There are two reasons why Talib and all those smug, ignorant, campus protesters are dead silent. Snow and Shame. It was convenient to "party up" all summer and romp in the fall foliage with their made for tik tok signage. But I was on a highway that they shut down for hours and was terrified (I have a medical condition that makes long car drives unbearable). And now, these domestic terrorists must OWN the fact that when millions of "their people" are marched into deportation, disease, and death that this part of the genocide is completely at their hands. We'll never forget the "none of the above" voting campaigns they led. I especially seethe at all the LGBTQ protesters, oblivious to how LGBTQ people and women were treated in Palestine before 10/7. Try asking a domestic Gaza protester any of these questions. Do you agree with honor killings? What's the reasoning behind strict dress codes for women? What rights do women have to reproduction, sexual agency, employment and education? Why are there so many children in Gaza? They can't even process these thoughts because they see Gaza as an exotic transference of US race issues -- white oppressors versus dark victims. But ask how many people in Israel have darker skin? All you'll get is an F and a U. Let's hope such a colossal tragedy in Gaza reminds people of what you write about here today Julie -- you can't protest vote. You must pick a side and stick with it.
I’d argue they never really cared about Palestine. They cared about the social capital that came with pretending to care about Palestine. Biden wasn’t going to send home land security to black bag them. Biden wasn’t going to call for outside armed thugs to suppress them. It’s easy to protest “your own side”. It’s low risk high reward. It’s the epitome of liberal hypocrisy and why people have a general disdain for the Democratic Party. It’s a party of being convenient, it’s a party of lambasting Amazon, while getting your Fresh delivery of over priced Quinoa. The “left” of today doesn’t actually stand for anything, beyond how their stance makes them look on social media. If they actually cared about Palestine they would be doing something, sacrificing something. They aren’t which is clear evidence they don’t.
Have comment here on this. Biden from the very start exerted as much pressure as he judged domestic US politics, domestic Israeli politics, and the need to deter Iran & proxies allowed. Schumer's speech calling for Bibi to go was part of that effort. Unfortunately, Bibi had the stronger hand, just ask Cori Bush et at, who lost primaries.
Yet they accused Biden of moral callousness, a trait he has NEVER exhibited in any context
Nobody with good sense thought Bernie Sanders was more qualified than Hillary Clinton.
Even Tom Hayden endorsed HRC on left.
Anyone stupid enough to boycott Kamala Harris due to Biden’s policy on Israel when Trump was the only other choice makes me furious.
Sometimes adults have to make choices between imperfects. How many of those abstainers or Trump voters are demanding Congress do something now to correct for the easiest thing they could have done. Vote
Tlaib and her posse are just as stupid as the Hamas terrorists they support and the Bernie Bros who got Trump elected the first time.
Hamas got their military wing annihilated and a box of rubble where the “seaside paradise” or “open-air prison” (as Hamas called Gaza depending on the spin du jour) used to be.
Bernie bros got two terms of Trump for their trouble as a result of their Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
I'm with Tony Fabrizio, Trump's pollster, who told Kennedy School in 2017 'Bernie would have won'. Breaking up the banks is more popular than ending racism and sexism, it turns out. Recognize the quote I adapted? It's HRC,excusing her secret speeches to mega banks by saying breaking them up wouldn't end racism and sexism.
Biden governed as an economic populist for good reason. Oligarchs didn't like it. That's why corporate media trashed him. And corporate Democrats abandoned him.
Yeah, I tangled with a couple of the people who excoriated Biden for supplying Israel, and, notwithstanding that they KNEW that Trump would be worse, they hated Biden so much that they stayed home or actually voted for Trump. Great way to SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FUCKING FOOT, assholes, and ensure that the rest of us have to watch Trump decimate and destroy Gaza.
I am just BOGGLED by the performative BS and stupidity that took place among these otherwise intelligent folks.
