Excellent analysis and insight. Thank you for defanging Greenwald and Taibbi, and exposing them for their intellectual dishonesty.

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They are grifters. But they also go large signing bonuaes. I am sure that money was laundered to them somehow. Not neccessariky Putin, but the oligarchs. And they arent alt left. There is no alt left in the way their is an alt right. There is a fake left, a right really.

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I hate opinions I don't agree with, too, but when Greenwald and Taibbi start detailing facts that don't align with what I want to believe I just can't listen. I think I'm ready to take that last leap of faith and go all in for people who give not one fuck about me. Hillary 2024! We came, we killed, we came again! Hillary is such a badass.

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"...the rise of Trump was the fault of the Democrats"

Well, that much IS true. Why?

The Democrats stopped being the party of the working class and morphed into the party of the professional, managerial class. With no alternatives in a two party system, the working class - the "deplorables" in Hilary Clinton's elegant phrasing - were more vulnerable to disingenuous overtures from Pubs, and became captive to the incendiary "logic" of populist incitement by a right wing fascist inclined demagogue.

Yes, it is in part the fault of Democrats for losing the working class. And they STILL don't seem to get it.

Please remember: MLK was assassinated after he supported the Memphis sanitation workers.

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Just waiting for Greenwald and Taibbi to join Toolsi at CPAC.

Maybe Jimmy Dore will be added as a Special Guest Star!

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