1. Most of the people I’ve met that call themselves “libertarian” wouldn’t know actual libertarianism if it bit them in the ass and introduced itself.
2. Even Frederick Hayek recognized the need for government regulation of markets, particularly financial markets.
3. The problem with meritocracy is that the greater the differential between the top winner’s rewards and those of lower winners, the greater the incentive to cheat. (Cf. The baseball steroid scandal, Lance Armstrong, D. Trump.) 🤔😉😊
Any person that thinks or says that every conservative or even simply every Trump voter is a fascist or racist… whatever…it says everything we really need to know. ABOUT YOU.
Because that position reveals you are one of 3 things:
1) you are simply a partisan hack for the Democrats and or the LEFT and you say it even though you know it isnt true
2) you are one of the dumbest people in history who cannot think or deliberate very basic simple concepts, many of which we were taught in grade school, so you think its true
3) if you get this far and think 1 or 2 above doesn't apply to you? Then it's worse. Because you are just a total asshole. And you should do better. Asap. NOW. Because the people in your life are only tolerating you, deep down they can see you are a total asshole already.
So go ahead, next time you say it, you will know which of the above you are.
#2 is the only redeeming answer if you really are the good person you think you are.
Here's the problem when your attempt at being clever: It expired back in 2016. After 4 years of Trump in office, we all knew exactly who he was. A white nationalist fascist. An unbelievably corrupt (and stupid) one, at that. His 2020 was even more racist that his 2016 campaign. And then he tried to violently overthrow the government.
Now, in 2024, he openly quotes Hitler and promises to be a fascist on day one. He says it out loud. And his base begs for more.
So, if you vote for a man who says he will implement white nationalist policies and bring fascism to America, you are, by definition, a white nationalist fascist. There is literally nothing Democrats say they will do that is worse than fascism and concentration camps so the excuse of "Democrats are worse!" doesn't work here.
Now, please, shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself any further, kid.
Is preventing people from being on ballots "democracy"? Or is is fascism?
And I ain't just talking about Trump.
When multiple federal agencies and the White House are pressuring Twitter directly or thru a 3rd party to censor private citizens is that "democracy? Or is it fascism?
I could keep going, example after example of things I'm sure you support that are right out of the fascist playbook.
Goes right over your head doesn't it? No self reflection for you, naaaa, BUT TRUMP.
He broke your brain.
Clever. Ok. 95% of the people that voted for Trump want less governnemt in our lives. You seem to be voting for a party that wants government control of everything except abortion and immigration.
Square that with fascism, Mr Clever.
You paint whole crowds of people with a label for how they vote...declaring what they believe in....even though many of them are simply voting for who they think is the lesser evil.
Oh but you personally are determining whats evil for everyone. Thanks!
But see, thats not your place SON, so sit the fuck down.
You...are not the setter of any moral fucking code that anyone else needs to follow. You are part of a self rightous group of blowhards that think they are judge jury and executioner for what is permissible in this county.
You can fuck all the way off with that bullshit.
Got it?
Fuck all the way off. And twice on Sunday.
You are not a better or smarter person than anyone simply because they dont vote like you do.
Because you will probably deny everything I said above, by definition you are a fool who thinks he is smart and he aint.
You have bumper sticker level intelligence.
And by the way, this makes you #3 of my options. You are an asshole, so change cuz the people in your life are fed up. Give them a break.
"Is preventing people from being on ballots "democracy"?" I stopped reading there.
A. No Democratic candidate has been kept off the ballot anywhere. Any state where they do not appear on the ballot is because they failed to meet the requirements that ANYONE has to meet. Want the proof? Look for the lawsuits. Oh wait, there are none because a lawsuit means they have to present evidence in court and you can't lie in court without paying a penalty.
I think there a -single- lawsuit but that was because of how early the deadline was and literally nothing else. So, sit down and shut the fuck up, boy.
