Republicans want to roll back women's rights using bogus SCOTUS. I don't think so. Grab them by the mid-terms. Let's roll!

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I question why " We were unable to stop Donald Trump from appointing three justices to the Supreme Court during his single term." Do you think the Republicans would have let this happen had the tables been turned and a Democrat had been president and a Democrat was in Mitch McConnell's position. It confuses me why this was allowed to happen.

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That would require passing something, a task the decrepit, Vichy Democrat leadership seems unable of doing.

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"Republicans Want To Control Women, Not Reduce Abortions"

Indeed. And as has been obvious for as long as their has been opposition to abortions.

If those opposed to abortion truly wanted to stop them then they would be in favor of "sex education" and making birth control readily available. In the entire history of the world, of all the billions of women who have ever lived, not a one had an abortion who wasn't pregnant.

But the very people that are so opposed to abortion, who trumpet that they are fighting for the well-being of the child, are the very same hypocrites who are vehemently opposed to anything that would prevent an unwanted pregnancy. And opposed to providing pre-natal care for expecting mothers before the child is born. And opposed to making day care more accessible after the child is born. And opposed to subsidizing school lunches. And opposed to... the list is near endless.

They make it painfully obvious that it has NEVER been about protecting the unborn and children and has ALWAYS been about controlling other people's lives.

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