The right wing in the USA which likes to call itself conservative in order to legitimize its shameless, hateful racist, homophobic, xenophobic and anti Semitic nature, must be constantly called out for what it is. The list of spokespeople for these terrible, inhuman bigots could take pages to innumerate. Lead by scum like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Ingram,et. al, the only way these money grubbing, self absorbed leeches will cease and desist, is to die. So while I typically wouldn’t revel In someone’s death, I certainly won’t shed any tears over the passing of Limbaugh. He has done more damage to our country than any of the rest of the filth that truly hate our country’s efforts to treat its inhabitants with deserved decency. Maybe trump could rise to Limbaugh’s level, but unlike Limbaugh, he is not smart enough to know better. So in summing up, I wish all people of nature’s similar to Limbaugh, a speedy exit. As for the ugly republican base, by not wearing masks, social distancing and not being vaccinated, they will probably hasten their own demises.
The right wing in the USA which likes to call itself conservative in order to legitimize its shameless, hateful racist, homophobic, xenophobic and anti Semitic nature, must be constantly called out for what it is. The list of spokespeople for these terrible, inhuman bigots could take pages to innumerate. Lead by scum like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Ingram,et. al, the only way these money grubbing, self absorbed leeches will cease and desist, is to die. So while I typically wouldn’t revel In someone’s death, I certainly won’t shed any tears over the passing of Limbaugh. He has done more damage to our country than any of the rest of the filth that truly hate our country’s efforts to treat its inhabitants with deserved decency. Maybe trump could rise to Limbaugh’s level, but unlike Limbaugh, he is not smart enough to know better. So in summing up, I wish all people of nature’s similar to Limbaugh, a speedy exit. As for the ugly republican base, by not wearing masks, social distancing and not being vaccinated, they will probably hasten their own demises.