>> “I don’t write this merely to castigate Tlaib or the people who spent last year undermining the Harris campaign on behalf of a cause in which they deeply believe.” <<
Tlaib clearly believes in her cause (so much that she harms it) but the *vast* majority of the rest don’t at all. To them it was just a chance to be self-righteous and stroke their own egos.
Vastly more important to them to be seen protesting than to actually improve anything for the people they claim to support but truthfully don’t give a damn about.
“Virtue signaling” while making things worse for the Palestinians.
I appreciate the general sentiment of this piece, with one vital pushback. The stringency of your conclusion about Trump ("If you oppose him, there is no equivocation, no parsing, no collaboration. There is only opposition — to him and to every single thing for which he stands") is closer than you seem to realize to the *idealism* you warn against.
The reality, for most people, is that equivocation, parsing, and compromise are not only practically necessary to govern, but also more reflective of what's really true: for example, federal government agencies really are extremely wasteful and inefficient. The political "binary" you're advocating, and the total rejection of nuance and ambiguity, is closer to an ideal or principle.
All this to say, there are clear political risks in adopting an uncompromising stance, as you illustrate with Tlaib et al. But don't discredit that there are also grave risks in failing to do so, which you seem to acknowledge, perhaps inadvertently, when you conclude here with your own uncompromising stance.
No. There really can be no compromise with fascism. That’s a line in the sand. Anyone unclear about that needs a few history lessons.
As for inefficiencies - you prove them, if you can. The IGs were fired - the very people tasked with rooting out corruption and inefficiencies. Public service isn’t a a business and shouldn’t be run as one. But I guess you’ll find out all too quickly what happens to a country without effective public institutions.
I work full-time for one of our public institutions. The inefficiencies are well-known to anyone who works there and/or relies on its services, and it's been this way for years. None of which is to say I believe a deranged, attention-seeking billionaire and a kid named Big Balls should be gleefully hacking at it with a chainsaw.
I would not advise compromise with fascism, either. What I'm suggesting is just that our world and politics are complex. We can be axiomatic about condemning and resisting fascism, and reach different conclusions about how exactly to do so. Such is democracy.
I feel a lot of the protest votes, particularly from those not directly affected or connected to the genocide, were an attempt to psychologically separate themselves from complicity. Almost as if they could wash their hands of the horrors by “not participating.” No matter how much anyone tried to tell them that it didn’t work that way and no action or third party action was in itself a form of self sabotage, they would not hear of it. And now they are silent…except when we point out the obvious folly of their actions, at which point they are quick to accuse us of being “divisive” and promoting infighting. Classic DARVO.
Thank god not a genocide. Not by any metric, measure or historical example. I know that fact upsets you. I know you really really want it to be a genocide so you can virtue signal online even harder to your fake friends on the Internet but it isn't. Sorry for your loss you fucking self-centered ghoul.
Ridiculous man. He talked about how Gaza was rubble standing next to the other war criminal Bibi. This is Kushner and Huckabee’s wet dream. Kushner for money and religion, Huckabee because he wants to bring on Armageddon.
The reason uni students may not be protesting is because trump has signed an EO to deport any student protesting but I don’t know why others aren’t.
Very well presented. I follow some very bright people although when it comes to what is best for the Palestinians we often part ways.
And the common thread is when it comes to the issue of their advocacy for the Palestinians which blinds them to realities on the ground.
They see only the path of armed resistance with some wistful vision that Israel will cease to exist and all will be well.
They are happy warriors far from the realities of Gazans.
Whatever one may feel about Israel’s response, Hamas only offers more pain and suffering.
The only path for Palestinians oddly is the simplest. Renounce armed conflict and commit to peaceful coexistence.
The response that I’m likely to get will be the standard Israel is the imperialist colonizers whose people belong in Europe.
And that’s the problem. Those who advocate for a continued struggle are simply unconcerned about the plight of the Palestinians. Israel is a super power and the Palestinians penchant for generational conflict have largely become tiresome to the powers that be. The world wants to move on.
So Trump may or may not be serious. And sure the Arab neighbours will protest such pronouncements largely because they are less interested in the Palestinians than Israelis are. They don’t want them.
