Agree Bob. Been chafing at that nonsense GOP talking point since Reagan. And then, locally, these same cranks who always spout this junk will complain that road repairs are taking too long or “why won’t someone do something about ‘x.” In Illinois, we have the most local govt entities and I’m sure we all scratch our heads on that one. Townships maintain our roads instead of a larger state run system. Probably thought to be more responsive to needs of our communities. But. Then most of the property tax goes to schools and there’s howling when our local scores dip! GOP looks to govt only as a source of revenue. In Reagan’s era it was the military contractors. Now it’s google, starlink, etc. I think Bernie, Warren, AOC, Crockett et al are gearing up for the barn storming “explain it to me like I’m a 3rd grader” tour. In the meantime, we still have the streets.

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I think the biggest annoyance is that all the anti-government rhetoric is just re-direction of the false promises of capitalism. We can't tell companies what to do, and their focus is to make a profit not make better outcomes, so we as a country direct it towards a thing we do have a say in our represented leaders, who are required to listen to us. I agree with your sentiment though Bob that people need to take ownership of their role in government and not see themselves a part from it.

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The concept of no government is childish at best and supporting that idea illustrates a total lack of care for the well being of us all.

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We The People are the government, without us there would be no need for government, it was formed for the people, by the people, funded by the people. They work for us, they work for the military, the military upholds our constitution and ensures government doesn’t issue unconstitutional orders for them to follow, that is to protect the people from a tyrannical regime! Now is when they need to act on our behalf before We The People have to do it for them

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Yeah dude we are. We're making it better and more efficient.

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You'll soon find out how wrong you are, anonymous coward.

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A government that has a senile puppet for a president and an administration and media that covers it up for 4 years, when it’s as plain as day for at least half of the public, I don’t need.

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Learn all of this on Fox Entertainment?

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No, Jake Tapper's new book. And he is definitely NOT MAGA.

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Ok. Thank you for the reply. I will check it out.

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