I am the one that asked Bob if he would ever be on this podcast again. Since I listen to Kimberley Johnson's podcasts I guess I learned manifesting from her

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Hooray! We had a great time. :)

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I could tell!

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I have missed Bob being a part of this group so much. He really completes the circle.

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I am halfway through this. PLEASE DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE DOBBS. You mentioned that it might not be an issue when Republicans cross to Harris. It ABSOLUTELY IS. The women are coming out for Kamala. The “secret vote” is a real thing where women can vote for Kamala without their husbands knowing. It’s a real thing. This is the first national post-Dobbs election and we have a LOT OF MAD WOMEN.

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Welcome back, Bob, if even for only this podcast. I want to believe so desperately that all of this polling is just disingenuous. We have to remember that this is the first election since Dobbs and there are many angry women out there, along with their male supporters who will vote overwhelmingly for Harris. I think many of these polls have been conducted by Republican actors and, of course, they will show that Dump is ahead when he isn't even close! This also forms the foundation for Dump and his fellow fascists to claim the election was rigged and will try to steal it unfairly.

The main thing is that we will have millions of Democrats running to cast their votes in early voting and on Election Day.

Let's have our fingers crossed here that the better candidate does will - and wins big - on Election Day. The country cannot afford to retreat under another four years under "Benedict Arnold" Dump!

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Now there's an October Surprise -- welcome back Bob! Yesterday, TMZ published a story about a Dodgers fan celebrating his team's well-earned World Series victory. He was lighting fireworks in the street, taking advantage of the "mob rule" that was temporarily keeping the police distracted. He could care less about the nearby pets he was terrifying, the babies he was waking, the neighbors he was disturbing, the damage to city and private property he was causing. F all of them, he's gonna satiate his ego and make the world bend to his will. And then he blows his hand off. Right there on camera. Stumbling around in utter shock at the sudden turn of events. He let his ego, grievance, utter disrespect for the community, and contempt for the rule of law guide his reckless actions and now he'll suffer the consequences for the rest of his life. Watching this, I thought to myself, if there ever was a better metaphor for Trump voters if he wins, I haven't seen it.

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Seeing Kamala elected will be, of course, historical, but also cathartic and soul warming in a way I can hardly wait for. The next phase of this euphoric feeling will be watching all of these diabolical villains get what they deserve. I don';t know what to think of Merrick Garland right now but I'm sure that Kamala, having been a prosecutor, will pick an AG that will hold these wretched quislings and Nazi's to account. May they get what they deserve.

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