The Banter Brief: Biden's Astonishing Resurrection, Gwyneth Paltrow Gets High, And Bloomberg's Investment
Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s action packed edition of The Banter Brief! If you aren’t signed up to The Banter newsletter, just pop your email address below to get our free round up every week (and a big thanks to everyone who is!):
1. Most Important Story Of The Week

Joe Biden, Comeback Kid
Joe Biden’s comeback in the Democratic Presidential primary has been nothing short of astonishing. Bernie Sanders’ victory was, by most analyst’s accounts, almost completely assured last week. He had built a commanding lead in the early primaries and looked set to pull away from the rest of the candidates as Super Tuesday approached. But Biden staged a powerful comeback in South Carolina last Saturday, then did the unthinkable and beat Sanders on Super Tuesday to amass a lead in delegates.
It was one of the greatest political comebacks in modern American history, and has fundamentally reorganized the race. Now it appears that Biden will be the nominee given he is favored to beat Sanders in upcoming races. Florida will basically secure Biden’s victory, and Sanders is sinking badly there. Who was responsible for this? African American voters, who overwhelmingly flocked to Biden. This was a stunning rebuke of Sanders style leftism, and evidence, as Andrew Sullivan notes, that “Black America is not a breeding ground for postmodern theories of intersecting oppressions. Outside the Bernie youth cohort, it’s socially conservative, politically savvy, and more determined to beat Trump than to embrace ideological purism.”
Perhaps that is a little harsh (black youth voted for Sanders), but the Democratic race has officially swung back to the center.

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‘Good Guy’ Joe Biden Can Defeat Trump By Remaining Above The Shovel-Fights
Since Saturday, I’ve begun to rethink key criticisms of Joe Biden, says Bob Cesca
(image via Bloomberg)
2. Poll Analysis
Democrats: Biden is now leading Sanders by a whopping 16 points nationally according to a Morning Consult poll published today.
Trump: According to a Hill'/Harris X poll, things are not looking good for Trump in a matchup with any Democrat in 2020:

Trump’s average approval rating is also dropping (not significantly though).
Biden vs Trump: This spread is highly revealing (via Real Clear Politics):

3. Quote Of The Week
“They didn’t just disagree…They actually published the phone numbers and home addresses of the two women, immigrant women, and really put them in fear for their families. … These are tough women who run labor organizing campaigns … and yet said for the first time because of this onslaught of online threats that they felt really under attack, and that wasn’t the first time it happened.”
- Elizabeth Warren talking to Rachel Maddow about the vicious online harassment from Bernie Sanders supporters of union leaders in Nevada before the caucuses. Sanders supporters took issue with Sanders’s Medicare-for-all proposal.
4. What to Watch
The Goop Lab
Okay, Gwyneth Paltrow isn’t exactly a credible figure in the world of science or medicine (vagina eggs purported to “balance hormones and regulate menstrual cycles” categorically do not), but the first episode of her Netflix series is worth a watch. The episode features the Goop team on a magic mushroom retreat in Jamaica.
The healing power of magic mushrooms to treat conditions like PTSD and depression is backed by credible science. Researchers at Johns Hopkins university were so astonished by their efficacy that they have been calling for their legalization for several year.
The episode isn’t about Paltrow or her pseudo scientific claims, it is about a group of people suffering with anxiety, depression and PTSD going through a remarkable healing process. It makes for emotional viewing and should provide those suffering with a huge amount of hope. It also reveals a rather fragile and likable side of Paltrow as she discusses her own mental health issues and how she copes with fame. This isn’t an endorsement of the series as a whole, but the first episode is excellent.
5. Good News
Mike Bloomberg’s presidential bid was an unmitigated disaster. He spent $500 million of his own fortune broadcasting ads on social media, television, radio and newspapers only to drop out with 61 delegates. That’s roughly $18 million per delegate. Bloomberg’s presidential run was essentially finished the moment she met Elizabeth Warren on the debate stage. She gutted him like a fish, chopped him up and fed him to the Democratic base that was in no mood for another egomaniacal billionaire.
While Bloomberg has wasted a truly insane amount of money, the former Mayor of New York is now doing a very good thing and pouring money into something that will actually pay off and do some public good:
Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg has decided to form an independent expenditure campaign that will absorb hundreds of his presidential campaign staffers in six swing states to work to elect the Democratic nominee this fall.
The group, with a name that is still undisclosed because its trademark application is in process, would also be a vehicle for Bloomberg to spend money on advertising to attack President Trump and support the Democratic nominee, according to a person familiar with the discussions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal deliberations.
After this election cycle, one hopes Americans will come together and work out how to stop billionaires influencing elections like this. But for now, Bloomberg’s investment is a welcome one.
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‘Good Guy’ Joe Biden Can Defeat Trump By Remaining Above The Shovel-Fights
Since Saturday, I’ve begun to rethink key criticisms of Joe Biden, says Bob Cesca

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