In this week’s mega episode of The Banter Roundtable Podcast, Ben and Bob (Justin is away this week) discuss a wild turnaround of events for Democrats.
I wholeheartedly agree with your stance against the vilest human being on the planet other than Donald Trump, Alex Jones, who was now ordered to pay $45.2 million in punitive fines from the penalty phase of his trial in Texas. I wish he had been judged $150 million in penalties, so that he will would be reduced to hosting his horrible radio show from a "Waffle House," as Bob indicated. So as you have noted, there are still two more imminent trials in which he could be rendered financially crippled, which would be deserving punishment for a cockroach like him!
I also agree that the passage of the Democrats' budget reconciliation package known as the Inflation Reduction Act today is a good thing for the party during this election cycle. As you indicated, if this package had been passed last year, most Americans would have forgotten about it for the November midterms. So many voters suffer from chronic amnesia, in my opinion. I also agree that Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema should not receive any accolades for supporting it after torpedoing it last year. She is really out of touch with the majority of Americans' wishes. It's quite amazing that she and Joe Manchin hold all of this power over the whole party. We need to vote more Democrats in order to relieve them of this imbalance of influence.
The other vile person on Capitol Hill, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is a whirling dervish of misinformation and conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. She actually came to the defense of fellow vile person Jones after he was ordered to pay the parents of their child who was murdered during the Sandy Hook massacre. What a despicable act of support from one of Congress's worst representatives!
I wholeheartedly agree with your stance against the vilest human being on the planet other than Donald Trump, Alex Jones, who was now ordered to pay $45.2 million in punitive fines from the penalty phase of his trial in Texas. I wish he had been judged $150 million in penalties, so that he will would be reduced to hosting his horrible radio show from a "Waffle House," as Bob indicated. So as you have noted, there are still two more imminent trials in which he could be rendered financially crippled, which would be deserving punishment for a cockroach like him!
I also agree that the passage of the Democrats' budget reconciliation package known as the Inflation Reduction Act today is a good thing for the party during this election cycle. As you indicated, if this package had been passed last year, most Americans would have forgotten about it for the November midterms. So many voters suffer from chronic amnesia, in my opinion. I also agree that Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema should not receive any accolades for supporting it after torpedoing it last year. She is really out of touch with the majority of Americans' wishes. It's quite amazing that she and Joe Manchin hold all of this power over the whole party. We need to vote more Democrats in order to relieve them of this imbalance of influence.
The other vile person on Capitol Hill, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is a whirling dervish of misinformation and conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. She actually came to the defense of fellow vile person Jones after he was ordered to pay the parents of their child who was murdered during the Sandy Hook massacre. What a despicable act of support from one of Congress's worst representatives!