My point is this again is and has been a binary choice. Palestinians can choose the path of peaceful coexistence or find themselves increasingly contained.
The answer should have always been obvious. I guess Arab Americans in Dearborn didn’t get the memo.
The protesters are fantasists. They failed to ever articulate a concrete and pragmatic vision for what they wanted to see in Gaza. (In fact, NOBODY in the international community has been able to articulate one.) What exactly would they have Israel do after 10/7?
“Don’t fight a war” is just preposterous. The government - not a random terrorist group but the undisputed government - of the neighboring territory broke the ceasefire, went on a murder spree, and took hundreds of hostages. Gaza started the war and got exactly what it asked for.
“Fight the war but be more careful in your targeting of Hamas”? Ok, sounds reasonable, but you’re gonna have a rude awakening about how difficult this is to do in urban warfare, when the enemy doesn’t wear uniforms and hides among civilians. Exactly which operations should have been aborted or modified? I don’t know and neither do the protesters, zero percent of whom have ever fought a war or have any clue how war works.
“End the war sooner, there’s too much suffering” is perfectly reasonable but directed at the wrong party. When Gaza has had enough, it can release the hostages and sue for peace. The side that is getting destroyed (aka losing) quits, not the other way around.
The reality is that while I have MANY complaints about Israeli policies overall, its goals in this conflict - redeem the hostages and destroy Hamas - are totally reasonable and legal. The collateral consequences are grim because Hamas has chosen the battlefield specifically to cause maximum destruction.
What the protesters actually want is a fantasy revolution where Hamas can launch savage attacks and Israel doesn’t fight back. (This is why AOC cried over funding the iron dome, an entirely defensive weapons system.) It is not a moral or politically feasible vision, which is why they never got anything out of the Biden administration except rhetoric. Tlaib in particular has a fantasy about the Palestinian resistance that conveniently omits the decades of civilian-targeted terrorism and rejections of multiple offers of statehood. They then fantasized a genocide that isn’t actually happening (urban warfare is not genocide). They then fantasized that Trump would somehow deliver better results. And here we are.
Israel regularly used 2,000 lb bombs to do what n FPV drone would. That was a deliberate choice. At one point, even Trump was taken aback by the result. He told two RW Israeli journalists that 'Bibi needs to wrap this up' because the pictures of Gaza were so bad. They were reportedly shocked.
The damage to the Palestinians is not going to come directly from the U.S. Trump won't take any action, his words today will be forgotten by most. The problem is that he legitimated and promoted the cause of the right wing in Israel. They very well may move forward with some form of ethnic cleansing in the future, and this is a helpful push.
Or…Arab states will reverse their decades-long policy of refusing to take people leaving a war zone (while at the same time using them for propaganda purposes and calling it a genocide), and a large % of people will finally be able to leave, and the world (which has no problem with the idea of 6m Ukrainian refugees leaving that war zone) will spin that as “ethnic cleansing” anyway.
The 6m ppl driven out of Eastern UKR by RU is in fact ethnic cleansing and decent ppl in the West have recognized it as such. MAGA cheers RU along with the far right of Europe
Arabs & Turkey have often been generous in accepting war refugees. I assume you understand why Palestinians are a special case. The abuse of the Palestinians is a deep wound that has been festering for 80 years. The Arabs aren't going to participate in ethnic cleansing.
BTW, I'm not anti-Israel. The Arabs really want the Palestinian issue to go away, they want to establish relations with Israel. It's not simple.
It’s one thing to say “I believe this war is unjust/all the other sides fault” and it’s another thing to refuse to take in people who are fleeing a conflict zone so you can use them in a larger ideological war.
Are you willing to accept the Palestinian population into the United States? Not a rhetorical question; we are MUCH better able to absorb that population than Egypt or Jordan. In fact we could do so easily.
