“President Joe Biden can, and absolutely fucking should, say, “Fuck you. Section Four of the 14th Amendment of The United States fucking Constitution ..., assholes”


“Debt ceiling? 14th Amendment. Done.

What’s next?”

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I am not worried because Biden holds all the cards here, and he wants to get re-elected. The only issue is how to play this so Republicans get the blame. If worse comes to worse, and the nation defaults, markets will be perfectly aware of the situation. There is no long-term risk because the government cannot run out of money. There will be some selling and bond markets will tank, as will stock markets.

This is a good thing, because it forces Republican's moneyed backers to complain *loudly* about their party's shenanigans. At this point, three things can happen: (1) McCarthy throws in the towel and brings a clean bill to a vote. (2) A discharge petition is used to do the same thing (3) Biden resolves it on his own, the cleanest approach would be to use the coin, so I hope Biden chooses that.

If Biden is going to have to act he should probably address the nation before doing so. In the midst of collapsing markets, he will describe the problem, saying how Republicans could have just passed the clean bill as they did the last time they were here (and they did it three times). After noting they STILL haven't acted and are refusing to, then it falls the Executive branch to do so. At this point the debt level with drop by $1 trillion with the expenditure of the coin and normal business will resume. Markets will rapidly return to where they were, and life will go on. But voters will have gotten a taste of what Republican governance has now devolved into.

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I agree with half of what you say. This is serious. But this crisis is the fault of both parties and raising the debt ceiling is just kicking the can down the road and buying a little more time. The US is insolvent and we will have to pay the piper eventually. How and when that piper is paid is based in part on which side of the partisan divide you are on, but don't fool yourself that either side really gives a damn about you.

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My god, but you bots just come pouring out of the woodwork, don’t you.

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Bots? Why? Because I think the Democrats suck as much as the Republicans, except the Democrats are pandering to their own audience on diversity while hypocritically continuing to prop up their very own old white male accused of rape in the White House?

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Because you're NOT thinking. Just an unthinking stooge on autopilot echoing empty “both sides” lies.

One party is trying to pass legislation that provides medical coverage for working people, and the other is denying it to citizens in their states.

One party says medical decisions should be left to patients and their doctors with no gov’t interference, and the other says politicians in DC should decide you don’t get care.

One party says we need reasonable limits on guns just like the majority of the citizens want, and the other says we need MORE guns because the real problem is schools have too many doors.

There are literally a hundred more examples but, yeah, you go ahead and tell me how both parties are exactly the same.

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Thank you, Christopher. You said this ⬆️, so I don’t have to. “Both sides do it” is the very height of intellectual laziness.

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It’s the excuse they like to use for their selfishness and self righteousness. “Both sides are equally evil. So my not voting is moral choice. And since I didn’t vote, you can’t blame me for the outcome.”

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You sure like to make a lot of assumptions here. I'm also failing to see how you are a model for not being "self-righteous" but maybe that's just me. :-)

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"One party says medical decisions should be left to patients and their doctors with no gov’t interference, and the other says politicians in DC should decide you don’t get care." OH REALLY? One party (The Democrats via Biden) promoted vaccine mandates with brand new, never-before-used-on-a-wide-scale vaccine technology and banned patient choice in covid treatment (ivermectin, etc.) and the Republican party restricts abortions. NEITHER party represents bodily autonomy or medical freedom.

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Ooooohh...you're an anti-vaxxer.

Your opinion is invalid. Nothing you say matters becaue you are incapable of rational thought.

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From https://wholistic.substack.com/p/glenn-greenwalds-husband-has-died?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2: "...Glenn Greenwald, who is one of my favorite all-time journalists"

Say no more.

(Except to note she on to say she believes Greenwald's husband's illness and eventual death were caused by the Covid vaccine based on... her suspicions. She even admits she has no evidence he ever actually took the vaccine. But, you know, she has suspicions so it must be true.)

Say no more.

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This arrogant and close-minded attitude of yours is precisely why I left the "left" and became an independent and want nothing to do with today's "progressive" movement.

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More lies. “Mandates” don’t force anyone to do anything.

With a few reasonable exceptions for first responders, NOBODY was required to get vaccinated. NOBODY was required to wear a mask. It was entirely up to the individual to choose.

And before you chime in with “required to get vaccinated/wear mask to go into restaurant” types of claims, the choice to be vaccinated or not still remained with the individual. Choices have consequences. Choose to run a red light and you get ticketed. Choose not to wear a mask and you’re not allowed into some places.

What all the people complaining about that are insisting in is that THEY get to choose not to wear a mask and OTHERS then have to bear the consequences. “I choose to go without a mask and you have to bear the consequence of my choosing to spread my germs.” As I said, selfish.

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A mandate by definition forces you to do something, otherwise "there will be consequences" - which have ranged from being fired from jobs to being refused life-saving transplants. To being barred from healthcare. And eventually if your thinking takes its evitable trajectory, forced vaccination or you lose your kids, lose your freedom, get thrown in jail. All of which makes ZERO SENSE for shots that do NOT stop the vaccinated from getting and spreading a disease which is not deadly for now 99% of the people get infected with it.

