I can’t imagine no one ever asked Woodward (about this as well as other revelations), “This is important information. Why didn’t you reveal it four years ago?” I wonder what his response was. 🤔😉😊

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"But that would hurt sales of my book!"

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Grovelers of Putin.

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In October of 2020 when tRump was on 60 minutes, Leslie Stahl was handed a binder supposedly with all the "accomplishments" he did for his health care programs, particularly Covid. IT WAS FILLED with BLANK pagers of paper!! as Leslie showed the camera after the interview was done. Forbes article 10/21/2020.

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Given that as a prominent substacker, I'm sure he can take it, I will point out that the problem with Cesca's pieces is that they are both banal and, typically, several days out of date. Sorry to be blunt.

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-I'm not a prominent substacker, but thanks!

-Re: banal - I made at least two points -- NSA and "slow the testing down" -- that aren't being made anywhere else.

-Re: timeliness - I guess you're a fan of the memory hole. I wrote this piece the day after the news broke. And it's important enough that it requires ongoing elaboration and amplifying given how it further exposes the pro-Putin authoritarian on the ballot. The question is: why don't you think it's important enough to keep amplifying?

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Sorry, Bob. It's me, not you. Watching four late night comics as well as various news outlets pretty much saturates one by the time a thoughtful person like yourself can fashion a reply. The NSA point is a good one but hard to imagine timely follow up.

Re: prominent... isn't the whole point of substack that any writer can become prominent, at least in their own mind?

p.s. I AM a subscriber.

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You might be right. I've always considered myself a contributor-to-a-substacker. Our editor-in-chief Ben Cohen is the substacker. I haven't ruled out starting my own, linked to my podcast.

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The story I heard was that the Putin calls were on a burner phone marked for Trump. This no recordings?

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I'm pretty sure the NSA is capable of monitoring all calls between the US and Russia, regardless of the phone used.

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