What they said: “it was logical to only give the franchise to men, as they are the ones who 'would be called to give their lives up for their country' and 'had a high personal stake in what the country did regarding various policies, including going to war.' "

What they are really saying: "We don’t treat women equally and that justifies us not treating them equally. We don’t let them be called to give their lives, or have a personal stake. We block them from doing those, so we can use the fact they don't do those as our reason for not treating them equally.”

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The MAGA propaganda curriculum seems built on the defensive onanistic logic of an 8th grade boy who didn’t study for a test answering a question with what they can they can gather from the question itself.

In other words BS meant to sound like it’s not BS.

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I don't think any of them even put that much thought into it. After all, that 8th grade boy needs to look at the question and analyze it to determine what info they can get from it to echo back. Even that level of analysis is too much for the MAGA crowd.

After all, the prerequisite for being MAGA is a refusal to think, an insistence on having someone else tell you what to believe and just going with that.

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The idea is to keep people ill-informed and selectively informed, because apparently, that's how you win elections in today's (dis)United States.

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But of course. An educated, informed populace recognizes Republican bullshit and votes against it.

The ONLY route they have to winning elections is to lie, get the ignorant rabble riled up, and suppress the votes of any others.

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So indoctrination should be done more subtly, like my daughter’s high school history class going over the atomic bomb, but not mentioning Japan’s invasions of Korea, China, and that small bit of history known as Pearl Harbor.

I’m sure that later in college she’ll be introduced to post-colonial, or better yet ‘decolonization’, which currently produces student organizations declaring their support for a massacre of a thousand civilians in a far away, allegedly colonized country.

Indoctrination is only bad when someone else does it.

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