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“Ideas are being floated constantly: statehood for Puerto Rico, Guam, and D.C.; reversing egregious gerrymandering; doing away with the Electoral College altogether. None of these measures is beyond the pale, and none would be shunned by the GOP were they in a parallel situation.“

And here is where I see the clear distinction between the GOP and “conservatives” on one side and Democrats and the left on the other.

Absolutely the GOP would be in favor of these things if they would benefit from them, just as absolutely they are opposed to them for the sole reason that currently their hold on power would be harmed by them.

Democrats and the left are not pure not angels. But far, far more on the left would be (are) in favor of these things *even if they benefit the other side more* because they are the right thing to do.

The left is not above looking out for their own selfish interests. But they do recognize that sometimes the greater good and “doing the right thing” means doing something that weakens your own position. I’ve seen no evidence that modern “conservatives” are able to even grasp the concept, let alone act on it.

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