That entire hearing was a bunch wanna be plantations owners (and Ted Cruz, who wishes he was part of the old Southern gentry - despite being a mixed race Cuban born in Canada) screaming about all the darkies sullying the Congress during reconstruction. As a black man, I was triggered through the entire thing and could only watch for an hour without a desire to throw away my laptop.
Mr. Cesca, In your sentence "It’s all part of the broader Republican strategy to force out Blacks, LGBTQ citizens, and reproductive age women of all races from their whites-only states," can you clarify what you mean by the word 'women'? Thank you.
Why so much fighting if both sides are anti-racist? Yes, the hearing was a circus, especially with most Republicans such as Ted Cruz and his cronies up to their old stunts. They are eliminating Black voting districts and making it harder for Blacks to vote. That said, I believe you should have an ID to vote, as you need one for almost everything else. Why are Democrats protesting this? If people don't have one, churches, community groups, respective parties and other groups should help get them. That way, Republicans (who these days, except for a small minority, think the last presidential election was stolen) won't be able to claim that. Oh wait...then they'll say the ID's are forged.
“If they can’t win this one, they’ll use their time to win in November by returning to morally reprehensible, decades-old coded language”
Or… or… to win in November they could put forward a platform of actual plans that would improve things for their constituents more than the Democrats would. You know, a plan did how they’d run the government.
Oh, silly me. What was I thinking. Actually governing is hard. It takes work. And modern Republicans don’t think they should have to work for anything. After all, If they can’t win this one, they’ll use their time to win in November by returning to morally reprehensible, decades-old coded language they’re just entitled to be in office, right?
Coded language? Why is it Democrats claim so many dog whistles exist when I cannot hear any of them?
Put forth a platform? Do you mean like Biden's "no mandates" platform? His "I'll crush COVID" platform? How's that working out for you?
Perhaps you would like to explain why the word 'Racism' did not appear in a Democrat presidential platform until Hillary thought she could win with it in 2016?
"Democrats are the party of the welfare plantation"? Huh - that's a racist dog whistle from when I was a kid in the 80s. Thanks for telling us just the kind of person you are. Don't you have bridge to haunt or a cross to burn?
Racist dog whistle? Your lack of concern for the destruction of the minority family and astronomical crime levels in the inner city caused by the welfare state is breathtaking but not surprising.
I will leave the bridge haunting and cross burning to you Democrats -- it is your party's heritage and one of core competencies.
Hey, uh, I hate to inform you buddy, but I am blacker than the ace of spades. You can look up my name, you're talking to the product of a so-called "destroyed minority family". And the only party threatening me and mine are Republicans. Now piss off.
Red-lining? You must be kidding. Every banker on the planet is desperate for yield and you claim they will turn down a qualified applicant based on race? Not happening. It's the Democrat party line, but it is not happening.
Voter suppression? Do you mean requiring ID? Democrats are all-in on vaccine passports and show me your ID to buy a hamburger, but showing an ID to vote is a problem? Democrat party racism is on glorious display when you claim minorities are unable to obtain legal identification.
You will have to help me with outlawing of the discussion of racial history. Democrats are again all-in censoring any doctor who dares challenge Fauci's non-science, demanding the silencing of dissenting voices on Fecebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc -- voices much more accurate than anyone in public health, btw. What is very clear is Democrats' use of race to divide the citizens -- so we are fighting each other instead of questioning our "leaders" in evidenced in this exchange.
I can assert with absolute certainty that nobody in DC gives a half a shit about you or me. We must help each other, even when we disagree, for us all to prosper.
Racist against what race? Republicans have since taken all of those crowns; attacking a qualified judge for no apparent reason other than her color. Eliminating Black voting districts and making it harder for Blacks to vote. And trying to erase America's true history of racism. The Republican Party is the one now racist to its core. Again, please. Democrats are racist against WHOM?
