I mentioned on your last article about Jordan that my own 3 year old granddaughter was recently diagnosed with autism. Your experiences as Jordan's dad are so helpful and inspiring.

We went over the other evening to pick up my grandson (he's 7) and my granddaughter to take them both out for a few hours. When we arrived she was so happy to see us and that felt incredibly good. She kept grabbing our hands and leading us to the front door, ready for her adventure. We are a safe place for her too. My wife and I already knew who we needed to be for her: we must accept her for who she is and meet her where she needs us to be, not where we want her to be. When you used similar words, it just made me realize that we're going to be the best Papa and Gigi we possibly can. Jordan is so fortunate to have you and Debbie as his parents.

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I cannot express how happy that makes me. Her parents are going through an incredibly difficult time and you being there for them, for her, and for your grandson, will make a world of difference.

I cannot repeat this enough: They should get every service available to them and their daughter, no matter how minor or redundant.

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