B. Trump is an insurrectionist. The Constitution is explicit about insurrectionist not being allowed to hold office. Nothing you say about this matters. He's a traitor and you're a fucking idiot.
I really could care less about the rest of your comment if it starts off this stupid. Shush, child. Let the adults talk.
You didnt disppoint. I know you lefties do not want due process being afforded to your political enemies. Goes back a long time, your buddies Lenin and Stalin were great at that.
And the rest you claim to have ignored....it hit home didnt it. That tingling is your conscience. Thats a good thing.
***all political fire aside, sorry you lost your job good luck
Hes tweaking you man cmon. He said he "wouldn't be a dictator except on day 1"
You know the words he used and hes referencing executive orders.
I wish he was not our nominee his behavior since the election has been appalling. I voted for him 2x and on Jan 7th his career was over and i was ready and happy to move on from him. No way did I think this was possible
But your side has done everyhring possible to breathe life into him.
People see the media and the left go wild at every flinch from him.
The lawsuits. Keeping him off rhe ballots. Hyoervole and overreaction so so often. Hes like a drug for some.
Every word and breath is rhe end of democracy.
Of all the things he could be...Trump....who is a total prick...has garnered sympathy and support from all of it.
Does no one on your side even consider this?
You could have left him a pariah, out there as a lone crazy voice by himself, screaming about the stolen election until hes 100.
Whenever I hear someone say they are a libertarian and 2nd amendment believer I ask them about Philandro Castile or the Black Panthers in CA. The usual reply is something along the lines of "Who?" If I can't be bothered I just end the conversation. If I'm invested I usually end with telling them they need to buy their white robes.
I often wonder what Rand Paul gave to the Russians in 2018.
Probably nothing as good as the massive binder Trump had delivered in 2021.
1. Most of the people I’ve met that call themselves “libertarian” wouldn’t know actual libertarianism if it bit them in the ass and introduced itself.
2. Even Frederick Hayek recognized the need for government regulation of markets, particularly financial markets.
3. The problem with meritocracy is that the greater the differential between the top winner’s rewards and those of lower winners, the greater the incentive to cheat. (Cf. The baseball steroid scandal, Lance Armstrong, D. Trump.) 🤔😉😊
Oh no, as of he wasn’t creepy enough to begin with, Rand Paul (R) Russia has grown a porn mustache. My stomach hurts…
Pick one.
Any person that thinks or says that every conservative or even simply every Trump voter is a fascist or racist… whatever…it says everything we really need to know. ABOUT YOU.
Because that position reveals you are one of 3 things:
1) you are simply a partisan hack for the Democrats and or the LEFT and you say it even though you know it isnt true
2) you are one of the dumbest people in history who cannot think or deliberate very basic simple concepts, many of which we were taught in grade school, so you think its true
3) if you get this far and think 1 or 2 above doesn't apply to you? Then it's worse. Because you are just a total asshole. And you should do better. Asap. NOW. Because the people in your life are only tolerating you, deep down they can see you are a total asshole already.
So go ahead, next time you say it, you will know which of the above you are.
#2 is the only redeeming answer if you really are the good person you think you are.
Sit down, son. You're boring everyone to tears.
Here's the problem when your attempt at being clever: It expired back in 2016. After 4 years of Trump in office, we all knew exactly who he was. A white nationalist fascist. An unbelievably corrupt (and stupid) one, at that. His 2020 was even more racist that his 2016 campaign. And then he tried to violently overthrow the government.
Now, in 2024, he openly quotes Hitler and promises to be a fascist on day one. He says it out loud. And his base begs for more.
So, if you vote for a man who says he will implement white nationalist policies and bring fascism to America, you are, by definition, a white nationalist fascist. There is literally nothing Democrats say they will do that is worse than fascism and concentration camps so the excuse of "Democrats are worse!" doesn't work here.
Now, please, shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself any further, kid.
