of woke generals and pussy politicians worried about offending Muslims and progressives and thus didn’t let the warfighters do what was necessary to win the wars. And Hegseth’s first example was a JAG officer going over the rules of engagement to his platoon that Hegseth admits he ignored and ordered his soldiers under his command to ignore. From my perspective the soldiers on the ground won every battle in the GWOT and the reason we failed was because the civilian leadership got us into unwinnable wars. And the only failures by boots on the ground I can think of was Abu Ghraib in which the soldiers that committed war crimes were the least woke people on the planet!!