The scary thing is that as dystopian a prediction as it clearly is, I can see MAGA types failing to see the satire.

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You American terrorists are why as a progressive liberal I own and practice marksmanship every fall during Whitetail Deer as season.

Democrat with a gun!

Let me proclaim loud and clear our 2nd Amendment includes the phrase "A well regulated " which apparently you are not.

So dear terrorist you can pretend to be Jesse James but realize this, he was hunted down and killed by true defenders of our Republic.

Oh and there a lot of Democrat liberals who also have arms to defend against MAG-ots.

Have a good day and please learn to read our Constitution of this Republic of States.

Signed your W.O.K.E. neighbor and Liberty loving Liberal.

( who is an excellent shot by the way)

Nope no Anarchy or Tryanny on my watch.

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What I cannot wrap my head around is where are the democrats or the fake LSM on Trump not paying taxes or Ivanka and Jared making money while working in the WH. What about Trump weaponization of the DOJ, IRS, Homeland Security why aren’t the spineless democrats talking about that where is the fake LSM? Why isn’t the senators and congressmen not charged with the insurrection they participated in? Talk about weaponization and charges not fairly rendered.

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Forgot the military that clear protesters so dear leader could hold up the Bible upside down talk about Satan. The CDC, that allow Trump and Pence to lie and kill vulnerable Americans.

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