Great article. One of the worst beings ever. A perfect encapsulation of republicanism’s worst traits. Selfish to the core. The very heights of hypocrisy. His golden rule to make money whatever it took. In tandem with fox news, they did more damage to the USA and their adherents than any other entities, except possibly trump. Until President Obama’s election, I never realized the depth and breadth of the ignorance and racism of the republican base. Calling themselves Christians would have been a laughable joke were it not for the harm they have caused and the damage they have done. Limbaugh and trump- two truly subhumans.

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Brilliant essay.

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Bye-bye Rush Limbaugh, you fat bastard! Here's hoping Satan's demons are horribly mutilating your obese body while you're doing extremely hard labor in Hell!

Drumpf, you're next!!!

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"As far back as the 80s, I would find Rush on the dial as part of both informal opposition research and a sort of aural masochism that persists to this day."

I'd occasionally come across Limbaugh's show when searching for a station to listen to. Occasionally out of morbid curiosity I'd pause before continuing the search, just to count how many seconds it would take him to tell an obvious lie. Not once did I ever have to pause for more than a minute. A truly wretched human being.

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Actually, I did hear Limbaugh tell the truth once when he said "My job is to get the biggest audience I can, and hold them for as long as I can." An acknowledgment that, however sincere he would claim his beliefs in what he spouted, he was only in it for the bucks and had zero concern about the affect he was having.

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"prohibitions against speaking ill of those who have departed"

Never understood that. If someone was an asshole in life, they aren't suddenly someone else once they die*. I see no reason to suddenly, retroactively, pretend they were somehow not an asshole.

* Nor do I see a reason to be daintily euphemistic. They *died*. They didn't "pass on", "depart", "go to rest". They died. Let's just say so.

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