Very well-written dissection of what just happened in Tennessee, Rich. Those ousted representatives were inadvertently made into superstars by the repugnican members of the Tennessee House. Boy, are they ever humiliated by this rash action and I hope they have been totally shamed by the quick response to their misguided attempt to silence debate on the gun issue. And, maybe, these overtly racist lawmakers do want a race war, but the very diverse members of Gen Z will not tolerate it. It's us aging Baby Boomers and maybe those in Gen X who have fallen for this bullshit from the alt-right or far right. This will be their moment and I also hope that I - and you - can live long enough to see the coming change after the old guard is replaced or dies out - finally!

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I hope in the new world they hold a place for folks like us, of a certain age, who don't absolutely suck.

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I've heard "I wanted to start a race war" from multiple white supremacists (for ex. Dylann Roof). The idea is to goad non-white people into fighting back so white supremacists have an excuse to slaughter them. Ghandi and MLK were very smart to conduct non-violent protests to avoid providing that excuse. Something I noticed about the GOP supermajority in TN is that it wasn't enough for them to be able to block any bill proposed by Democrats. They would also cut off the microphones of Democrats during debates. I expect they were enraged by the simple, effective workaround of using a bullhorn. The two Justins are both great public speakers, so it would be a temptation for less gifted politicians to try and silence them. Bravo to the TN Three for standing up their grieving constituents.

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Living in TN, I was vaguely aware of Mr. Pearson. I remember seeing he had won his election in November, read a little bit about him and thought he would be a good representative of his district.

I'm closer to Nashville and Mr. Jones was well known to me, and I can't help but think, one of the reasons he was known was one of the reasons the GOP legislators wanted him out - he helped lead the charge to get the bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest out of the capitol rotunda. The horde of the perpetually online mouth breathers not withstanding, it's not the Democrats that want to keep celebrating Confederate generals. I had heard this young man speak during that fight and was impressed by his skills.

Thanks to the morons in the legislature, I've now been able to hear both of these men speak. I'm not sure if the GOP trolls know what the Streisand effect is, but they sure are living it. I'm glad Gloria Johnson was able to win her vote, it just proved the racism and hatred of people like Sexton and my state rep, the twitter banned Susan Lynn (for posting crazy Q crap).

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Off the subject, but it annoys me when people use "mouth breather" as an insult. Mouth breathing is often a side-effect of not having one's tonsils removed as a child. The procedure was avoided by many poor families with lack of insurance or lack of funds. Personal insults are childish anyway. Facts are better.

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Off the subject, but it annoys me when people find the dumbest things to be offended by. If you don't like it, just move along.

My tonsils are still in me and I don't breathe through my mouth. But, go ahead and focus on the really important things. You're doing great.

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Tonsils cause mouth breathing in some and not others. The point is that people don't have control over this. So why use it as a tool for ridicule to make yourself feel superior. I will take up for others whether you like it or not.

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Well, I’m sure the mouth breathing community will applaud you for your righteous indignation. Again, if you don’t like it just move on. You’re not required to comment on everything. I’ll keep using that phrase. Maybe even more knowing there are scolds out there that don’t like it. So, thanks.

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Next up, don’t use smooth brain. Folds in the brain are a sign of socio-economic disenchantment and we shouldn’t use it

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There are more like us than you think, Rich. We are as furious as these youngsters are with what's happening in this country that's being pushed in the wrong direction by autocratic members of the far right. We now have "warriors for democracy" in the persons of Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. The repugnican scheme to silence debate on gun reform has backfired mightily and their blatant immorality has been laid out for the entire nation to see.

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