This is great revisionist history. In the context of the topic of the article, you have obviously forgotten that Biden threatened to filibuster the nomination of Judge Janice Rogers Brown -- who would have been the FIRST African-American women on the Supreme Court. She was then nominated to the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit and filibustered by Biden and the Democrats. She was re-nominated two years later and confirmed -- but Biden voted against her. Now you want to claim Republicans asking the nominee questions has only to do with her color? You are projecting Democrat motivations on others.
Let's not forget Biden's 1994 crime bill that put many minorities in prison for A LONG TIME for relatively minor offenses, but I digress.
I am unclear who is trying to erase America's history of racism, but I am absolutely certain we should never forget it:
- We should never forget that Democrats fought long and hard to keep slavery.
- We should never forget that the 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments to the Constitution -- ending slavery, providing equal protection to all, allowing African-American to vote -- became law in spite of Democrats objections and No votes.
- We should never for the Democrats instituted Jim Crow laws in response to African-American freedom.
Today Democrats are using race to divide us. Somehow being racist is okay with the Democrats if they are putting forward a Supreme Court nominee based first on race. Imagine if Trump had said he was putting forth a nominee because he was a white man? We would have been rightly apoplectic, but why are we not so when this nomination is racist? How about we get the best candidate?
Making it harder for blacks to vote? Seriously? Democrats are all-in on vaccine passports but somehow requiring an ID to vote is making it harder. This is brilliantly racist, claiming black people cannot get an ID.
To answer your question, Democrats are using race as a tool to keep and maintain power -- the definition of racism.
Look! Over there! No need to look at all the current blatant racism of the modern Republican party. Not when we can instead look at a Democratic Party that hasn’t existed for five decades.
See, I’ll readily admit that the Democratic party of 1960s took a backseat, even a distant one, to the Republican party of that same era on civil rights.
I can recognize when the party I generally support was lacking, or in the wrong.
Gosh. It’s almost like you can’t see how things have changed in the past 50 years.
Yes, southern Democrats were opposed to the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s And the key legislations of that era were passed with Republican support.
But the modern Republican party is NOTHING like it was back then.
What is the most recent pro civil rights thing that you can point to that the Republicans have done? Let me know if you can even find one in the last 30 years.
Republicans tried unsuccessfully to stop Biden's 1994 crime bill that imprisoned a bunch of minorities for a ridiculously long time to pander to limousine liberal Democrats.
Republicans -- Bush 43 specifically -- tried to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court but were threatened with filibuster by Biden.
Republicans voted a much higher percentage for the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts than Democrats -- rights that would have become law in the Eisenhower administration if not for Democrats voting them down.
Now your challenge: Find something the Democrats have done that ACTUALLY improved the lives of the minority voters they CLAIM to support?
Oh yes, the old party ideology switched story -- when everyone "switched sides" but all of the same politicians (with 2 exceptions) were elected to Congress? It is a fun story, but it never happened, you history denier.
If you agree that white supremacists, nazi's, white nationalists, and members of the kkk (capital letters withheld) are racist then consider who it is they vote for. It's not's Republicans- and it's not because of economic anxiety. Oh, and it is well documented that party ideologies did switch.
I would also take this time to direct you to Michael J. Elston's question: Democrats are racist against whom?
That entire hearing was a bunch wanna be plantations owners (and Ted Cruz, who wishes he was part of the old Southern gentry - despite being a mixed race Cuban born in Canada) screaming about all the darkies sullying the Congress during reconstruction. As a black man, I was triggered through the entire thing and could only watch for an hour without a desire to throw away my laptop.
Were you similarly triggered when the Democrats, led by Biden, filibustered the nomination of Judge Janice Rogers Brown based on her race?
She would have been the first African-American woman nominated to the Supreme Court if not for Biden's filibuster threat.
Are you triggered now?
Wow, what is that I hear - a strawman blowing in the wind.
Mr. Cesca, In your sentence "It’s all part of the broader Republican strategy to force out Blacks, LGBTQ citizens, and reproductive age women of all races from their whites-only states," can you clarify what you mean by the word 'women'? Thank you.
