These new charges against the former president are as ironclad as any charges could be in this instance. Jack Smith's indictment shows beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind that Humpty Dumpty evidenced "criminal intent" in his devious plot to overturn the 2020 election. Trump needs to be tried and convicted in order for our country to recover from the cancer of Trumpism. I'm very comforted with the appointment of this D.C. judge, Tanya Chutkan, who is no fan of the January 6 insurrectionists who have been convicted under her jurisdiction. There is no reason for the trial's venue to be changed just for the sake of this consummate con man.

The nonsense about Hunter Biden for the far right is another form of desperation from a bereft political party. Let them talk about poor Hunter Biden until 2024 and this will damn them to a major loss to Joe Biden. I love Justin's statement saying that the party should continue to obsess over this nonissue with Americans who don't give a damn about Hunter Biden. Republicans will rue the day that they focused so intensely on the troubled son of the current president. They have no morals, no empathy, no honesty, and stupidly underestimate the American voting public.

In your fascist segment, it's good that you focused on a fascist-in-the-making, Florida Governor Ron "DeMented" who could be called a Trump with a brain - but without the concomitant charisma or appeal of a Trump. His chances of garnering the Republican nomination for president are practically nonexistent. But as you indicated, we might have to worry about him in 2028 if he even lasts that long. I hope he doesn't - for this country's sake.

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It is distressing to listen as Ben slides further down into conspiracy theories on alien visitation and crashed space vehicles. And while you can argue that its only flying saucers and little grey men, it is just as ridiculous as RFK and his anti-vax crusade, Marianne Williamson and her new-age nonsense, and the human bobbleheads on shows like Finding Bigfoot and Ancient Aliens. And yes, Ben is now a conspiracy theorist. He has no interest in logical explanations and extraordinary evidence to support his extraordinary claims and if he is aware of them, he wont present them to the listeners. He will spend an hour discussing the testimony (all hearsay as usual) of David Grusch but never a counter argument or critique of his "evidence". Ben continually uses words like "legitimate" "credible" and "serious". But two words you will never hear from him are Mick West: a science writer and skeptical investigator who uses science, logic, experimentation, math, and peer review to provide explanations for the recent UAP videos released by our government (see link below). This is one of his shorter videos but you get a clear understanding of his methods. Mick West often uses words like operating capabilities, vector, altitude, control surfaces, parallax, imaging pods, etc. But these words are not included in most UAP stories because math and science take time to do and even more time to explain and comprehend. And so news reporters cant be bothered to cover the phenomena properly and conspiracy theorists will NEVER even acknowledge his work or the work of any other skeptical journalist, because that holds zero interest for them. Any discussion with a conspiracy theorist becomes a whack-a-mole endeavor of what aboutism and deflection. A few weeks ago, Ben spent an hour interviewing Daniel Pinchbeck. This is a guy who still thinks Uri Geller and crop circles are topics for serious inquiry. Crop circles. Spoon bending. They never once presented evidence that contradicts their various theories for alien visitation. Extraordinary claims, blah blah blah. And if you have trouble grasping the made up word salad that Pinchbeck says, well that's okay dude, as he condescendingly will tell you, this stuff took him years to understand fully. I spent way to much of my childhood researching and reading books about Sasquatch, pyramid power, paranormal claims, ESP, telekinesis and at least a dozen books on the Bermuda Triangle. I was really into this stuff. I thought Erich von Däniken and Charles Berlitz were geniuses. And then I bought a book called The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved by Larry Kusche and learned the innocence destroying knowledge that not everything written in a book is true but if you are willing to do real research, science skepticism can explain all "unexplained phenomena". Kusche provides logical and evidence supported explanations for all the major triangle disappearances. His book on Flight 19 and the men who flew those planes into legend is a great read. You get to know the pilots, how they disappeared and you end up feeling sorry for these young aviators and their loss over the Atlantic Ocean. Famed magician and skeptical writer James Randi created a challenge that would award one million dollars to ANY person who could perform a paranormal feat under controlled circumstances. He started this challenge in 1964 and it was discontinued in 2015. No one EVER claimed the million dollar prize, Nessie is still avoiding fishermen, ships continue to sail through the Bermuda triangle, the human built pyramids are made of stone, the chuckleheads on Finding Bigfoot never found Bigfoot and Whitley Strieber is still a kook. Come on Ben. You are an exceptional and occasionally brilliant journalist and someone I like, admire and love listening to, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Full stop. Its enough.


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I'm very sorry to be That Guy, but Justin referred to a hypothetical member of Trump's jury as a "jurist." This happened more than once.

Someday he might be in a context where this actually matters, so I wanted to note that in the US and Canada, a "jurist" always means a legal expert or a judge. Someone who serves on a jury is a juror.

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