I hope protesters are holding, as in, "Hold the line...hold the line!" for now. So far, Trump has been mostly bluster. Tariffs? After all the noise, it seems we only need to confront 10% tariffs from China, not exactly enough to get people on the street. Elon Musk? That's a problem for elected Democrats right now, and they need to step up. Executive orders mean almost nothing, evidenced by Trump's undoing of Biden's and issuing his own. These orders mean nothing until things start happening on the ground. Gaza, Greenland, Panama Canal... and the list will go on... there is nothing to protest until Trump decides to put boots on the ground.
We need to consider the Trump voters (not the ones in the travelling rally sideshow). If and when tariffs drive up costs, they will feel it the most. If Trump invades Gaza or Panama, their children will be sent there. If Musk stops social security payments or messes with Medicaid, much the same result. We need to form a wider coalition which will come together when real effects are being felt. Otherwise, MAGAville will simply label the protests as being a bunch of whiny, woke libs. If those protests include people who, for example, voted for Trump (and hopefully attended a rally!) then show up on TV denouncing him, that will carry much more weight and make it much harder for Trump to decide on a rash response to the protests. Which will happen.
That would surely be ideal but so far all the right wing people I know are still all in. It will take a complete collapse for them to see the light and then it’ll be too late. And the religious ones will be like, “This is all part of God’s plan.” They are probably rooting for our military to be on the ground in Israel because it means the Lord is returning. Their mass delusions are harming the entire world.
There are two reasons why Talib and all those smug, ignorant, campus protesters are dead silent. Snow and Shame. It was convenient to "party up" all summer and romp in the fall foliage with their made for tik tok signage. But I was on a highway that they shut down for hours and was terrified (I have a medical condition that makes long car drives unbearable). And now, these domestic terrorists must OWN the fact that when millions of "their people" are marched into deportation, disease, and death that this part of the genocide is completely at their hands. We'll never forget the "none of the above" voting campaigns they led. I especially seethe at all the LGBTQ protesters, oblivious to how LGBTQ people and women were treated in Palestine before 10/7. Try asking a domestic Gaza protester any of these questions. Do you agree with honor killings? What's the reasoning behind strict dress codes for women? What rights do women have to reproduction, sexual agency, employment and education? Why are there so many children in Gaza? They can't even process these thoughts because they see Gaza as an exotic transference of US race issues -- white oppressors versus dark victims. But ask how many people in Israel have darker skin? All you'll get is an F and a U. Let's hope such a colossal tragedy in Gaza reminds people of what you write about here today Julie -- you can't protest vote. You must pick a side and stick with it.
I’d argue they never really cared about Palestine. They cared about the social capital that came with pretending to care about Palestine. Biden wasn’t going to send home land security to black bag them. Biden wasn’t going to call for outside armed thugs to suppress them. It’s easy to protest “your own side”. It’s low risk high reward. It’s the epitome of liberal hypocrisy and why people have a general disdain for the Democratic Party. It’s a party of being convenient, it’s a party of lambasting Amazon, while getting your Fresh delivery of over priced Quinoa. The “left” of today doesn’t actually stand for anything, beyond how their stance makes them look on social media. If they actually cared about Palestine they would be doing something, sacrificing something. They aren’t which is clear evidence they don’t.
This is what happened when Bush ran against Gore and 3rd party Nader ran. He got that protest vote and Bush won. Americans are so stupid.
Btw Biden held up weapons to Israel. He didn’t just finger wag.
Have comment here on this. Biden from the very start exerted as much pressure as he judged domestic US politics, domestic Israeli politics, and the need to deter Iran & proxies allowed. Schumer's speech calling for Bibi to go was part of that effort. Unfortunately, Bibi had the stronger hand, just ask Cori Bush et at, who lost primaries.
Yet they accused Biden of moral callousness, a trait he has NEVER exhibited in any context
What did Biden do to ‘deter’ Iran?
1. Maintaining flow of muntions, so Iran and proxies wouldn't see Israel as isolated and vulnerable.
2. Deploying USN and USAF to defend Israeli airspace, bringing allies like UK, France, Jordan, even Saudi, to assist.
3. Deploying in the Red Sea to counter Iranian proxies the Houthis.
Most intense combat for USN since WW2.
