'If you’re familiar with the “School to Prison Pipeline”, you probably have some idea where this is going. Black children were already over disciplined in American school systems. First, most teachers are white and in many schools, most students are not. Second, most white people see Black children as older than they are. Third, behavior that is tolerated in white children is absolutely not tolerated in Black children.'
I can attest to this as a black person (Afro-Canadian born, raised, and living in Toronto); during my junior high school days, the white principal who ran the school (an ex-police officer who later went back into the force after I had left the school) disciplined me and one other black boy harshly (I was suspended for fighting), and when I acted out (I have Aspergers), his hammer would come down harder on me than on anybody else white, as did the other white teachers ( I had problems adjusting to being in a regular junior high after having been in previous schools without being taught homework skills or study skills, all of which contributed to me failing grade 7 and 8.) The North York board (North York is one of the old five boroughs of the old unamalgamated Toronto, which before amalgamation in 1997 had its own city hall, its own council, its own sanitation service, and its own school board) dropped me out after grade eight, so I had to attend school at a private school that was a fly-by-night rip off. As for the other black boy? He had psychological problems, and instead of helping him, the system failed him too (I learned he'd put his hand down the pants of a girl at school, and was then later arrested and sent to reform school.) With regards to me, said private school failed, and then I further fell through the cracks (having to go to a program because I was not allowed to go back to school in the borough of Scarborough, then going to several programs for special needs adults that did nothing for me, until I ended up where I am now, on social assistance.
The system in (North) American schools is flawed, and needs to be fixed, a lot, and without this (in)security theater nonsense that isn't solving anything except making semi-racist neoconservative white people who won't solve the United States' gun problem (be they citizen or politician) feel good.
'If you’re familiar with the “School to Prison Pipeline”, you probably have some idea where this is going. Black children were already over disciplined in American school systems. First, most teachers are white and in many schools, most students are not. Second, most white people see Black children as older than they are. Third, behavior that is tolerated in white children is absolutely not tolerated in Black children.'
I can attest to this as a black person (Afro-Canadian born, raised, and living in Toronto); during my junior high school days, the white principal who ran the school (an ex-police officer who later went back into the force after I had left the school) disciplined me and one other black boy harshly (I was suspended for fighting), and when I acted out (I have Aspergers), his hammer would come down harder on me than on anybody else white, as did the other white teachers ( I had problems adjusting to being in a regular junior high after having been in previous schools without being taught homework skills or study skills, all of which contributed to me failing grade 7 and 8.) The North York board (North York is one of the old five boroughs of the old unamalgamated Toronto, which before amalgamation in 1997 had its own city hall, its own council, its own sanitation service, and its own school board) dropped me out after grade eight, so I had to attend school at a private school that was a fly-by-night rip off. As for the other black boy? He had psychological problems, and instead of helping him, the system failed him too (I learned he'd put his hand down the pants of a girl at school, and was then later arrested and sent to reform school.) With regards to me, said private school failed, and then I further fell through the cracks (having to go to a program because I was not allowed to go back to school in the borough of Scarborough, then going to several programs for special needs adults that did nothing for me, until I ended up where I am now, on social assistance.
The system in (North) American schools is flawed, and needs to be fixed, a lot, and without this (in)security theater nonsense that isn't solving anything except making semi-racist neoconservative white people who won't solve the United States' gun problem (be they citizen or politician) feel good.
I'm sorry all of that happened. Systemic racism is vile.
You got that right, which is why I wish that I'd quit school at age 14 and just worked instead.