As I've written previously, this all dates back to 2016 when Russians hacked the DNC. It's seems reasonable that the RNC was also hacked but that info was not released (to Trump supporters). The compromat obtained on GOP members must have been devastating enough to "force" US Senators (GOP) to show their compliance by visiting Russia on July 4, 2018!

Currently, whether that compromat is still in place (I believe it is for Linsey "Gone With the Wind" Graham), its use can still be a threat. It doesn't have to be true. Just surreptitiously releasing info about an opponent is Trumps greatest tool.

Haley et al al are clearly putting party ahead of country but it's probable that their entire personal reputation may be at risk.

Vance, on the other hand, is clearly an opportunist with very scary views. Venture Capitalists are, by nature, opportunists. Hand picked by Musk with the promise of $45 million. Remember, Trump is transactional by nature. The thought that he could be "one heartbeat" from the presidency should scare everyone!

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I’m not of a conspiratorial bent, but that’s too plausible to dismiss. 🤔😉😊

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I hope Nikki Haley just burned her entire political career! I actually had some respect for her on the campaign trail. Not anymore, she just proved she is no different with zero personal integrity.

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You left Moscow Mitch McConnell out of the list of cowards. He is definitely top five material. Trump made racist comments about his own wife and he did nothing.

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More like the Last Bastion of Gerald Ford, honestly. Reagan was Trump with Tact and Charisma.

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...and Bush was just Reagan with a Bloodline connected to The Windsors.

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Check my subscription, sure I have done a monthly .

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