Don’t feed the trolls.
Sticks and stones...
I never would have guessed Substack is where BlueAnon meets. Can’t wait to read your next conspiratorial screed.
Why so much fighting if both sides are anti-racist? Yes, the hearing was a circus, especially with most Republicans such as Ted Cruz and his cronies up to their old stunts. They are eliminating Black voting districts and making it harder for Blacks to vote. That said, I believe you should have an ID to vote, as you need one for almost everything else. Why are Democrats protesting this? If people don't have one, churches, community groups, respective parties and other groups should help get them. That way, Republicans (who these days, except for a small minority, think the last presidential election was stolen) won't be able to claim that. Oh wait...then they'll say the ID's are forged.
“If they can’t win this one, they’ll use their time to win in November by returning to morally reprehensible, decades-old coded language”
Or… or… to win in November they could put forward a platform of actual plans that would improve things for their constituents more than the Democrats would. You know, a plan did how they’d run the government.
Oh, silly me. What was I thinking. Actually governing is hard. It takes work. And modern Republicans don’t think they should have to work for anything. After all, If they can’t win this one, they’ll use their time to win in November by returning to morally reprehensible, decades-old coded language they’re just entitled to be in office, right?
Coded language? Why is it Democrats claim so many dog whistles exist when I cannot hear any of them?
Put forth a platform? Do you mean like Biden's "no mandates" platform? His "I'll crush COVID" platform? How's that working out for you?
Perhaps you would like to explain why the word 'Racism' did not appear in a Democrat presidential platform until Hillary thought she could win with it in 2016?
“Why is it Democrats claim so many dog whistles exist when I cannot hear any of them?”
Well, when you insistently stick your fingers in your ears…
I must have been watching a different hearing than the author.
A reminder to the author:
- Democrats are the party of slavery,
- Democrats are the party of Jim Crow,
- Democrats are the party of the welfare plantation.
So please stop projecting your values onto others. The Democrat party is racist to its core.
"Democrats are the party of the welfare plantation"? Huh - that's a racist dog whistle from when I was a kid in the 80s. Thanks for telling us just the kind of person you are. Don't you have bridge to haunt or a cross to burn?
Racist dog whistle? Your lack of concern for the destruction of the minority family and astronomical crime levels in the inner city caused by the welfare state is breathtaking but not surprising.
I will leave the bridge haunting and cross burning to you Democrats -- it is your party's heritage and one of core competencies.
Hey, uh, I hate to inform you buddy, but I am blacker than the ace of spades. You can look up my name, you're talking to the product of a so-called "destroyed minority family". And the only party threatening me and mine are Republicans. Now piss off.
How are the Republicans threatening you?
Red lining. Voter suppression. Censoring if not outright outlawing any discussion of racial history in America.
Red-lining? You must be kidding. Every banker on the planet is desperate for yield and you claim they will turn down a qualified applicant based on race? Not happening. It's the Democrat party line, but it is not happening.
Voter suppression? Do you mean requiring ID? Democrats are all-in on vaccine passports and show me your ID to buy a hamburger, but showing an ID to vote is a problem? Democrat party racism is on glorious display when you claim minorities are unable to obtain legal identification.
You will have to help me with outlawing of the discussion of racial history. Democrats are again all-in censoring any doctor who dares challenge Fauci's non-science, demanding the silencing of dissenting voices on Fecebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc -- voices much more accurate than anyone in public health, btw. What is very clear is Democrats' use of race to divide the citizens -- so we are fighting each other instead of questioning our "leaders" in evidenced in this exchange.
I can assert with absolute certainty that nobody in DC gives a half a shit about you or me. We must help each other, even when we disagree, for us all to prosper.
Racist against what race? Republicans have since taken all of those crowns; attacking a qualified judge for no apparent reason other than her color. Eliminating Black voting districts and making it harder for Blacks to vote. And trying to erase America's true history of racism. The Republican Party is the one now racist to its core. Again, please. Democrats are racist against WHOM?
