“To the oppressor, losing power is oppression.”

Exactly. We see this very clearly when (to give just one example) the right whines about “The Gay Agenda” and how they want “special rights”.

And what exactly is that agenda? What rights do they want? To have exactly the same protections and opportunities as everyone else. To be able to visit their loved ones in the hospital and able to marry just like everyone else.

No more than anyone else. Just no less.

The Karens of the world (and there are LOTS of male Karens, too) aren’t worried about others getting “special” rights. They’re terrified about losing theirs.

(Aka, The Syndrome Syndrome. 😉)

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Reminds me of the women’s rights movement when I was thinking even at a young age, it shouldn’t even be an issue. None of us as groups or individuals should be nothing more than what we are. Human. That we are still working on these “issues” is telling that we have a long way to go as a race, the human race, and no one is above the next. Getting the legal side of it done is a start, protection under the law, and it could take two or three generations for acceptance to kick in, but it will.

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Like you say, theirs nothing ‘special’ about rights, it’s rights like is written, to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thats not for some, and even though great men of the past didn’t include women, that I never understood, but I do now, rights were for white men but they no longer make the rules, enough of them woke up to light the fire, others are afraid of losing the total power they’ve always held, whether they realize it or not they’ve already lost that total power. It’s never going back but some keep clawing and scratching for it, these dinosaurs still living in the past, it’s over, they just don’t know it yet. It’s baby steps but it’s getting there.

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“But, sure, they are the victims of relentless persecution.”

Of course! What else would you call it? People are telling them they can’t do the things they want to do. That they can’t control the lives of others or lynch or call for genocide.

How are they not the victims?

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We should start a relief fund for them modeled on Trumps-he’s Backwards Day Robin Hood, takes from the poor gives to the rich, himself

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Well sure, but what about "Space Karen"?

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Hi Justin, it’s not simply “white cisgender men and women”, it’s white *Xtian* cisgender men and women. The inherent bigotry of Fundamentalist Evangelical Protestantism (I don’t say that thoughtlessly or casually; but the discussion is better had elsewhere) drives a lot of it.🤔😉😊

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Excellent point. White Christian Nationalism is a menace.

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Add cis to that phrase!

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I don’t know that “Karen” is a racist slur, but it certainly is a slur. I never liked it. It’s bullying.

I think we need to find whoever it is that’s been coming up with crap like “Karen“, “OK, boomer“, “groomer“, “nepo baby“, etc., and beat the crap out of them. That shit does NOT help.🤔😉😊

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Yes. By all means. When someone is acting like a privileged asshole and intentionally trying to cause great harm to those around them how dare we call them out on it.

After all, they should be allowed to be racists assholes while we should be scolded for being so rude as to point it out!

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Oh, btw, I’m a life long left leaning moderate democrat.

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CORRECTION! Don’t you mean ‘white middle or upper class women,’ because coming up poor especially in a small town I’ve never experienced these privileges so many speak of, while I get it, I personally ‘didn’t get any of it,’ just to be clear. The poor, and we all see it, are looked down upon regardless of race. Being poor is no excuse for ignorance or latching onto a megalomaniac, billionaire tyrant as a hero because you believe that somehow while he or she is a million miles removed from you-wouldn’t, as we used to say, spit on you, you believe they sympathize and share your pain? So laughable. So now with these two wealthy celebrities along with orange man showing their true ultra right wing colors-we can put to rest that only the poor and uneducated follow them, sympathize with and speak out for them as if they’re in a battle and General Musk will lead them to victory. Huh!

And my grandsons stick a Karen video in my face every other day, and I’ve met these Karen’s. I never looked at it as racist, it’s just the moniker given to “that middle or upper middle” class privileged woman who can’t stand it if the world isn’t structured for them. And oh how many “male” Karen’s have I come across? Countless make Karen’s out there. Short story. While shopping in the friendly neighborhood Walmart grocery I turned the corner of the isle and come face to face with a very real make Karen. He proceeded to instruct me on the proper steering of my grocery cart, or buggy if I’m back home, telling me I wasn’t in the right lane. Not that I ran into his cart or anything, I merely wasn’t following proper cart etiquette while grocery shopping. I was at a loss as what to say or do but he was truly upset and continued to complain the entire time I was in the store. He had the look of a Stanford professor but he was truly a “Karen.” I didn’t know then what a Karen was. Now I have a place to store all these people I’ve come across over my time here on earth.

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In my experience, btw, acting like a “Karen” is not limited to “obnoxious middle-aged white women“. They’re the archetype, perhaps, but not the only ones. 🤔😉😊

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No. If you read my entire, to long, comment I tell of the “male” Karen’s I’ve met. Some doosies.

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