Agreed he was deeply flawed but in the end he was a patriot. The republican party is currently a repository of human rubbish or a complete cesspool that has done it’s best over the last 60+ years to bring us to where we are today.

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Well said.

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He was the last of the Republican Party-. He stood up to Donald Trump.

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I agree with almost all of this, and although I understand why didn’t, the one thing I won’t forgive is his waiting until death. Had he resigned several weeks before, his seat would have gone to a special election 2 years sooner. That would have been a true love of democracy. Instead, he waited and allowed a GOP governor to install another Republican (with fewer scruples) for 18 months. He put country over Trump, but not over party.

Again, I get it, he believed (or wanted to believe) that the rot in the GOP was temporary, that his party would outlast MAGA. But he was wrong, and, again, the best way to show his faith in the country would have been to allow the people, and not the governor, to speak.

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I’m trying to differentiate between he’s war mongering & all the others? Dems & Republicans?

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Riiiight. Both sides are the same. 🙄

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I must say, I never agreed with Senator McCain on many issues, but his saving The ACA with a thumbs down will forever stick in my memory. It was the right thing to do at that time. Fake folks trying to emulate what he did, leaves me Flat.

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