This is great revisionist history. In the context of the topic of the article, you have obviously forgotten that Biden threatened to filibuster the nomination of Judge Janice Rogers Brown -- who would have been the FIRST African-American women on the Supreme Court. She was then nominated to the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit and filibustered by Biden and the Democrats. She was re-nominated two years later and confirmed -- but Biden voted against her. Now you want to claim Republicans asking the nominee questions has only to do with her color? You are projecting Democrat motivations on others.
Let's not forget Biden's 1994 crime bill that put many minorities in prison for A LONG TIME for relatively minor offenses, but I digress.
I am unclear who is trying to erase America's history of racism, but I am absolutely certain we should never forget it:
- We should never forget that Democrats fought long and hard to keep slavery.
- We should never forget that the 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments to the Constitution -- ending slavery, providing equal protection to all, allowing African-American to vote -- became law in spite of Democrats objections and No votes.
- We should never for the Democrats instituted Jim Crow laws in response to African-American freedom.
Today Democrats are using race to divide us. Somehow being racist is okay with the Democrats if they are putting forward a Supreme Court nominee based first on race. Imagine if Trump had said he was putting forth a nominee because he was a white man? We would have been rightly apoplectic, but why are we not so when this nomination is racist? How about we get the best candidate?
Making it harder for blacks to vote? Seriously? Democrats are all-in on vaccine passports but somehow requiring an ID to vote is making it harder. This is brilliantly racist, claiming black people cannot get an ID.
To answer your question, Democrats are using race as a tool to keep and maintain power -- the definition of racism.
Look! Over there! No need to look at all the current blatant racism of the modern Republican party. Not when we can instead look at a Democratic Party that hasn’t existed for five decades.
See, I’ll readily admit that the Democratic party of 1960s took a backseat, even a distant one, to the Republican party of that same era on civil rights.
I can recognize when the party I generally support was lacking, or in the wrong.
Clearly, you can’t do the same.
Thank you for acknowledging Democrats' far less than glorious past.
What blatant racism by the Republican party?
Gosh. It’s almost like you can’t see how things have changed in the past 50 years.
Yes, southern Democrats were opposed to the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s And the key legislations of that era were passed with Republican support.
But the modern Republican party is NOTHING like it was back then.
What is the most recent pro civil rights thing that you can point to that the Republicans have done? Let me know if you can even find one in the last 30 years.
Just one?
Republicans tried unsuccessfully to stop Biden's 1994 crime bill that imprisoned a bunch of minorities for a ridiculously long time to pander to limousine liberal Democrats.
Republicans -- Bush 43 specifically -- tried to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court but were threatened with filibuster by Biden.
Republicans voted a much higher percentage for the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts than Democrats -- rights that would have become law in the Eisenhower administration if not for Democrats voting them down.
Now your challenge: Find something the Democrats have done that ACTUALLY improved the lives of the minority voters they CLAIM to support?
Party ideology switched a long time ago but nice try, you adorable sweet pea.
Oh yes, the old party ideology switched story -- when everyone "switched sides" but all of the same politicians (with 2 exceptions) were elected to Congress? It is a fun story, but it never happened, you history denier.
If you agree that white supremacists, nazi's, white nationalists, and members of the kkk (capital letters withheld) are racist then consider who it is they vote for. It's not's Republicans- and it's not because of economic anxiety. Oh, and it is well documented that party ideologies did switch.
I would also take this time to direct you to Michael J. Elston's question: Democrats are racist against whom?
Where is it documented that party ideologies switched? Certainly not in the record of Congressional elections.
Oh my God! You’re right! Everybody serving in Congress in the 1960s is still in office!!
Many certainly appear to have been haunting the halls of congress for a lifetime! They should all go home. We need a bunch of new blood!
However, you neglected to mention where the “ideology switch” is documented.