MTG is as sick and twisted as Sidney Powell. Matt Taibbi is not alt left. He is as sick as MTG and in desperate need of attention which is being given to him here. The republican party and its base has been the same for the last sixty years. Being too few in numbers in its upper tiers, it has groomed a base of ignorant, racist , homophobic, anti semitic white Christian men. By denying them decent educations they have been able to feed them lies and managed to get them to vote against their own interests. For the most part this has been whispered until trump came on the scene and gave them permission to be ugly out load. He is just the logical outcome of a corrupt and useless party that has never cared about our country or its people. It’s always been money and power. It is the very definition of hypocrisy and evil. Paired with fox news, the two entities have done inestimable damage to this country. Education and voting against republicans is the only answer.

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MTG is sicker did she graduate from high school or gotten her GED when she was elected to congress maybe you do not need a college degree to be elected to congress. What is wrong with their constituents they elect them two to make and sign bills supposedly to help them but with less brains then most of them?

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Was that English?

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No, the ONLY answer is to pressure the Democratic Party to stop giving everything to corporate power and start helping the working man. That’s the ONLY answer to Trump and Republicans.

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Go back and watch some more fox news where up is down and right is left. It appears you have been well schooled and are living in Sidney Powell’s universe.

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I don’t watch Fox News and i don’t know Sidney Powell’s views on anything except the election. I didn’t believe her BS about that. Maybe learn to understand rather than spout arrogant insults.

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“ Matt Taibbi and Marjorie Taylor Greene”

In other words, the alt right and the alt right agree.

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MTG was not met with open arms in NY!

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One minor point - "Taibbi, Greene and Graham have a combined 5 million Twitter followers". The Venn diagram of these followers is pretty much a circle. It's the same mouth breathers, journalists, and lookey-loos that follow these three. So, you can take one of their follower counts, add maybe 10% to it and get the actual number of followers for all three.

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Excellent point, and a scary one...

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Trump is innocent if OJ, R Kelly, Bundy, Khomeini, and Bush and Cheney and a few more republiCONS the privileged make them serve time like the less privileged. I can make it more comprehensive so you can understand if needed.

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Who Said Trump was innocent?

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Yes; Christopher it is ENGLISH for thinking people you know the people that do not need talking points and slogans or their dear leader or the jihadist network to tell them what is right which is usually propaganda or a big lie.

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Why did the Democratic establishment allow Bush and Cheney to escape criminal charges for their crimes? Maybe because both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton enabled their war criminal acts by voting to authorize the war? It’s ALL political, including the Trump indictment. You guys are too busy calling names and preaching to the choir to report anything unbiased. You are guilty of the same things that you accuse other journalists.

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Really, voting on allowing a president to go to war on a lie might seem like a crime to a Fox propaganda believer just does not make it true. Anyway Taibbi at one time use to be an honest journalists do not know why he change maybe $$$. The MTG, Steve Scalise, Gym Jordan, GED Boebart, Ron death DeSantis and more are teabaggers warmed over what they called theirselves now freedom caucus, free to lie cheat and steal. Hate the government but will sell their sole to Satan to stay in the government. Where is Joe the Plumber maybe with Let’s go Brandon? RepubliCONS always need a person to bring to the forefront then kick them to the curve.

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Don't feed the trolls.

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More name calling

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I never said that their votes were a crime. Straw man much? I said that they may not have gone after B and C because they enabled their crimes. I can understand why you don’t like Tiabbi now, but i see much more inconsistency of principle on this newsfeed than i see in his reporting. You label him as dishonest but i don’t see any lies in his reporting. The rest of your rant is just preaching to the choir.

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Also. Taino never said that Trump is innocent yet the headline of this post implies such. Very dishonest

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I am so disappointed in Taibbi.

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At some point voters need to unite to reduce corporate power. He is loved by Trump supporters who now trust a pro Medicare for all pro environment pundit. I don’t agree with him but I like what he’s doing

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