That's off the top of my head, there's more, I don't doubt.
True! But he also relieved sanctions that enriched them so it’s really a mixed bag
I’m tired of handing the presidency to Trump.
Nobody with good sense thought Bernie Sanders was more qualified than Hillary Clinton.
Even Tom Hayden endorsed HRC on left.
Anyone stupid enough to boycott Kamala Harris due to Biden’s policy on Israel when Trump was the only other choice makes me furious.
Sometimes adults have to make choices between imperfects. How many of those abstainers or Trump voters are demanding Congress do something now to correct for the easiest thing they could have done. Vote
Tlaib and her posse are just as stupid as the Hamas terrorists they support and the Bernie Bros who got Trump elected the first time.
Hamas got their military wing annihilated and a box of rubble where the “seaside paradise” or “open-air prison” (as Hamas called Gaza depending on the spin du jour) used to be.
Bernie bros got two terms of Trump for their trouble as a result of their Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
I'm with Tony Fabrizio, Trump's pollster, who told Kennedy School in 2017 'Bernie would have won'. Breaking up the banks is more popular than ending racism and sexism, it turns out. Recognize the quote I adapted? It's HRC,excusing her secret speeches to mega banks by saying breaking them up wouldn't end racism and sexism.
Biden governed as an economic populist for good reason. Oligarchs didn't like it. That's why corporate media trashed him. And corporate Democrats abandoned him.
When what you are motivated by is solely Jew hatred, things tend not to work out well. Usually not this quickly, but still.
Yeah, I tangled with a couple of the people who excoriated Biden for supplying Israel, and, notwithstanding that they KNEW that Trump would be worse, they hated Biden so much that they stayed home or actually voted for Trump. Great way to SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FUCKING FOOT, assholes, and ensure that the rest of us have to watch Trump decimate and destroy Gaza.
I am just BOGGLED by the performative BS and stupidity that took place among these otherwise intelligent folks.
>> “I don’t write this merely to castigate Tlaib or the people who spent last year undermining the Harris campaign on behalf of a cause in which they deeply believe.” <<
Tlaib clearly believes in her cause (so much that she harms it) but the *vast* majority of the rest don’t at all. To them it was just a chance to be self-righteous and stroke their own egos.
Vastly more important to them to be seen protesting than to actually improve anything for the people they claim to support but truthfully don’t give a damn about.
“Virtue signaling” while making things worse for the Palestinians.
I appreciate the general sentiment of this piece, with one vital pushback. The stringency of your conclusion about Trump ("If you oppose him, there is no equivocation, no parsing, no collaboration. There is only opposition — to him and to every single thing for which he stands") is closer than you seem to realize to the *idealism* you warn against.
The reality, for most people, is that equivocation, parsing, and compromise are not only practically necessary to govern, but also more reflective of what's really true: for example, federal government agencies really are extremely wasteful and inefficient. The political "binary" you're advocating, and the total rejection of nuance and ambiguity, is closer to an ideal or principle.
All this to say, there are clear political risks in adopting an uncompromising stance, as you illustrate with Tlaib et al. But don't discredit that there are also grave risks in failing to do so, which you seem to acknowledge, perhaps inadvertently, when you conclude here with your own uncompromising stance.
No. There really can be no compromise with fascism. That’s a line in the sand. Anyone unclear about that needs a few history lessons.
As for inefficiencies - you prove them, if you can. The IGs were fired - the very people tasked with rooting out corruption and inefficiencies. Public service isn’t a a business and shouldn’t be run as one. But I guess you’ll find out all too quickly what happens to a country without effective public institutions.
I work full-time for one of our public institutions. The inefficiencies are well-known to anyone who works there and/or relies on its services, and it's been this way for years. None of which is to say I believe a deranged, attention-seeking billionaire and a kid named Big Balls should be gleefully hacking at it with a chainsaw.
