In 1999, my first wife (aged 29) died after a 2 year fight with cervical cancer. Of course, we don't know if the vaccine would have prevented her death if it had been available when she was a teen, but I can't help but wonder. When she was first diagnosed, she had a partial hysterectomy, hoping that by saving her ovaries, she wouldn't have had a lifetime of HRT. About a year after that the cancer returned in those ovaries and quickly spread throughout her body.

The idea that assholes like RFK Jr and the rest of the anti-science "conservatives" are peddling this bullshit angers me to no end.

The world lost a wonderful woman who, and Justin you're going to be angry too, had a career teaching and working with autistic children. Her last job was doing one-on-one work with the most severe of cases. She would come home at the end of the day happy when she was able to get these precious, non-verbal children to communicate in some form. She loved what she did and she loved the kids she got to work with.

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I'm so sorry you lost such a wonderful partner and the autism community lost someone so dedicated.

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Terribly sorry to hear this Scott. She sounds like a truly amazing woman. Thank you for your comment.

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I am so very sorry for your loss. May her memory always be for a blessing.

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Thank you. I appreciate that.

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Scott, I am sorry about your wife. I was a hospice nurse the last 8 years of working and I understand what you went through. She does sound like a very special woman. I think my concern for you is the anger you show. Calling people like RFK JR. names seems so childish. Honestly, from what you say about your first wife, I doubt if she would been supportive of that anger. I have seen where vaccines ( even with animals) have caused injuries. I have had 5 daughters and all were vaccinated as per protocol. If I had known then what I have learned about vaccines, FDA, CDC... I am not so sure I would have complied as readily. There is a quote I love by CS Lewis: “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

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Lol. You read Dr Mercola and Laura Fucking Loomer. That tells me all I need to know about your intellectual capacity.

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I’m glad you have so much intellectual capability... may that one day be turned into a heart filled with repentance and love...by Gods grace alone☺️

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As a Republican, Carlan, what would you know about repentance or love? You spurn the sick, the poor, the homeless and worship hate.

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Someone in this conversation has to, it certainly isn’t you. Oh, and God isn’t real so I could give two shits about his grace.

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You’re entitled to your opinion, and that’s all it is. I’ll call dangerous assholes like RFK Jr. just that. He is still spouting the bullshit about vaccines that has been debunked over and over. He’s a fool and the people who believe him are bigger ones.

I’ve used hospice three times in my life. If you came in spouting this crap, I’d send you out.

You’re damn right I’m angry. I’m angry that people are foolish enough to believe people like RFK. I’m angry that we continue to venerate and elect people in this country that don’t deserve either. I’m angry that idiots read shit on line and believe it without having a single ounce of critical thought.

Don’t bother responding. I don’t want to hear it.

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I’m sorry for you. A lot of energy is wasted in living a life of anger and bitterness. 😔

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You really could have said nothing at all but being the un-Christianlike person you are, you couldn't help yourself.

Someday, you're going to look in the mirror and realize that you are not a good person.

Where Jesus said welcome the stranger, you listen to people who say close the border and shoot the stranger.

Where Jesus said feed the poor, you listen to monsters who say take food away from children.

You're not the hero of the story you tell yourself. You're the villain.

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You fucking pay to read Laura Loomer A lot of energy (and money) is wasted in wallowing in ignorance. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. I am just fine. But, feel free to fuck all the way off.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Justin Rosario

As best I can tell, RFK Jr believes these things. He used to be so passionate about saving the environment, but his passion has shifted to this. It is not worth debating or acknowledging crazy vaccine conspiracies any longer. I won't do it any more than I would debate ”intelligent design” as a way to teach science.

The HPV vaccine stance pisses me off because it has been a monumental success. Certainly more effective than covid or flu vaccines, and only one (maybe two in some cases?) shot for lifetime protection, just like polio.

I cannot take the conspiracy theories any longer. Thinking about any of them - vaccines, government pizza shop kiddie porn hustlers, JFK Jr rising from the dead - all of it. This must be what schizophrenia feels like. Think about it. To be true it would take numerous people covering up data and evidence, plus does anyone ever think of a motive? WHY would all these people want us to receive dangerous medical treatment?

Look, if a person wants to live in a commune, and not receive medical treatment or vaccines - great, go do it. Nobody should ever be forced. But I do not want those kids in school with my own child, and that stance is founded on piles of affirmative vaccine data.

People die from vaccines. That is true but rare, and it is not hidden as a risk. Those who got covid vaccines might die early deaths. It could take years off our lives. There could be an issue we are not aware of. I accept all of that because the data, so far, show that is not likely. But anything is possible. Just as covid could have originated in a lab, or it could have had a natural zoonotic origin.

I need to believe in a model of government where the actors are, mostly, doing things for my well-being. We ARE the government. I am not sure how people operate or feel thinking otherwise. Well, I do know how they act, and Jan 6 is a good model for that. That is what people do when they think the government works against its own citizens. I refuse to live like that, rather, I will vote accordingly.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Liked by Justin Rosario

"Nobody should ever be forced. But I do not want those kids in school with my own child, and that stance is founded on piles of affirmative vaccine data."

Agreed. Nobody should be forced. (And nobody ever has been. There were no roving mobs going around forcing masks onto people's faces or strapping them down and forcibly vaccinating them.)

This is what gets me the most about the recent "anti-mask/anti-vax" crowd. The insistence that they should be free to choose not to (which, again, they absolutely were) and that **OTHERS** SHOULD HAVE TO BEAR THE CONSEQUENCE OF **THEIR** CHOICE. That's what it comes down to.

"You choose to have your kids not wear masks? Fine. Absolutely your choice to make. But the consequence of YOUR choice is they don't get to go to school."

"What?!! That's tyranny. That's stealing my freedom!! My kids should get to go to school maskless and YOUR kids should have to deal with that."

Could anyone be more entitled and selfish?

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“The cruelty and sickness required to want women to die simply as a means to deprive them of sexual agency is staggering.” This is pretty much why they actually don’t care about statistics or facts around maternal mortality rates post row vs Wade or suicidality of trans teens denied treatment. They want those outcomes.

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They really do. They've been a death cult for years and they're getting worse.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Justin Rosario

"RFK Jr. Is Far Worse Than You Think"

I dunno. I already consider Jr to be very, very bad.

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Justin, my heart goes out to you for the pain that mendacious idiots like RFK, Jr., are causing you. RFK, Sr., would be ashamed of the BS that his son is peddling.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 13, 2023
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Gonna miss this witty dialogue from you. ;)

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Not you, the other Republican. Try to be a better person and Christian. You're failing at both right now.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 13, 2023
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First: No, you haven't. Second, If you're recommending a book and your newsletter is "red-pill truths," the book is trash. And so is your newsletter. Third, apologize to Jr.? I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Fuck RFK Jr.

Have a nice day. :)

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Wow.... your anger, bitterness, name calling and ignorance are blinding you. So so sad to read your article. When bitterness overshadows wisdom your soul is lost. May God soften your heart and open those blind eyes 🙏🏼😔

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Perhaps a person who follows white nationalist newsletters should keep God out of their mouth lest they be struck by lightning for blaspheming.

When one chooses to spit on everything Jesus taught in service of a monster like Trump and his Republican Party as you appear to have chosen to do, one should be under no illusions that they are a good and moral person.

Spend some time actually obeying the teachings of Christ and a little less time watching Fox. You'll be a better human being for it.

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