If the cult and the alt right, the othe talking heads Fox propaganda terrorist network keep lying and these folk too lame or ignorant to research this nonsense let them go to jail or maybe we can send them to Guantanamo Bay where we send the other terrorists. Enough we need our country back.

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Thing is, we can’t put people in prison for what they believe, yes they believe Trump but his followers are dropping away. I lost my oldest brother to Trump, my bro, a Vietnam veteran, volunteered for three tours. I looked up to him being only seven when he left but our different opinions about tRump caused a big rift in our family, I had to leave Facebook to stop his

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Really that what the Trump cult, the crime family Eric and Junior believe and the criminal enterprise didn’t cover Barr do that to Micheal Cohen. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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But you see-there in lies the problem. If you asked a hundred people on a well known street in SF or New York what they know of our history with Russia, what they know about Putin, they’ll give you false verbiage learned from “Dear Leader.” Ask the same people what they know of Adolf Hitlers history after WWI, they’ll stare blankly at you. They either do t know, don’t care to know, or they know it wrong. They’ll never see the similarities because of their ignorance of the man that s responsible for the deaths of over 59 million people world wide, they might’ve watched the unimportant stuff or less important about Hitler on the History channel, because it’s entertaining to them.

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