I would not advise compromise with fascism, either. What I'm suggesting is just that our world and politics are complex. We can be axiomatic about condemning and resisting fascism, and reach different conclusions about how exactly to do so. Such is democracy.
Very fair answer. Thank you.
These idiots have a lot to answer for. They have done both us and the cause and future of Palestinians incalculable damage.
Have the Palestinians ever done anything that harms their own cause and future? Or do they exist above any notion of agency and responsibility?
They’ve done plenty to harm themselves. That is on their leadership, not on millions of innocent people.
I feel a lot of the protest votes, particularly from those not directly affected or connected to the genocide, were an attempt to psychologically separate themselves from complicity. Almost as if they could wash their hands of the horrors by “not participating.” No matter how much anyone tried to tell them that it didn’t work that way and no action or third party action was in itself a form of self sabotage, they would not hear of it. And now they are silent…except when we point out the obvious folly of their actions, at which point they are quick to accuse us of being “divisive” and promoting infighting. Classic DARVO.
Thank god not a genocide. Not by any metric, measure or historical example. I know that fact upsets you. I know you really really want it to be a genocide so you can virtue signal online even harder to your fake friends on the Internet but it isn't. Sorry for your loss you fucking self-centered ghoul.
Yeah sure petal. Did you chat gpt “how to write a troll message” for that one? Move along you energy sucking tool.
Same with the 90 million non-voters - "You can't blame me, 'cause I didn't vote for any of them!"
Ridiculous man. He talked about how Gaza was rubble standing next to the other war criminal Bibi. This is Kushner and Huckabee’s wet dream. Kushner for money and religion, Huckabee because he wants to bring on Armageddon.
The reason uni students may not be protesting is because trump has signed an EO to deport any student protesting but I don’t know why others aren’t.
Very well presented. I follow some very bright people although when it comes to what is best for the Palestinians we often part ways.
And the common thread is when it comes to the issue of their advocacy for the Palestinians which blinds them to realities on the ground.
They see only the path of armed resistance with some wistful vision that Israel will cease to exist and all will be well.
They are happy warriors far from the realities of Gazans.
Whatever one may feel about Israel’s response, Hamas only offers more pain and suffering.
The only path for Palestinians oddly is the simplest. Renounce armed conflict and commit to peaceful coexistence.
The response that I’m likely to get will be the standard Israel is the imperialist colonizers whose people belong in Europe.
And that’s the problem. Those who advocate for a continued struggle are simply unconcerned about the plight of the Palestinians. Israel is a super power and the Palestinians penchant for generational conflict have largely become tiresome to the powers that be. The world wants to move on.
So Trump may or may not be serious. And sure the Arab neighbours will protest such pronouncements largely because they are less interested in the Palestinians than Israelis are. They don’t want them.
My point is this again is and has been a binary choice. Palestinians can choose the path of peaceful coexistence or find themselves increasingly contained.
The answer should have always been obvious. I guess Arab Americans in Dearborn didn’t get the memo.
The protesters are fantasists. They failed to ever articulate a concrete and pragmatic vision for what they wanted to see in Gaza. (In fact, NOBODY in the international community has been able to articulate one.) What exactly would they have Israel do after 10/7?
“Don’t fight a war” is just preposterous. The government - not a random terrorist group but the undisputed government - of the neighboring territory broke the ceasefire, went on a murder spree, and took hundreds of hostages. Gaza started the war and got exactly what it asked for.
“Fight the war but be more careful in your targeting of Hamas”? Ok, sounds reasonable, but you’re gonna have a rude awakening about how difficult this is to do in urban warfare, when the enemy doesn’t wear uniforms and hides among civilians. Exactly which operations should have been aborted or modified? I don’t know and neither do the protesters, zero percent of whom have ever fought a war or have any clue how war works.
“End the war sooner, there’s too much suffering” is perfectly reasonable but directed at the wrong party. When Gaza has had enough, it can release the hostages and sue for peace. The side that is getting destroyed (aka losing) quits, not the other way around.
