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Uh-huh, good luck with that one.

The right have spent the past 72 hours spinning like a Category F-5 tornado that this exonerates Drumpf and his inner circle, while the left is just standing around wondering what the fuck just happened. This sort of shit shows the public, as well as the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™, that the right is assertive while the left is confused. That is not going to play well with an election more than a year and a half away, especially given how the Republicans have fallen lock step with Drumpf while the factions in the left continue to squabble over which Democratic candidate is best suited to go up against Drumpf.

If the left doesn't get its shit together, and fast, Drumpf WILL be given a second term and the Blue Wave from November will get pale and diluted and fade away.

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