Fuck Romney.

He obviously has been aware of the problem for ages. He clearly has the intelligence and awareness to see exactly what was going on, to understand where things were heading. And he *chose* to do *nothing* about it.

Now he’s all “Gosh, where did it go wrong? I mean, I saw my colleagues are more interested in personal power than public service, but how did that lead to this? It’s a puzzle.”

His attempts to gaslight about his own greed and cowardice should not be accepted for anything other than exactly what they are.

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Off topic. The clown show today is a disgrace. The world must think we are the dumbest uneducated people on earth. Wow the fake LSM I guess think what the republiCONS did was noble although they knew it was nothing but shameful lies and a hollering show. Lies,after lies after lies. What do these folk thinks that elected these idiots. Is this how they want our country to look like be like.

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Actually Romney made the same mistake Von Papen and others made in Germany in 1932. Romney needed reinforcements in the electoral battle with Democrats and went to Trump for his blessing. I note that Democrats did not start actively courting the progressive left until Republicans had first done this with the white identitarian Right.

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On the Romney wonder. Absolutely solid right on. Excellent and to the point.

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In superhero movies, the villain typically is after some orb or amulet that will give them the power to control the world, and in Trump, they found that power. Charisma so powerful, it was immune to scandal. Look at the relatively minor scandals that derailed previous political careers on both sides of the aisle, and then look at the hundreds of scandals Trump weathered, each one making him stronger in the eyes of the base. The Access Hollywood scandal set the stage, where women in his base loved it because they feel most men these days have gone soft (literally and sexually), and that they longed for a virile man who would put all women in their place -- that magical era from the 1950s through early 70s when they could stay at home while the man works, their only jobs being to shop, go to the spa, bear children, keep the home (ideally with a maid, nanny, and yardman doing the heavy lifting), and please the master of the house sexually (perhaps while also banging the yardman).

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He is not charismatic. He does not have a “compelling charm”. (Has anyone ever thought of him as “charming”?)

He gets attention for the same reason people slow down to look at car crashes: interest in seeing something bloody.

His appeal to the masses isn’t because he has a natural charm that gets people to like him. His appeal is that he gives his followers permission to be the prejudiced, narrow-minded, violent people they’ve always wanted to be.

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