"Would that erase the subsequent guilt of the IDF and the Israeli government? No."

Someone who is a victim on Monday may around and victimize someone else on Tuesday but it doesn't erase the fact that on Monday they were a victim.

That so many are utterly unwilling to acknowledge this really simple thing to understand both never ceases to amaze me and fails to surprise me.

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Your description of some of the “alternative” theories, those folks are expressing reminds me an awful lot of QAnon. (Don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up.) 🤔😉😊

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The ceasefire crowd is treading well-worn ground in their mad dash towards embracing their inner Nazi. They'll get to "Jews drink blood" soon enough. I have no doubt of it.

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It is escalating

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Tough being Cassandra, ain’t it, Justin? Wasn’t easy for her, either. At least you won’t get murdered by Clytemnestra. 🤔😉😊

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We hope. ;)

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Just stay away from Mycenae. And now I have beaten this reference into submission. Thanks for listening. 🤔😉😊

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"“From the river to the sea” chant after all has nothing to do with Palestinian self determination — it is an explicit call for the murder of all Jews in Israel."

https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-776987 :

> In a recent survey of 250 college students across the US, some

> 86% supported the Palestinian chant “From the river to the sea,”

> — but only slightly more than half of them (47%) were able to

> name ... the boundaries that the slogan is talking about.

> ...

> After learning a handful of basic facts about the Middle East,

> two-thirds of the surveyed students went from supporting

> "from the river to the sea" to rejecting it.

Three-thirds of the students chanting the slogan were idiots.

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Yuuuuup. Catchy slogans advocating for genocide. Disturbing that 1/3 were still on board. Kind of weird that the anti-genocide crowd is just fine with genocide as long as it's Jews dying.

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Therein lies the problem

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"I am not a prophet."



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Hah!!!! Under a Trump regime, I would probably be nailed to a cross for blasphemy.

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Or used as a human torch

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I see the problem of the Jews always being the fall-guys for everything is entirely because they are such a distinct bunch of humans - everybody knows they have specific religious practices, believe they were given specific instructions by 'God' & that they tend to stick together & support their group's endeavors, which tend to be successful because of said support. All of this makes other people jealous & mad, and if they want to pick on a group to dislike they find it easy to make that the Jews - who do not generally get into physical fights with anyone !!! Nothing bothers a bully more than the victim being passive ! I'm of Jewish extract, did not know that until I was in my 70's, but luckily had NO prejudicial feelings towards Jewish people so that did not come as a negative to me ! My kids had a good laugh when I told them & proceeded to announce it to the world. One of my brothers was a bit put out at this new knowledge, and got mocked by his wife for prior comments he had made on the subject ! Very interesting is the recognition that many, many Jews over the ages hid who they were in order to escape the prejudice even as they migrated all over the world, even to the far reaches of Scotland, and sometimes kept up their traditions in secret ! Some of these very same QAnon types may be of Jewish extract themselves & simply do not know !!! THAT I find very comical ! So - all this prejudice & seemingly automatic hatred by some of our fellows is hardly rational & maybe some of the haters need to look carefully at their own genetics ???

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Protests are always game to be captured and subverted by opportunists.

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True, but these protests started off ugly. Far uglier than they should have and far sooner than they should have. People were loudly celebrating the 10/7 attack the day after it happened and that does not fit the pattern of previous conflicts.

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My thoughts exactly and mostly by younger people-students who were only looking at it from their own perspective, not what it really was and by the time they got going full throttle Netanyahu had responded in a no holds barred way that almost making their case for them.

We can argue who’s wrong , who’s right forever but somehow someway

the fighting must stop.

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I don't understand how something as repellant as the October 7 attacks can be a rallying cry. Large parts of the world seem to have gone insane.

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Hating Jews is the oldest hate there is. Except possibly hating women.

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