“Even young people who self-identify as Republicans, another Pew survey found, say they hold more liberal views than older Republicans on a wide range of issue”

Sounds promising. But identifying as a Republican can easily outweigh identifying as “a person with liberal views”. The decline of the Republican Party is likely to be very drawn out as folks cont

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as folks continue to vote their party while refusing to recognize that they’re voting very much against their own interests for people who want to kill them.

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Yeah, I'll fuckin' believe it when I see it. The one thing Republicans have going for them is that they're all unified in both their messaging and as a group. Most of them were against Drumpf when he was chasing their nomination in 2016. But when it became perfectly clear he was going to be their candidate, they immediatly fell lock step behind him and have stayed there ever since. Whereas, Democrats have many different voices and cliques trying to pull the party in their direction and fighting amongst themselves over where to go. Read Ivan Krylov's Fable, The Swan, The Pike, And The Crayfish, and you'll see that fits the Democrats to a tee. Plus, never, ever, fucking EVER underestimate the influence the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ have over the country. They cared more about - and gave extesive coverage to - Hillary's bogus email scandal and other bullshit controversies than they did of Drumpf's real crimes. If they did it the other way around, Clinton would have wiped the floor with that fat ass. Throw in other stuff like voter suppression and Russian influence among others, and it's not going to be the slam dunk you think it's going to be, Justin.

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