Feb 1, 2023Liked by Ben Cohen

Nice thorough piece. Real journalism at work.

When it comes to anything Taibbi...I smell money.

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This article is now just one more in what is now de rigueur for the "Collusion uber alles" crowd. No matter how bad the mechanics are proved by Twitter to be, they will always cling to the gross over-exaggeration of the truth. Was there Russian influence on the 2016 Election? Sure. It amounted to just about nothing. HRC outspent trump, (a man i truly, truly loathe,) by almost $500M and still managed to lose to the WORST nominee in American political history. The real truth of HRC 2016 is that HRC and Mook are the worst campaign managers ever in American History.

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This is a simple thing to settle. If Hamilton68 will reveal the methodology they used to reach their conclusions and the data that that supports it, the whole truth will become clear. Are they doing that?

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"...Democrats and mainstream media outlets need to come to terms with the damage they did to the country..." Jeez Matt, maybe look in the mirror?! As Justin says (actually I said it first, but) accusation is confession". I'm an a-theist but admire a couple of bible verses. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Pitiful

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