The reality is that while I have MANY complaints about Israeli policies overall, its goals in this conflict - redeem the hostages and destroy Hamas - are totally reasonable and legal. The collateral consequences are grim because Hamas has chosen the battlefield specifically to cause maximum destruction.
What the protesters actually want is a fantasy revolution where Hamas can launch savage attacks and Israel doesn’t fight back. (This is why AOC cried over funding the iron dome, an entirely defensive weapons system.) It is not a moral or politically feasible vision, which is why they never got anything out of the Biden administration except rhetoric. Tlaib in particular has a fantasy about the Palestinian resistance that conveniently omits the decades of civilian-targeted terrorism and rejections of multiple offers of statehood. They then fantasized a genocide that isn’t actually happening (urban warfare is not genocide). They then fantasized that Trump would somehow deliver better results. And here we are.
Israel regularly used 2,000 lb bombs to do what n FPV drone would. That was a deliberate choice. At one point, even Trump was taken aback by the result. He told two RW Israeli journalists that 'Bibi needs to wrap this up' because the pictures of Gaza were so bad. They were reportedly shocked.
The damage to the Palestinians is not going to come directly from the U.S. Trump won't take any action, his words today will be forgotten by most. The problem is that he legitimated and promoted the cause of the right wing in Israel. They very well may move forward with some form of ethnic cleansing in the future, and this is a helpful push.
Or…Arab states will reverse their decades-long policy of refusing to take people leaving a war zone (while at the same time using them for propaganda purposes and calling it a genocide), and a large % of people will finally be able to leave, and the world (which has no problem with the idea of 6m Ukrainian refugees leaving that war zone) will spin that as “ethnic cleansing” anyway.
The 6m ppl driven out of Eastern UKR by RU is in fact ethnic cleansing and decent ppl in the West have recognized it as such. MAGA cheers RU along with the far right of Europe
Arabs & Turkey have often been generous in accepting war refugees. I assume you understand why Palestinians are a special case. The abuse of the Palestinians is a deep wound that has been festering for 80 years. The Arabs aren't going to participate in ethnic cleansing.
BTW, I'm not anti-Israel. The Arabs really want the Palestinian issue to go away, they want to establish relations with Israel. It's not simple.
It’s one thing to say “I believe this war is unjust/all the other sides fault” and it’s another thing to refuse to take in people who are fleeing a conflict zone so you can use them in a larger ideological war.
Are you willing to accept the Palestinian population into the United States? Not a rhetorical question; we are MUCH better able to absorb that population than Egypt or Jordan. In fact we could do so easily.
Or is your priority ideological?
I hope the price they pay they will never forget.
I hope protesters are holding, as in, "Hold the line...hold the line!" for now. So far, Trump has been mostly bluster. Tariffs? After all the noise, it seems we only need to confront 10% tariffs from China, not exactly enough to get people on the street. Elon Musk? That's a problem for elected Democrats right now, and they need to step up. Executive orders mean almost nothing, evidenced by Trump's undoing of Biden's and issuing his own. These orders mean nothing until things start happening on the ground. Gaza, Greenland, Panama Canal... and the list will go on... there is nothing to protest until Trump decides to put boots on the ground.
We need to consider the Trump voters (not the ones in the travelling rally sideshow). If and when tariffs drive up costs, they will feel it the most. If Trump invades Gaza or Panama, their children will be sent there. If Musk stops social security payments or messes with Medicaid, much the same result. We need to form a wider coalition which will come together when real effects are being felt. Otherwise, MAGAville will simply label the protests as being a bunch of whiny, woke libs. If those protests include people who, for example, voted for Trump (and hopefully attended a rally!) then show up on TV denouncing him, that will carry much more weight and make it much harder for Trump to decide on a rash response to the protests. Which will happen.
That would surely be ideal but so far all the right wing people I know are still all in. It will take a complete collapse for them to see the light and then it’ll be too late. And the religious ones will be like, “This is all part of God’s plan.” They are probably rooting for our military to be on the ground in Israel because it means the Lord is returning. Their mass delusions are harming the entire world.