Enjoyed this piece enough to trigger a paid subscription.

I will say, of the people I know who had MAGA hats in 2016, almost all of them have walked away from Trumpism. While they would still vote for Trump if it came to it in 2024, that vote would be cast the same as many liberals who reluctantly voted for Hillary in 2016.

That doesn't' excuse the McConnell's o the Greene's, but it does give me comfort that my friends who went with Trump were able to adapt their views as he became increasingly unraveled. Anecdotal of course.

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Many thanks Michael! Your support is greatly appreciate :)

The few people I know who threw their lot in with Trump are probably of similar mind. They can't stand him but would probably reluctantly vote for him in 2024. I don't think this is good enough though -- there is a moral imperative to preserve the democratic system here, and if you can't put partisan politics aside to do that, you must be held accountable for the results.

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Someone holding their nose and voting for Trump is still voting for Trump. Is still voting for someone who tried to violently overthrow the legitimately elected government. Someone who publicly declared they want to get rid of the Constitution and is is a traitor

Voting for Trump is not an action to be excused because they do it reluctantly.

In my experience, they aren’t reluctant because they don’t like him, but because they know it exposes who they really are: fascists, racists, misogynists who want to hurt others.

Do NOT provide them with cover by accepting their lies of reluctance.

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