Is preventing people from being on ballots "democracy"? Or is is fascism?
And I ain't just talking about Trump.
When multiple federal agencies and the White House are pressuring Twitter directly or thru a 3rd party to censor private citizens is that "democracy? Or is it fascism?
I could keep going, example after example of things I'm sure you support that are right out of the fascist playbook.
Goes right over your head doesn't it? No self reflection for you, naaaa, BUT TRUMP.
He broke your brain.
Clever. Ok. 95% of the people that voted for Trump want less governnemt in our lives. You seem to be voting for a party that wants government control of everything except abortion and immigration.
Square that with fascism, Mr Clever.
You paint whole crowds of people with a label for how they vote...declaring what they believe in....even though many of them are simply voting for who they think is the lesser evil.
Oh but you personally are determining whats evil for everyone. Thanks!
But see, thats not your place SON, so sit the fuck down.
You...are not the setter of any moral fucking code that anyone else needs to follow. You are part of a self rightous group of blowhards that think they are judge jury and executioner for what is permissible in this county.
You can fuck all the way off with that bullshit.
Got it?
Fuck all the way off. And twice on Sunday.
You are not a better or smarter person than anyone simply because they dont vote like you do.
Because you will probably deny everything I said above, by definition you are a fool who thinks he is smart and he aint.
You have bumper sticker level intelligence.
And by the way, this makes you #3 of my options. You are an asshole, so change cuz the people in your life are fed up. Give them a break.
Have a good day, you prick
"Is preventing people from being on ballots "democracy"?" I stopped reading there.
A. No Democratic candidate has been kept off the ballot anywhere. Any state where they do not appear on the ballot is because they failed to meet the requirements that ANYONE has to meet. Want the proof? Look for the lawsuits. Oh wait, there are none because a lawsuit means they have to present evidence in court and you can't lie in court without paying a penalty.
I think there a -single- lawsuit but that was because of how early the deadline was and literally nothing else. So, sit down and shut the fuck up, boy.
B. Trump is an insurrectionist. The Constitution is explicit about insurrectionist not being allowed to hold office. Nothing you say about this matters. He's a traitor and you're a fucking idiot.
I really could care less about the rest of your comment if it starts off this stupid. Shush, child. Let the adults talk.
You didnt disppoint. I know you lefties do not want due process being afforded to your political enemies. Goes back a long time, your buddies Lenin and Stalin were great at that.
And the rest you claim to have ignored....it hit home didnt it. That tingling is your conscience. Thats a good thing.
***all political fire aside, sorry you lost your job good luck
I'm sorry, which one of us supports a guy that says "I want to be a dictator?"
Please, I don't know how much more you can publicly humiliate yourself before you reach critical cringe. But thanks. ;)
Hes tweaking you man cmon. He said he "wouldn't be a dictator except on day 1"
You know the words he used and hes referencing executive orders.
I wish he was not our nominee his behavior since the election has been appalling. I voted for him 2x and on Jan 7th his career was over and i was ready and happy to move on from him. No way did I think this was possible
But your side has done everyhring possible to breathe life into him.
People see the media and the left go wild at every flinch from him.
The lawsuits. Keeping him off rhe ballots. Hyoervole and overreaction so so often. Hes like a drug for some.
Every word and breath is rhe end of democracy.
Of all the things he could be...Trump....who is a total prick...has garnered sympathy and support from all of it.
Does no one on your side even consider this?
You could have left him a pariah, out there as a lone crazy voice by himself, screaming about the stolen election until hes 100.
Instead you re-engaged with him. And he loves it.
Whenever I hear someone say they are a libertarian and 2nd amendment believer I ask them about Philandro Castile or the Black Panthers in CA. The usual reply is something along the lines of "Who?" If I can't be bothered I just end the conversation. If I'm invested I usually end with telling them they need to buy their white robes.
I've had a lot of fun tormenting libertarians over the years. They always fall back on "but both sides!"