"But you know what, there are some bad apples in there. There are some bad cops that are racist, there are cops that maybe don't have the right training, and there are some that are just bad cops."

You know, the saying he's making use of is "A few bad apples spoil the barrel." It's meant to make clear that the whole barrel will end up filled with rotten apples.

And the "some bad cops" haven't been dealt with ever.

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"Biden’s lead over Trump nationally and in crucial swing states is growing. And this is causing panic in GOP circles."

If they had any conscience or shred of basic decency, that would read "...And this is causing relief in GOP circles."

But, they're modern Republicans. Party uber alles. And the idea that "Thank God that we may be rid of this terrible leader we've created. Trump gone would be a good thing." never enters their minds.

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