I am not a scientist, but I do have a reasonably good layman's grasp of the basics of contemporary science. If the government is in possession of advanced technology that did not originate on Earth, that would mean that the fields of chemistry and engineering would be poised to make gargantuan changes. If the government is in possession of non-terrestrial biological samples, that kinda implies faster-than-light travel, which would mean *enormous* changes in our understanding of the laws of physics (not to mention biology and astronomy and so many other sciences).

These changes would be so huge that the majority of scientists across the globe would be, to use an old metaphor, "running around with their hair on fire." Since very few scientists seem to be reacting this way, I'm going to remain skeptical about these alleged alien ships and/or biologics.

It would be cool if I'm wrong, so I'm going to keep an eye on this topic. I'm just not going to get overly excited right now.

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Yeah, that's kind of how I see it. I'm not a true believer by any means, I just think the witnesses are highly credible and they seem to be giving actionable leads. We should follow this without prejudice, and wherever it goes. If true then the world as we know it is about to change in a very, very drastic way.

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What an eclectic podcast here today - on topics ranging from UFOs ( or UAPS, as they are now referred to by those in the know) to the diminishment of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in front of cameras all over the nation to Justin shaving his legs for his girls. So that was what that was since I was in downtown Washington this very hot weekend and came across some costumed people riding the Metro. I just wondered like everyone else where the convention was - if this was a convention, as Justin just confirmed. My wish is to one day go to San Diego's Comic Con, but that's getting away from commenting on your podcast.

I do believe that your first story on the possibility of our world being visited by extraterrestrials, or whatever you want to call them, is a very serious one, but I wonder why this hearing did not get universal coverage, as you suggested in your assessment of the situation. This would be a huge story if it could be proven. But there are so many unanswered questions concerning this, and I cannot speak with too much certitude here.

Boy, but do I agree with you on the double standard regarding the reporting of ageism within both the Democratic and Republican Parties in how the media took on a frenzied tone when reporting on Hillary Clinton's bout with pneumonia some years back. But when the vile Senate Minority Leader has what amounts to a ministroke in front of a national audience, there's no clamor to have him resign his seat. When he adamantly said he was not giving up his seat until 2027, I believe, no one questioned his decision. That's why we definitely need term limits for Senators, Representatives, and even for Supreme Court justices. McConnell is 81 and has served since the Pleistocene Era. Isn't it about time that he step aside for someone a little younger? It would be disastrous for Republicans if he did have to be put out to pasture since he was so effective at screwing America during his long years in the Senate. As evidenced by this situation with McConnell, Congress so desperately needs an infusion of new blood and I hope that we will get this as longterm members either die or get booted out by a much younger electorate.

As for Justin's leg-shaving event, I strongly support him in whatever he wants to do in order to satisfy his daughters. Before you know it, your children will grow up and leave the roost, leaving you with memories of how quickly it all happened. Why not? By the way, how did you find "Barbie"?

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Love your comments Ronald!!!

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Jul 31, 2023
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Lila is part of our extended family but not my biological daughter (although I treat her like she's my flesh and blood). She looked awesome in her cosplay. She and her mom built her weapon and painted it from scratch!

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