BTW, I don't mind masks so much but apparently they don't work very well, and either way, it sounds like you want to wrap yourself and everyone else up in bubble wrap and never challenge your immune system in an imperfect world filled with all sorts of germs and toxins. Good luck with that.

So once again, which party is for health freedom? I still say, NEITHER.

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Stephanie. Better to judge a Party by what they have done lately than what they “are trying to pass” and what they “say”. Democrats had ample opportunities to codify a federal pro choice law, rescind the Bush and Trump tax cuts, implement health insurance that actually helps people more than insurance companies, and cut wasteful spending from the military and bloated security state budgets. But they have not.

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How tedious to ignore everything Democrats have done in order to whine about everything you wanted them to do to justify the most boring stance of all: Both sides are just as bad.

"I wanted a pony but I only got a puppy so Democrats are just as bad as literal Nazis" is not the mature, nuanced ideology you seem to think it is. It's the temper tantrum of a child.

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The US is not insolvent and will never have to pay the piper. We don't live in the 17th century when that was actually true, and states could go bankrupt. The British government was on the edge of bankruptcy at the beginning of the English Civil War (it was one of the precipitating factors). But this possibility was eliminated in 1694 with the founding of the Bank of England. The US had a central bank in its early years, and then sort of managing things with a system of National Banks for about 80 years and then we got another central bank in 1913 and have had it ever since. States cannot go bankrupt if they have a central bank, because they create money, so you can't ever run out (which is what bankruptcy entails).

This means the risk of fiscal deficits is inflation, not insolvency. I give a simple way to see how that works here. https://mikealexander.substack.com/p/a-new-way-to-look-at-inflation-revised

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Yes, you are correct, technically...in my opinion, when you keep creating money out of thin air, running up inflation, eventually that money will become worthless, and you'll be "insolvent."

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We gave up the old standard in 1971. The dollar will only become worthless if the Republicans refuse to pay our accrued bills which leads to a default.

The Democrat's budget reduces our deficit year over year - Republicans increased the deficit every year but gave tax cuts to the rich.

No Stephanie the two parties are not the same.

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Holy cow have you bought into a lot of propaganda. Both parties are responsible for this fiscal mess and the Democrats just want to spend like there's no tomorrow. I.e., the Democrats are now wanting to give out billions in reparations, e.g., in California, when California's infrastructure is crumbling. Republicans are also not following their own fiscal prudence ideology so yes, both sides suck big time.

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Based on your earlier post, at least I haven't "bought into" the lie that Ivermectin is effective against Covid. It is not. I DID buy into the fact that the vaccine saved millions of lives. And the old reparations straw man- it will not -and should not become National policy.

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Your personal beliefs about ivermectin and vaccine effectiveness are neither here nor there, do you support the rights of patients to determine what goes into their bodies, including ivermectin if they so wish and to deny covid vaccination?

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"California's infrastructure is crumbling." Again, your opinion is invalid. Nothing you say matters because you are incapable of rational thought.

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Instead of attacking me without any thought of your own, perhaps explain to me how California's infrastructure is NOT crumbling and the state is doing well?

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Republicans haven't had a fiscal ideology since 1971. As Dick Cheney put it in 2002, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter.

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But has this inflation happened? People have been calling for it since 1971--a long time ago. Back in the nineties I was accused of being a "hard money liquidationist" when I first expressed my views in this issue (which were probably similar to yours). Except the expected inflationary outcome never happened.

Some background. From 1978 to 2002 I was a single-issue voter on the deficit. I stridently opposed Reagan in the 1980 primary because he wanted to run massive deficits, which I thought would be inflationary (inflation was a big issue then too). I voted against him (and Carter too) and then voted against him in 1984 and against pro-deficit Republicans in 1988, 1992 and 1996. In 2000 I voted FOR a president for the first time in my life, we had a surplus and Gore was talking about keeping (using a lockbox metaphor) while Bush was calling for pissing it away on more bubble-promoting tax cuts.

Well, the American people elected Bush and he rapidly moved to get rid of that surplus. I then realized that it was pointless to elect a fiscal conservative, because as soon as they are successful, Americans will elect a Republican who will piss in the Cheerios. So I became a toaster Democrat in 2002, in that I will vote for a kitchen appliance before I will vote for *any* Republican no matter how odious the Democrat. The Republicans burned all bridges with me with their fiscal irresponsibility while they lie about being fiscally conservative.

Last fall, I finally decided to look into how this inflation stuff works (why didn't fiscal irresponsibility lead to inflation like I thought it would in 1980?) and came up with this, which seems to work OK:


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Both parties are responsible for this fiasco because of consistently borrowing and wasting all the money on the military industrial complex. Until BOTH parties are held to account nothing will change. It will be a continual run to the bottom. Blaming one side or the other without admitting that both sides are at fault only exacerbates the problem.

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⬆️ This, folks. This is what a moron looks like. ⬆️

Don’t listen to the clown calling to you from the sewer.

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I'm thinking I should get any money I might have in the stock market out.

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