Yeah, I had my own moment with these anti vaxx boobs back in May, when a dozen of these losers showed up at my local post office protesting their denial of service because one of them was thrown out for not wearing a mask. I told them they were all brats that needed to grow the fuck up. Their leader told me to enjoy life in communist Russia, and I responded "Well dasvidaniya, comrade batshit!"

But the good news Bob, is that things are starting to change in the right direction. More and more companies and institutions are mandating that their employees need to vaxx up or else face employment termination. That plus shaming the hell out of these overgrown children to do the right thing, has helped lead to upticks in people getting vaccinated. So there is hope!

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Poignantly stated Bob C. The human race is indeed now an Idiocracy. We need alot of real carnage soon if there is any hope for normalcy and a sustainable future

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They have to be excluded from everything public.

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No question.

If they don't want to get vaccinated then they don't have to. They are free to make that choice.

But actions have consequences and they don't get to have their selfish cake and eat it to. If unvaccinated, if so eager to be a danger to other people, then you don't get to go anywhere that there are other people. Grocery stores and office buildings, for example.

Choose not to get vaccinated and you also choose not to eat or work.

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"...and unless Republican leaders get their houses in order..."

Well, there's yer problem. The Republican party is full of idiots and led by cowards who'll do whatever their most radical fringe wants. Leaders? They ain't got any.

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"Ironic that the anti-choice, anti-women faction is suddenly all about retaining the freedom of medical choice"

"Ironic"? I'd have gone with "With inevitable hypocrisy".

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