Apr 23·edited Apr 23

“Pro-life? Maybe not so much.”

Maybe? Try “never have been.”

Again, the vast, vast majority of “right to life” people have never been. If they were, if they truly cared about the lives and health of children they’d be in favor of providing neo-natal care to expectant mothers, daycare support, and making birth control widely available (the *best* way to prevent abortions is to prevent unwanted pregnancies).

Instead they’ve been adamantly, *militantly* opposed to all of those and to anything that actually helps and supports women.

It has never been about abortion or right-to-life. Those are the acceptable sounding cover they put over their real objective: It has always and ONLY ever been about controlling other people’s lives and taking freedom away from other people.

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“And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room couldn’t offer an ultrasound. The baby later died.”

And Republicans support these laws because they, ahem, “care about the lives of the unborn”.

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Can we just ignore everything Republicans say? Round them up, send them to explore Antarctica or something?

Maybe the moon? Just spit balling here.

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Essentially, they are telling doctors to perform triage on pregnant women, and their decision during that triage might affect their own future, including imprisonment. I'm sitting here wondering when the doctors leave these states. Doctors I presume are more mobile than others, kind of like how I am with teaching. Everybody needs doctors and teachers.

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The practical effect of these laws is that physicians and medical facilities will potentially face severe legal consequences for removing a dead or non-viable fetus and no legal consequences for allowing a woman to die.

So if you are a physician or the board of a medical facility, which sword are you going to fall on? Loss of licensure and potentially prison? Or civil liability for which you carry malpractice insurance and which these laws may actually mitigate in your favor anyway?

But tell me again there is no “war on women” or that SCOTUS doesn’t matter enough to vote for the pantsuit lady.

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Those of us living in secular hospital deserts have been living this hell for years. At Adventist, a patient of mine was even asked if she had her husband’s permission to have her tubes tied. In this nearly 4000 square mile county, due to an Adventist monopoly there is no option for pregnancy termination at all. Women’s autonomy has been irreparably damaged even in blue states where religious monopolies are allowed. People blue states seem to think this doesn’t affect them. Wrong. Looking at you Gavin Newsom and the Democratic Assembly and Democratic State Senate….

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This essay certainly has more credibility than Justin’s testimonials pertaining to US Middle East Foreign Policy.

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Republicans will never outlaw condoms. If they did, far too many wives (and a few children) of legislators will develop sexually transmitted diseases. Can't let the secrets out in the open.

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