Leaving Afghanistan is the best bad decision for a situation that only has bad decisions. At this point its a classic example of the sunken cost fallacy. 20 years ago I quoted Kipling and cited Alexander the Great and Russia as examples of Afghanistan is where empires go to die. The Taliban is gong to be horrific for Afghanistan and women in particular. It might once again engage in sponsoring international terrorism and unless we are willing to put the nation to the sword and plow it with salt (not a solution I recommend, favor or believe we have the willingness to do, leaving aside the international repercussion) the best thing for the U.S. is to leave. It's possible and probable that 40 years ago when Russia left we could have created an ally favorable to the U.S. for 40 or 50 million in infrastructure but we myopically chose not to. They are never going to trust us now. Staying and 1/4 assing it will not help either the U.S. or Afghanistan.

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I think you have a point. I do think it shameful that we've created such a mess and are now leaving them to it though. A terrible situation that should have been far more carefully thought through back in 2001.

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Is Biden right to pull out? Yes.

What happens when Kabul falls to the Taliban? We go back to where it all started, before we squandered 20 years, tons of lives lost and property destruction, and trillions of dollars of taxpayer money.

Is there a better solution? No. Let the Moslems battle it out amongst themselves. It's a race to the bottom. Allah will prevail.

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Biden is absolutely right to get put of Afghanistan. Listen, unless the US is willing to engage in genocide to eradicate the Taliban and the Warlords there is no path to a free Afghanistan.

It has always been OBL’s plan to bleed the US until we would leave. There was never any other plan and it worked like a charm.

Afghanistan is going to retrograde back into the miserable, woman hating state it has always been. This was the result telegraphed to us twenty years ago.

The only humane thing to do is get as many US connected Afghans out as fast as possible. I would extend this to any and all Afghan women as well. These two groups will pay the maximum price if left to the Taliban.

Finally we need to turn our attention to Bush/ Cheney to hold them and their enablers to account. Twenty years of a lost cause should be deeply examined.

But yes, Biden is absolutely right to finally pull the plug on this debacle. Lets just hope he tries to mitigate the damage to those left at risk.

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Biden supported the war there too, so he has come culpability. But yes, Bush/Cheney got us into this mess and should be held responsible for not only the invasion, but the atrocious post war planning (or lack thereof). I think this is going to have disastrous repercussions for Afghanistan and the broader region though and I'm terrified about the future there.

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I have a niece that spent 10 horrible, life-altering months over there so I'll defer to her general observations. In short, The Taliban is just waiting for us to leave so they can do as they will. Our foray into that part of the world has done good for some of the people there but generally speaking has had little impact on preventing the The Taliban's inevitable return to power.

Leaving is the best option though diplomacy can still be pursued maybe...?

I think it would be a good thing for the US to do what they can to help Afghani people to immigrate here if they wanted to. Vetting would be necessary, of course. There's many that have fled the country already for obvious reasons. Give them refugee status and help them build what is hopefully a better life here with education for their kids.

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